lock-up for lunch

Jonathan E. Quist jeq at laidbak.UUCP
Wed Oct 2 16:10:51 AEST 1985

In article <166 at circadia.UUCP> dave at circadia.UUCP (David Messer) writes:
>How about a new newsgroup -- net.sources.lock-up?  :->

Exothermic reaction follows.

Kind of amazing, actually.  A mere 6 weeks ago, somebody posted
a request for a program to log off idle users.

Also kind of amazing seeing people bragging about being able
to lock up a terminal at a crowded comp. center while
they wander off to go shopping for a few hours.
When I was in school (no, this is not a good ol' days
reverie, this was 2 years ago) terminals were in such
demand that we had to sign up for them, and anyone who
intentionally left a terminal unusable was subject
to weeks of verbal abuse.

Of course, anyone *clever* enough to lock up a terminal
need not concern themselves with someone less clever
who is struggling to meet a deadline.

Afterburner off.

Jonathan E. Quist

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