Man pages

Mark Galassi rosalia at tekig4.UUCP
Wed Oct 2 11:45:32 AEST 1985

In article <1310 at cwruecmp.UUCP> cwruacm at cwruecmp.UUCP (CWRU Student Chapter ACM) writes:
>> Nroff is not part of the System V distribution. Even when it is
>> some of the macro pacakages that you BSD type are use to are not
>> present. When you post a man page for something like 'less' you
>> MUST post the formated version.
>let's make that *please* post the formatted version.
>			xoxorich.
Let us also add to that that they **also** post the "nroff" source, so that
anybody can make ravisions and adapt the program to their system,
and modify the manual to reflect the situation.
    I think it would be horrible if someone posted a program which uses
the file "/etc/xxx", and on a given system it must use "/etc/yyy", and the
manual pages STILL CLAIM it is in xxx!!!!!
					Mark Galassi
{these opinions are mine and they should be everybody elses :-) }

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