reversing lines in a file

Stephen J. Muir stephen at dcl-cs.UUCP
Mon Sep 16 03:37:20 AEST 1985

In article <2140 at ukma.UUCP> slg at ukma.UUCP (Sean Gilley) writes:
>Uh.. folks, in our flavor UN*X, (4.2) ``tail'' has a -r option
>that does just that.  Don't people _like_ tail? :-)

It's SUPPOSED to go right back to the beginning.  It doesn't on OUR 4.2 system.
Try it on the news history file.  All of the alternative attempts I've seen to
do the same as my program have to read the whole file -- mine doesn't.
UUCP:	...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!dcl-cs!stephen
DARPA:	stephen%lancs.comp at ucl-cs	| Post: University of Lancaster,
JANET:	stephen at	|	Department of Computing,
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