reversing lines in a file

Sean Gilley slg at ukma.UUCP
Sat Sep 7 02:06:26 AEST 1985

Uh.. folks, in our flavor UN*X, (4.2) ``tail'' has a -r option
that does just that.  Don't people _like_ tail? :-)


p.s.  I think it's time this discusion ended . . . or at least got moved
      to net.unix.  These really aren't sources, and I appologise to
      everyone out there for posting here . . . but this is where the
      discussion is.


Sean L. Gilley  	     Phone: (606) 272-9620 or (606) 257-4613

uucp:	{unmvax,research,boulder,decvax!ucbvax}!anlams!ukma!ukgs!slg
	|| {ihnp4,decvax,ucbvax}!cbosgd!ukma!ukgs!slg

arpa:	 ukma!slg at ANL-MCS.ARPA

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