Man pages: Nroff not part of systen V?

Ken Turkowski ken at turtlevax.UUCP
Wed Sep 18 13:55:45 AEST 1985

In article <230 at drivax.UUCP> alan at drivax.UUCP (Alan Fargusson) writes:
>Nroff is not part of the System V distribution. Even when it is
>some of the macro pacakages that you BSD type are use to are not
>present. When you post a man page for something like 'less' you
>MUST post the formated version.

I can't believe that nroff and the -man macros are not supplied with UNIX
by AT&T.  They developed it.  What do they use for documentation?

I would prefer to have the nroffable version, so that it can be properly
formatted with boldface and italics.  It also makes it easier to update
Ken Turkowski @ CADLINC, Menlo Park, CA
UUCP: {amd,decwrl,hplabs,seismo,spar}!turtlevax!ken
ARPA: turtlevax!ken at DECWRL.ARPA

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