Man pages: Nroff not part of systen V?

Scott Larnach scott at cstvax.UUCP
Sat Sep 28 04:50:56 AEST 1985

Please DO use nroff sources. If you preformat them, you are making
assumptions about the printers we have. Our printer has a 72 line
page. You can imagine the hassle this can cause with preformatted
That's the whole idea behind having a thing like nroff in the 1st place.
How on earth do AT&T process their manual pages?
	Scott Larnach

unix:		{ukc,hwcs,kcl-cs,glasgow,ucl-cs,edcaad}!cstvax!scott
jnt:		scott at S.Larnach at
arpa:		scott at
snailmail:	ERCC, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, UK
tephelone:	+44 31 667 1081 x2629

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