leaving your terminal for lunch

Daniel R. Levy levy at ttrdc.UUCP
Thu Sep 12 10:56:06 AEST 1985

In article <319 at rruxo.UUCP>, vch at rruxo.UUCP (Kerro Panille) writes:
>We have a locally-developed package here that performs various desk-top
>type things, one of which is 'message display'. Message Display (md)
>displays the time (large banner-type numbers), date, contents of your
>'new' mailbox, and any posted reminders (rem, calpost). You have to enter
>your login password to free the terminal.
>I have yet to see one that was able to be broken, and sometimes it gets
>stuck if you turn your terminal off. We have a Micom data switch, which
>usually drops the line if the terminal is shut off. Sometimes you can pick
>up a port where md was on, and have to turn off your terminal to get rid of it.
>Anyway, If anyone would like it, I'll mail it to you since it is made of
>some 25 modules and a makefile. (I have no idea how to make archive shells,
>and I'm not making 25 postings.)

My apologies to the net, I tried several ways to mail Vince and got bounced.

It's no biggie to make an archive shell.  All you gotta do is run the follow-
ing shell script with the names of what you want to archive as arguments
and catch the standard output in the file which forms the archive shell.
Be careful of course if you use wildcard arguments that you don't allow the
output file itself to be named in them, creating a loop.

: Create a shell script that can be run to extract a bunch of files.
echo ": This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh."
echo ": The rest of this file will extract:"
echo ":" "$*"
for file
    echo "archiving - $file" > /dev/tty
    echo "echo extracting - $file"
    echo "sed 's/^X//' > $file << '!EOR!'"
    /bin/cat $file | sed 's/^/X/'
    echo "!EOR!"

So post the sources--we'd love to see 'em.  (You would have the same problem
if you mailed without creating a shell archive--you would need to mail 25
different messages....)

 -------------------------------    Disclaimer:  The views contained herein are
|       dan levy | yvel nad      |  my own and are not at all those of my em-
|         an engihacker @        |  ployer, my pets, my plants, my boss, or the
| at&t computer systems division |  s.a. of any computer upon which I may hack.
|        skokie, illinois        |
 --------------------------------   Path: ..!ihnp4!ttrdc!levy
                                      or: ..!ihnp4!iheds!ttbcad!levy
 -------------------------------    Disclaimer:  The views contained herein are
|       dan levy | yvel nad      |  my own and are not at all those of my em-
|         an engihacker @        |  ployer, my pets, my plants, my boss, or the
| at&t computer systems division |  s.a. of any computer upon which I may hack.
|        skokie, illinois        |
 --------------------------------   Path: ..!ihnp4!ttrdc!levy
                                      or: ..!ihnp4!iheds!ttbcad!levy

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