Movie BYU

Kirk Hays hays at omssw1.UUCP
Sat Aug 16 01:02:43 AEST 1986

In article <877 at batcomputer.TN.CORNELL.EDU> hurf at batcomputer.UUCP (Hurf Sheldon) writes:
>In article <756 at Shasta.STANFORD.EDU> farhad at Shasta.UUCP (Farhad Pezeshgi) writes:
>>I am a new user so bear with me.
>>I would like to find some info about Movie BYU. I would appriciate any info
>>that you might have about its performance and also how one can get a copy of
>>	Thank You.
>>			Farhad.(Please send it to me personally).
>  Please post answers to this question - Plasma's Director saw the results
>of this program in Japan & would like us to explore it a little - he
>was very impressed
>     Hurf Sheldon			Arpa.css: Hurf at
>     Lab of Plasma Studies	
>     369 Upson Hall			phone: 607 255 7267
>     Cornell University
>     Ithaca, N.Y. 14853

I used to maintain this program at Northern Arizona University.  I believe it
was version 5.2 at that point, and was available for a license fee of about
$1500 from the computer science department at Brigham Young University, which
is in Utah (Provo or Salt Lake City, I can't remember which).  Of course, since
I don't work for those folks, these recollections are hearsay.

It was written entirely in a reasonably portable FORTRAN, and had practically
no comments imbedded in the code, but was easy enough to maintain if you
understood the basic algorithms.

Performance was abysmal, and code size was huge, but that may have been the
particular FORTRAN I was using.  I was running it on a Honeywell DPS-870, the
top of their mainframe line in 1982.

Since I graduated from college, I haven't looked at any FORTRAN, and I haven't
worked with any graphics software at all, so this is about all the help I can
give you.

Kirk Hays

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