Pending FCC ruling threat to modem users

Michael D Stiber stiber at
Thu Dec 18 07:35:22 AEST 1986

In article <1572 at brl-adm.ARPA> OCONNORDM at (OCONNOR DENNIS MICHAEL) writes:
>First: MODEM calls DO NOT cost the phone company the same amount as
>other calls. They tend to be longer, and don't tolerate noise as well.

1) You've obviously never had a sister (or daughter).  Do families with
teenage girls pay more for phone service?  Unlimited local calling
is just that _unlimited_.

2) Modems use the same lines as voice.  The assertion that they tolerate
noise less well is irrelevant, since they do not get special

                     Michael Stiber
                     Email: stiber at
                     US Mail:
                        Box 246
                        308 Westwood Plaza
                        Los Angeles, CA 90024

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