Pending FCC ruling threat to modem users

Wed Dec 17 05:01:14 AEST 1986

Date: 16-DEC-1986 13:30
Subject: Re: Re: Pending FCC ruling threat to modem users
To: Info-Micro at BRL.ARPA@SMTP, Unix-Sources at BRL.ARPA@SMTP, 
To: Info-XMODEM at, Info-Cpm at
People have written lots on this new FCC rule change ( threat? threat?? ).
Lots of stirring propaganda about regulators who beleive in fairy
tales, monopolies that will screw you to the wall given the chance,
and legislated monopolies. Lots of misconceptions.

First: MODEM calls DO NOT cost the phone company the same amount as
other calls. They tend to be longer, and don't tolerate noise as well.
Anyone who knows ANYTHING about the phone system knows it can only handle
some fraction of the possible calls that might be happening at any one
time, and the longer the average phone call is, the more equipment
will be needed to meet this fraction. If the phone company always
charged for local service BY THE MINUTE, well, no problem, but
phone companies usually charge BY THE CALL or BY THE MONTH. So heavy
modem users are currently being SUBSIDIZED by the rest of the users.
Sounds like it MIGHT be UNFAIR. 

Second: the goverment does not "mandate" a "pernicous" monopoly, it
simply allows it. You or I can go out, get right-of-way on the
utility poles like the cable companies, and start our very own 
telephone system. The problem is you and I would lose big money trying
to compete with the phone system. And our users would be annoyed at
people next door using BELL being a long-distance call. But you can do it,
in fact, General Electric HAS done it, for both its local and long-distance
telephone needs ( known as DIALCOM ).

If ANYBODY needs something explained to him, it is probably NOT Mark Fowler.
Before people rush to pester him, why don't you all invite someone from
the Phone Companies to give THEIR SIDE. This rush to get half-informed 
people to rise up and make trouble is simply electronic rabble-rousing,
NOT what democracy thrives on : informed opinion from people who have
been exposed to ALL SIDES of an issue.

( DISCLAIMER : I'm not neccesarily disagreeing with anyone, nor
  do these opinions represent anybody elses. I could even be wrong.
  But then again, so could you. 'Cause remember ...  No matter 
  where you go, There you are. )		Dennis O'Connor



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