Public Domain Prolog, second try

David Fiore fiore at hope.UUCP
Thu Dec 11 07:40:35 AEST 1986

After many failed attempts to get this program to many of you directly,
I am trying once again to use the net.  I think the problem last time I
tried posting was that I the uuencoded program was to large for many of
the mail spoolers on the net.  I have therefore broken the file down into
three smaller files each about 1000 lines long.  If this is still to big,
let me know and I will try again with files that are about 500 lines long.

In any case, if you want to use public domain prolog on an ibm pc or 
compatible, follow the instructions below and you will soon (hopefully)
be enjoying the object of your desire.

Four files follow (in net.sources only):


Pd.1 - pd.3 contain the uuencoded executable file pd.exe.  After saving
the files into you directory, or onto a floppy disk, remove all text up
to and including the line that says '=====cut here===='in each file. 
Then make the three files into one: pd.1 goes first, followed..... etc.
Call this resulting file pd.uue.  Finally, run uudecode on the file pd.uue
to produce pd.exe.  If you do not have uudecode on your machine, turbo 
prolog sources for it were distributed in net.sources not to long ago.  Try
looking there for it.  If you can't find a copy, send me mail and I will do
my best to get you a copy of it, but as I indicated above, I have not had 
much luck getting things to people at other campuses.

Have fun and don't get hurt.  This is a rather nice implementation of C&M
prolog, especially when you consider that it is for free!

      ||         David Fiore, University of California at Riverside.
      ||         Slow mail   :  1326 Wheaton Way
      ||                        Riverside, Ca.  92507
      ||         E-Mail      
      ||            UseNet   : ..{sdcsvax,ucbvax}!ucdavis!ucrmath!hope!fiore
      ||            BITNET   : consult at ucrvms 
		Have another day!

    "...and at warp eight, we're going nowhere mighty fast"

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