PC-SHELL suggestion (was: Re: PC-SHELL flames)

madd at bucsb.bu.edu.UUCP madd at bucsb.bu.edu.UUCP
Fri Dec 12 00:25:23 AEST 1986

In article <1799 at ncoast.UUCP> kent at ncoast.UUCP (Kent Williams) writes:
>As for those who have called my program a 'naive implementation', go write 
>your own, and come back 3 months later and talk to me.

No kidding.  I've been writing one too, and it's tougher than it looks.

>The NEXT version you see on the net will be rewritten from the ground up -
>I am reverse-engineering csh from the Xenix V.2 documentation.  If any 
>Berkeley Purists out there want it to be any more c-shell like, they can
>send me the manual page for the berkeley C-Shell.

Suggestion:  Use a hot-key to make a pseudo-suspend command.  This would
allow you to drop back into PC-SHELL and do resident commands (such as cp,
cd, rm, etc).  This immediately makes the shell more useful and more UNIX-
like, with relatively little work.  (I've already played with the idea --
it works.)

>For those of you who expressed disdainful opinions of my program, keep in
>mind the effort that went into it, with little assurance of any reward.  I
>estimate that my financial return per copies in use right now is about
>25 cents a copy.

But did you have fun making it?  That's why I'm writing mine.

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