VT-Trek Source Request

Philip Budne budd at bu-cs.BU.EDU
Thu Dec 18 15:57:20 AEST 1986

TOPS-20 VTTREK is indeed written in PDP-10 MACRO.  It uses a binary
data file PMAP'ed (ie; mmap) into the players images.  SYS V has
shared memory facility, which Ult*x also implements, and SUN 3.2 is
alleged to do the same. Which brings me to..

Xtrek, a wild multiplayer star trek for X windows.  The displays can
be anything that runs the X server, but the game has to be run on an
Ultr*x system (Well I did hack it to use a Sun's /dev/fb as a shared
memory region, since Sun mmap(1) does work for limited character
devices (/dev/fb, /dev/mem)

	Phil Budne
	Boston University
	Distributed Systems

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