VT-Trek Source Request

Mark Miller mark at raster.UUCP
Tue Dec 16 08:01:41 AEST 1986

About five years ago, while at ComputerVision, I happened across a game
called VT-Trek which was a GREAT multiplayer Star Trek game (which was
also tough to beat in single player mode).  Back then it ran on VT-100's
and TOPS-20 OS, although its probably been ported to UNIX by now.  If
anyone out there has the source to this game, could they please either
e-mail them to me or post it out to the Net.  If they're not in C, its
OK, I'll see about converting it and post it back out when I finish. 

				Thanx ...
				    - MSM

Mark S. Miller, Raster Technologies, Inc., Westford, MA
UUCP:  decvax!raster!mark

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed do not reflect, reject, 
    ... uh ... conflict with, yeah, those of my employer, 
    my milkman, ... uh ... God, yeah, thats it.

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