VT-Trek Source Request

L R Brothers brothers at topaz.RUTGERS.EDU
Tue Dec 16 12:30:37 AEST 1986

I heard vttrek wwas actually someone's first assembler program, and
therefore was also someone's first MACRO program, which is pretty
remarkable. I used to play it a lot at LOTS.... I found that the
optimal tactic was to set phasers to around 35 or so and roar in
on some other unsuspecting player -- a long auto-repeat burst of
phaser fire would fill up the command buffer so that the other
player's movement and fire commands would be ignored. Phasers have
to be set low so that the time-delay for phaser-warmup is negligible.

Since the multiplayer-aspect of vttrek must have been highly
implementation-dependent on the dec-20, I wouldn't be surprised if
there were NOT a unix version -- at least I haven't seen one....
Besides, it only runs on vt100s....

The source is probably available from someone at Stanford, since
that's where LOTS is (actually, the LOTS-X computers now all have
their own cute names, none of which I remember).
			 Laurence R. Brothers
		      brothers at topaz.rutgers.edu
	    "The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"

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