MSDOS PATH setting and overlay files

davidr at hplsla.UUCP davidr at hplsla.UUCP
Wed Dec 10 08:09:18 AEST 1986

I downloaded a program called SEARCH from a bulletin board (I have seen it on
several), which is what I think you want.  It is used much like path, but it
intercepts file requests first, and searches its path set to look for the
requested file (and if unsuccessful, then lets the DOS PATH look for the
file).  It works even for data files, overlays, documents; literaly any file.

BEWARE: the file it gets may not be the one you really want.  If, for example
you want to edit a file, if more than one file exists with the same name, you
may end up editing the wrong one (and I understand it can get confused in
saving it properly).

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