MSDOS PATH setting and overlay files

Gregg Thompson greggt at ncoast.UUCP
Thu Dec 25 04:09:28 AEST 1986

> I downloaded it for the sole purpose of getting WordStar to work on
> subdirectories, so that it could pick up the two overlay files in my old
> creaky version.  Because of this, I did not attempt to use it for anything 
> else.
> I finally got rid of SEARCH when I got  the Microsoft C 4.0 compiler.  When I 
> fired up the compiler to run the simple example program, the compiler
> printed an error message (the program didn't have any errors in it) and went
> nuts, printing blanks until I turned off the computer.  My first thought was
> to follow the instructions in installing the compiler :-) so I deleted
> everything and started over.  No luck.  I thought about it for a while 
> and tried fixing all the parameters with config.sys I could conceive of.
> I thought maybe the environment variable space (which I had patched to 1Kbytes)
> was getting hosed -- chopped out my environment variables unrelated to MSC
> and cut back to normal.  No luck. 
> I sent the distribution disks to microsoft claiming they were defective.  They
> sent me a new set, which I installed according to the instructions.  Still
> bombed.
> After 2 more days of cursing, tearing hair, and hiding under my desk, I
> finally figured out that SEARCH was blowing the compiler out.  After 
> removing it from my autoexec.bat file the compiler worked just ducky
> from there on. 
> I hope this saves someone from perdition.
> -Brent Williams
>  Relational Technology, Inc.
>  1080 Marina Village Parkway
>  Alameda, CA   94501
>  415-769-1400
>  {amdahl,sun,hoptoad,cpsc6a,mtxinu}!rtech!brent

	Interesting...  I have been using search and MSC 4.0 with no problems!
I still have to set the LIB, INCLUDE, and SYS variables.  As for problems, none!

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