FORTRAN-77 for IBM 370/158

Dave Lowrey dwl10 at amdahl.UUCP
Thu Jul 24 02:34:27 AEST 1986

In article <2768 at amd.UUCP> shankar at amd.UUCP (Shankar--Hq Apps) writes:

> Can any one on the net please let me know where I can get on
> TAPE, a copy of FORTRAN-77 for IBM 370/158.
> Thanking all respondents in anticipation.
> Shankar
> !ucbvax!amdcad!amd!shankar

Try calling IBM.
                               Dave Lowrey

"So it goes, so it goes, so it goes, so it goes. But where it's
 going, nobody knows"   [Nick Lowe]

[ The opinions expressed <may> be those of the author and not necessarily
  those of his most eminent employer. ]

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