FORTRAN-77 for IBM 370/158

John R. Levine johnl at ima.UUCP
Thu Jul 24 11:41:37 AEST 1986

In article <2768 at amd.UUCP> shankar at amd.UUCP (Shankar--Hq Apps) writes:
>Can any one on the net please let me know where I can get on
>TAPE, a copy of FORTRAN-77 for IBM 370/158.
>Thanking all respondents in anticipation.

How about buying it from IBM, like everybody else with a 370 did?

(I'm amazed that there are still 158's running -- when Yale upgraded
to a 4341 about 5 years ago, they had to pay to have their 158 carried
away -- it wasn't even worth anything as scrap.)
John R. Levine, Javelin Software Corp., Cambridge MA +1 617 494 1400
{ ihnp4 | decvax | cbosgd | harvard | yale }!ima!johnl, Levine at YALE.EDU
The opinions expressed herein are solely those of a 12-year-old hacker
who has broken into my account and not those of any person or organization.

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