Microemacs 3.6J (part 1 of 3)

Rod Hart hart at cp1.UUCP
Sun Jul 6 09:46:07 AEST 1986

We really missed the posting of Microemacs, didn't even get one of
the packages. Could someone mail a copy to me. Thanks in advance!

Signed by: 
	  Rod Hart (WA3MEZ)
	  Minicomputer Technical Support District 
	  Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co.
	  A Bell Atlantic Company
	  Silver Spring, Md.
  bellcore!cp1!hart - aplcen!cp1!hart - umcp-cs!cp1!hart - gamma!cp1!hart
  umcp-cs!aplcen!cp1!hart at SEISMO.CSS.GOV

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