Microemacs 3.6J (part 1 of 3)

STERKEL 6243tes at whuts.UUCP
Tue Jul 8 21:11:31 AEST 1986

> We really missed the posting of Microemacs, didn't even get one of
> the packages. Could someone mail a copy to me. Thanks in advance!
> -- 
will someone give me a break? I promise to use
underarm deodorants, but please send through
a complete copy of Microemacs 3.6J :-)
seriously, though, since seeing the initial
announcement, I faithfully scanned the net.sources
every day, and even set up a special shell program
that runs every night to "trap" the source.
My trap has not even yielded one chewed off leg.
The conclusion that I jump to is that we
are loosing sources (and articles?) on the 
net.  Can there be a test?  I will be a 
test site, mail me a list of what is being
sent (future, we bit basket older articles),
and will confirm complete receipt.

We should check into this it is happening
too much.  Is anyone (SA) on the backbone
listening?  Is this in the right newsgroup?
(if not feel free to cross-post, but do not

in the interim, could I please have a full
copy of microemacs 3.6J?

Terry Sterkel

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