format (printf like routines)

chris at sol.UUCP chris at sol.UUCP
Thu Jul 10 07:57:39 AEST 1986

Here are the routines that I talked about in net.lang.c.  They are
barely commented, and tested on XENIX on an IBM-PC/AT, ULTRIX-11 on
a PDP-11 and UNIX system V on a Microforce 1a.  Do with as ye may.
I do ask that if you make changes, please do not distribute them
as different versions will confuse people.  Notify me, and if the changes
are appropriate, I will post a new version.

Christopher M. Caldwell
16 Columbia Drive, VIBRAC Corporation, Amherst, NH 03031, (603)882-6777
13B Bobby's Lane, Milford, NH 03055, (603)673-2249

: This is a shell archive.  Delete everything above this line.
: To unpack this archive, type '/bin/sh <this_file'.
: If the message 'shar complete.' does not appear at the end, this
: file is not complete.
echo "Extracting files archived Wed Jul  9 17:53:00 1986 by chris."
echo "Extracting format.c (13553 characters)."
sed 's/^X//' << SHARMARKER > format.c
X/***	format.c:	format routines					***/
X/***	Author:		Christopher M. Caldwell of IO Software, Inc.	***/
X/***	Created:	09-Jul-86					***/
X/***	"Do with as ye may"						***/
XThis package is a set of routines for formatting data in a more flexible
Xway than UNIX's printf routines.  In the simplest case:
X	format("This is a test.\n");
Xworks the way
X	printf("This is a test.\n");
Xdoes.  However, printf uses percents (%) to denote substitutions.  Format
Xencloses substitutions with braces ({ and }).  I.E. {s} denotes "substitute
Xthe next argument as a string."  After the letter denoting the substitution
Xtype, modifiers may be supplied.  {sl5} means print a string left justified
Xto 5 characters.  If the value is not supplied, it is taken from the
Xargument list.  The EBNF for this is:
X	'{' <type-letter> { <modifier-character> [ <modifier-value> ] } '}'
XAvailable type letters so far are:
X	s	string (Char *)
X	i	int
X	l	long
X	c	character
X	f	float (double)
X	S	Another format string (I smell recursion)
XAvailable modifers (and their defaults) are:
X	l(0)	Number of columns to take up, value will be left justified
X	r(0)	Number of columns to take up, value will be right justified
X	c(0)	Number of columns to take up, value will be centered
X	m(0)	Maximum number of columns display of data
X	.(6)	Number of places to display to the right of the decimal point
X	b(10)	Base of number
X	p(32)	Ascii value of pad character for l, r or c.
X	u(0)	Unsigned status (signed=0, unsigned!=0)
X	n(1)	Count of times to repeat string
XIf a modifer value is followed by a string of digits then that string is
Xconverted to an integer and used as the modifier's value, else the value will
Xbe taken from the next argument to format.
XSome ridiculous variable type/modifer combinations exist:
X	What is an unsigned string (or character) of base 8 with 4 trailing
X	    decimal places? (All three modifiers are ignored)
X	Do you really want to see floating point variables in base 3?  (Yes!)
X	What does centering a left or right justifed variable look like?
X	    (The last justification character is the one used)
XNow, an example program:
X	main()
X	{
X	int i;
X	format("Left justified integer:  '{il10}'\n",1234);
X	format("###{f.1c}###\n",123.4,20);
X	format("Octal:  {lb8r11pu1}\n",01234L,'0');
X	format("Truncate this:  {sm10}\n", "This is a test" );
X	format("Print 5 arfs:  {sn5}\n","arf");
X	i = 1;
X	format("Do it {i} time{sn}.\n",i,"s",i!=1);
X	i = 2;
X	format("Do it {i} time{sn}.\n",i,"s",i!=1);
X	format("Center this: ###{Sc20p}###\n","Answer={i}",'$',1234);
X	exit(0);
X	}
Xand its standard output:
X	Left justified integer:  '1234      '
X	###        123.4       ###
X	Octal:  00000001234
X	Truncate this:  This is a 
X	Print 5 arfs:  arfarfarfarfarf
X	Do it 1 time.
X	Do it 2 times.
X	Center this: ###$$$$$Answer=1234$$$$###
XThe following flavors of format are available:
X	format( formatstring, args... )		Send to standard out
X	fformat( stream, formatstring, args... )Send to specified stream
X	i = cformat( formatstring, args... )	Calculate number of chars
X	sformat( buf, formatstring, args... )	Send to the character array buf
X	ptr = mformat( formatstring, args... )	Malloc enough space for result
X						(and trailing 0), put the
X						result in malloced space, and
X						return pointer to it
X			    Also, as a kluge:
X	ptr = sformat( NULL, formatstring, args... )
Xmformat (and sformat with a NULL array), perform the format twice,
Xonce to find out how many characters needed to malloc, and the next
Xtime to fill up the array.
X	Easier to understand justification
X	Centering available
X	More flexible padding (instead of just spaces or zeros)
X	Arbitrary base output (2 to 36)
X	Complex formats available ("S")
X	Arbitrarily lengthed everything (up do what you can malloc)
X	And from my point of view, I have the source!
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#define PF_COUNT	0
X#define PF_ARRAY	1
X#define PF_PUTC		2
X#define then
X#define TRUE		1
X#define FALSE		0
Xstatic char *al;
Xextern char *malloc();
Xint lcase(c)	char c;		{ return( isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c ); }
Xint ucase(c)	char c;		{ return( islower(c) ? toupper(c) : c ); }
Xint digtobin(c)	char c;		{ return( c<='9' ? c-'0' : lcase(c)-'a'+10 ); }
Xchar bintodig(i)int i;		{ return( i<=9 ? i+'0' : i+'a'-10 ); }
Xint isbase( c, b )
X/*	Return TRUE if character c is digit of base b.  Similar to isdigit,
X	but allows bases with letters and won't except "9" in base 8, etc.
X    char c;
X    int b;
X    {
X    if( !isdigit(c) && !isalpha(c) )
X      then return FALSE;
X      else return( c<='9' ? (c-'0'<b) : (lcase(c)-'a'<b-10) );
X    }
Xint cformat(fmt,arglist)		char *fmt; int arglist;
X/*	Return number of characters generated by "printing" fmt.  Used by
X	things that need to malloc space for strings.
X    {
X    int pf_count;
X    al = (char *)&arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_COUNT, &pf_count, NULL, NULL );
X    return pf_count;
X    }
Xint cxformat(fmt,arglist)		char *fmt, *arglist;
X/*	Same as above but argument list is pointed to by second argument */
X    {
X    int pf_count;
X    al = arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_COUNT, &pf_count, NULL, NULL );
X    return pf_count;
X    }
Xchar *mformat(fmt,arglist)		char *fmt; int arglist;
X/*	Return pointer to malloced array of characters	*/
X    {
X    int pf_count;
X    char *res;
X    al = (char *)&arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_COUNT, &pf_count, NULL, NULL );
X    if( (res=malloc(pf_count+1)) == NULL ) then return NULL;
X    al = (char *)&arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_ARRAY, NULL, res, NULL );
X    return res;
X    }
Xchar *mxformat(fmt,arglist)		char *fmt, *arglist;
X/*	Same as above but argument list is pointed to by second argument */
X    {
X    int pf_count;
X    char *res;
X    al = arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_COUNT, &pf_count, NULL, NULL );
X    if( (res=malloc(pf_count+1)) == NULL ) then return NULL;
X    al = arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_ARRAY, NULL, res, NULL );
X    return res;
X    }
Xchar *sformat(res,fmt,arglist)		char *fmt, *res; int arglist;
X/*	Return pointer to malloced array of characters if res==NULL,
X	else fill array res with characters.
X    {
X    int pf_count;
X    if( res==NULL )
X      then
X	{
X	al = (char *)&arglist;
X	pf( fmt, PF_COUNT, &pf_count, NULL, NULL );
X	if( (res=malloc(pf_count+1)) == NULL ) then return NULL;
X	}
X    al = (char *)&arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_ARRAY, NULL, res, NULL );
X    return res;
X    }
Xchar *sxformat(res,fmt,arglist)		char *fmt, *res, *arglist;
X/*	Same as above but argument list is pointed to by second argument */
X    {
X    int pf_count;
X    if( res==NULL )
X      then
X	{
X	al = arglist;
X	pf( fmt, PF_COUNT, &pf_count, NULL, NULL );
X	if( (res=malloc(pf_count+1)) == NULL ) then return NULL;
X	}
X    al = arglist;
X    pf( fmt, PF_ARRAY, NULL, res, NULL );
X    return res;
X    }
Xint format(fmt,arglist)			char *fmt; int arglist;
X/*	Print characters to standard out. */
X    {
X    al = (char *)&arglist;
X    return pf( fmt, PF_PUTC, NULL, NULL, stdout );
X    }
Xint xformat(fmt,arglist)		char *fmt, *arglist;
X/*	Same as above but argument list is pointed to by second argument */
X    {
X    al = arglist;
X    return pf( fmt, PF_PUTC, NULL, NULL, stdout );
X    }
Xint fformat(outfile,fmt,arglist)	FILE *outfile; char *fmt; int arglist;
X/*	Print characters to specified file stream. */
X    {
X    al = (char *)&arglist;
X    return pf( fmt, PF_PUTC, NULL, NULL, outfile );
X    }
Xint fxformat(outfile,fmt,arglist)	FILE *outfile; char *fmt, *arglist;
X/*	Same as above but argument list is pointed to by second argument */
X    {
X    al = arglist;
X    return pf( fmt, PF_PUTC, NULL, NULL, outfile );
X    }
X#define NEXT(mode)	((mode *)(al += sizeof(mode)))[-1]
Xstatic int pf( fs, pf_func, pf_count, pf_addr, pf_file )
X/*	This routine is called to parse the format string.  If pf_func
X	is PF_COUNT, that would be generated is returned.  If pf_func
X	is PF_ARRAY, an array is filled.  If pf_func is PF_FILE, characters
X	are sent to the stream pf_file.
X    char *fs;
X    int pf_func;
X    int *pf_count;
X    char *pf_addr;
X    FILE *pf_file;
X    {
X    int pf_right, pf_left, pf_center, pf_dec, pf_max;
X    int pf_base, pf_iter, pf_pad, pf_unsigned;
X    char *pf_string, pf_char;
X    int pf_int;
X    long pf_long;
X    double pf_double;
X    double pnum;
X    int ind;
X    char t, c, buf[512], *cp;
X    int bufcnt;
X    int pbase;
X    int nm;
X    char *saveal;
X    while( c = *fs++ )
X	if( c != '{' || (t = *fs++) == '{' )
X	  then
X	    switch( pf_func )
X		{
X		case PF_COUNT:	(*pf_count)++;		break;
X		case PF_ARRAY:	*pf_addr++ = c;		break;
X		case PF_PUTC:	if( putc(c,pf_file) == EOF )
X				  then return EOF;
X				  else break;
X		}
X	  else
X	    {
X	    pf_right	= 0;
X	    pf_left	= 0;
X	    pf_center	= 0;
X	    pf_dec	= 6;
X	    pf_max	= 0;
X	    pf_base	= 10;
X	    pf_iter	= 1;
X	    pf_pad	= ' ';
X	    pf_unsigned	= FALSE;
X	    switch( t )
X		{
X		case 'S':	pf_string	= NEXT(char *);		break;
X		case 's':	pf_string	= NEXT(char *);		break;
X		case 'c':	pf_char		= NEXT(int);		break;
X		case 'i':	pf_int		= NEXT(int);		break;
X		case 'l':	pf_long		= NEXT(long);		break;
X		case 'f':	pf_double	= NEXT(double);		break;
X		break;
X		}
X	    while( (c = *fs++) != '}' )
X		{
X		nm = 0;
X		pbase = 10;
X		if( !isbase(*fs,pbase) )
X		  then nm = NEXT(int);
X		  else
X		    {
X		    while( TRUE )
X			{
X			while( isbase(*fs,pbase) )
X			    nm = pbase*nm + digtobin(*fs++);
X			if( nm<2 || nm>36 || *fs!='_' ) then break;
X			pbase = nm;
X			fs++;
X			}
X		    }
X		switch( c )
X		    {
X		    case 'r':	pf_right = nm;		break;
X		    case 'l':	pf_left = nm;		break;
X		    case 'c':	pf_center = nm;		break;
X		    case '.':	pf_dec = nm;		break;
X		    case 'm':	pf_max = nm;		break;
X		    case 'b':	pf_base = nm;		break;
X		    case 'n':	pf_iter = nm;		break;
X		    case 'p':	pf_pad = nm;		break;
X		    case 'u':	pf_unsigned = nm;	break;
X		    }
X		}
X	    bufcnt = 0;
X	    switch( t )
X		{
X		case 's':	if( pf_string == NULL )
X				  then cp = "(null)";
X				  else cp = pf_string;
X				bufcnt = strlen( cp );
X				break;
X		case 'S':	saveal = al;
X				pf(pf_string,PF_COUNT,&bufcnt,NULL,NULL);
X				al = saveal;
X				cp = malloc( bufcnt+1 );
X				pf(pf_string,PF_ARRAY,NULL,cp,NULL);
X				break;
X		case 'c':	buf[bufcnt++] = pf_char;
X				cp = buf;
X				break;
X		case 'i':	pf_char = ( pf_int < 0 );
X				if( pf_int >= 0 || !pf_unsigned )
X				  then
X				    {
X				    do  {
X					buf[100-(++bufcnt)]
X					    = bintodig( abs(pf_int%pf_base) );
X					pf_int /= pf_base;
X					} while( pf_int != 0 );
X				    if(pf_char) then buf[100-(++bufcnt)]='-';
X				    cp = buf;
X				    cp += (100 - bufcnt);
X				    }
X				  else
X				    {
X				    c = pf_int & 1;
X				    pf_int >>= 1;
X				    pf_int &= (1<<(sizeof(pf_int)-1));
X				    c = c + ((pf_int%(pf_base>>1)) << 1);
X				    pf_int /= (pf_base>>1);
X				    buf[100-(++bufcnt)] = bintodig( c );
X				    while( pf_int != 0 )
X					{
X					buf[100-(++bufcnt)]
X					    = bintodig( abs(pf_int%pf_base) );
X					pf_int /= pf_base;
X					}
X				    cp = buf;
X				    cp += (100 - bufcnt);
X				    }
X				break;
X		case 'l':	pf_char = ( pf_long < 0 );
X				if( pf_long >= 0 || !pf_unsigned )
X				  then
X				    {
X				    do  {
X					buf[100-(++bufcnt)] = bintodig(
X					    abs((int)(pf_long%pf_base)) );
X					pf_long /= pf_base;
X					} while( pf_long != 0 );
X				    if(pf_char) then buf[100-(++bufcnt)]='-';
X				    cp = buf;
X				    cp += (100 - bufcnt);
X				    }
X				  else
X				    {
X				    c = pf_long & 1;
X				    pf_long >>= 1;
X				    pf_long &= (1<<(sizeof(pf_long)-1));
X				    c = c + ((pf_long%(pf_base>>1)) << 1);
X				    pf_long /= (pf_base>>1);
X				    buf[100-(++bufcnt)] = bintodig( c );
X				    while( pf_long != 0 )
X					{
X					buf[100-(++bufcnt)] = bintodig(
X					    abs((int)(pf_long%pf_base)) );
X					pf_long /= pf_base;
X					}
X				    cp = buf;
X				    cp += (100 - bufcnt);
X				    }
X				break;
X		case 'f':	if( pf_double < 0 )
X				  then
X				    {
X				    buf[bufcnt++] = '-';
X				    pf_double = -pf_double;
X				    }
X				ind = 0;
X				for(pnum=1.0; pnum<=pf_double; pnum*=pf_base)
X				    ind--;
X				pnum /= pf_base;
X				do  {
X				    if( ind++ == 0 ) then buf[bufcnt++]='.';
X				    c = (int)(pf_double/pnum);
X				    buf[bufcnt++] = bintodig( c );
X				    pf_double -= (pnum*c);
X				    pnum /= pf_base;
X				    } while( ind < pf_dec );
X				cp = buf;
X				break;
X		}
X	    if( bufcnt > pf_max && pf_max > 0 ) then bufcnt = pf_max;
X	    if( pf_center > 0 )
X	      then
X		{
X		pf_left = ( pf_center - bufcnt ) / 2;
X		pf_right = pf_center - pf_left - bufcnt;
X		}
X	      else
X		{
X		pf_left -= bufcnt;
X		pf_right -= bufcnt;
X		}
X	    while( pf_iter-- > 0 )
X		{
X		for( ind=0; ind<pf_right; ind++ )
X		    switch( pf_func )
X			{
X			case PF_COUNT:	(*pf_count)++;		break;
X			case PF_ARRAY:	*pf_addr++ = pf_pad;	break;
X			case PF_PUTC:	if( putc(pf_pad,pf_file) == EOF )
X					  then return EOF;
X					  else break;
X			}
X		for( ind=0; ind<bufcnt; ind++ )
X		    switch( pf_func )
X			{
X			case PF_COUNT:	(*pf_count)++;		break;
X			case PF_ARRAY:	*pf_addr++ = cp[ind];	break;
X			case PF_PUTC:	if( putc(cp[ind],pf_file) == EOF )
X					  then return EOF;
X					  else break;
X			}
X		for( ind=0; ind<pf_left; ind++ )
X		    switch( pf_func )
X			{
X			case PF_COUNT:	(*pf_count)++;		break;
X			case PF_ARRAY:	*pf_addr++ = pf_pad;	break;
X			case PF_PUTC:	if( putc(pf_pad,pf_file) == EOF )
X					  then return EOF;
X					  else break;
X			}
X		}
X	    if( t == 'S' ) then free( cp );
X	    }
X    if( pf_func == PF_ARRAY ) then *pf_addr = 0;
X    return 0;
X    }
echo "Shar complete."

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