Changes to grotwin for 4.[23]

buhrt at pur-ee.UUCP buhrt at pur-ee.UUCP
Wed Jul 16 06:19:19 AEST 1986

This is the script to alter grotwin to work on Berkeley 4.[23] BSD.

One question: where did TIOCSSIZE come from?

The file is manager.c here are the changes.....
-------Cut here-----------------------------------
/* In 4.3 and some 4.2, the structure and command to change the window
size is not the same as sent.  Here is the changes: */
	struct winsize	tty_size;
	int	pgrp;

	tty_size.ws_row = lines;		/*  set up new tty size  */
	tty_size.ws_col = columns;
	if (ioctl(fd, TIOCSWINSZ, &tty_size) == -1)   {
#ifdef notdef
		/* Since 4.2 and 4.3 uses an ARRAY of integers, select
		may get bad fd set in its list when NOFILE is greater
		than the number of bits in an integer.  To fix this
		we simply set the number of descriptors to check to the
		size of an integer (16 or 32) which should be plenty */
		if (select(sizeof(int)*NBBY, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeout) <= 0)   {
#ifdef notdef

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