printing the 'fish' on imagens

Fred Walter grwalter at watmath.UUCP
Wed Jul 16 00:45:17 AEST 1986

The 'fish' prints recently posted are nice, but our graphing/plotting
software refused to generate output that our imagen 8/300 page printer
laser printer could handle. So I have written a program that will convert
lines of input of the form (x1,y1),... to the native language (impress)
of the imagen. This our laser printer was able to handle. So if you
have an imagen and you can't get the fish to plot out, mail me and I'll
send you the source for the program. (With the appropriate transformations
(options in the program - horizontal, vertical scaling factors; shift
right, down) the fish will fit an entire page and looks quite neat).


UUCP  : {allegra|clyde|linus|decvax|utzoo|ihnp4}!watmath!grwalter
CSNET : grwalter%watmath at waterloo.csnet
ARPA  : grwalter%watmath%waterloo.csnet at

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