XINU is available in machine readbale form...

Henry Mensch henry at mit-trillian.MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 21 08:33:29 AEST 1986

In article <147 at uhmanoa.UUCP> torben at uhmanoa.UUCP writes:
>Anybody know where Comer is these days? Last I knew he was at Purdue. Check
>with him regarding copyright. Or maybe Prentice-Hall holds the copyright.
You'll find Doug Comer at dec at purdue.EDU (Internet) or ...!purdue!dec
(UUCP).  purdue.UUCP talks to decwrl and a host of other places.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Henry Mensch     |   Technical Writer  | MIT/Project Athena
henry at          ..!mit-eddie!mit-athena!henry

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