XINU is available in machine readbale form...

Torben N. Nielsen torben at uhmanoa.UUCP
Sat Jul 19 17:39:26 AEST 1986

I keep seing all these requests for machine readable copies of XINU. I
have it and I got it on a tape from Prentice-Hall. As far as I recall, they
did require proff of some sort of UNIX source license since there is a piece
of UNIX code in there somewhere. I believe it is ``printf". However, there
are public domain replacements available for that one so that's a solvable

I received two tapes, one from Prentice-Hall and one from Doug Comer (the
author of the code) himself. The one from Comer included versions for 68K
and Intel chips in additioon to the old LSI-11.

Anybody know where Comer is these days? Last I knew he was at Purdue. Check
with him regarding copyright. Or maybe Prentice-Hall holds the copyright.

The easiest thing to do would be to either call up your local P-H guy and
talk with him or talk to Doug Comer himself. Try Purdue. If he would give
permission, I wouldn't mind sending copies of what I received from him to
interested parties.



					Torben N. Nielsen
					Department of ICS
					2565 The Mall
					Honolulu, HI 96822


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