XINU is available in machine readbale form...

David Dyck dcd at fluke.UUCP
Wed Jul 23 03:01:34 AEST 1986

Regarding XINU sources,

	I asked "The XINU People" at Purdue if I could
distribute the sources in a public domain package when
I get it adapted as a real-time library to for the IBM-PC.
	This is the response that I got back.
PS. I'd move this discussion to net.sources.d if I knew how.

> Date: Mon, 19 May 86 10:39:14 EST
> From: "Georgia L Conarroe" <glc at Purdue.EDU>
> Message-Id: <8605191539.AA12158 at arthur.Purdue.EDU>
> To: uw-beaver!fluke!dcd
> Subject: XINU

> I received your message last week but was unable to answer your
> questions and Dr. Comer was out of town.  I'm sorry for the delay
> but I didn't want to give you false information.  Today I have the
> information you've requested.

> XINU is in the public domain and you may give the software in the
> book to your friends as long as you acknowledge the source and urge
> friends to buy the books.

> I'm sorry for the delay and inconvenience I've caused and doubly
> sorry for not at least responding to your request.  Thank you for
> your interest in XINU and we would appreciate any corrections or
> improvements you and your friends might make.

> Georgia Conarroe
> XINU Librarian

David Dyck/ms274G/John Fluke Mfg Co/Box C9090/Everett WA 98206 USA/206-356-5807
   {{cornell,decvax,ihnp4,sdcsvax,tektronix,utcsrgv}!uw-beaver} \
{allegra,microsoft,gatech!sb1,hplabs!lbl-csam,decwrl!sun,sunup} -- !fluke!dcd
 {ssc-vax,hplsla,wavetek,physio,uw-vlsi,cae780,tikal,telematic} /
ARPA:         fluke!dcd at uw-beaver.ARPA
BITNET: ??   "fluke!dcd at uw-beaver.ARPA"@wiscvm.bitnet

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