PC-Lisp, why doesn't it work. All the sums are okay.

Ken Latham latham at bsdpkh.UUCP
Sun Mar 16 07:54:32 AEST 1986

In article <488 at tekigm2.UUCP> timothym at tekigm2 D Margeson.UUCP (Timothy D Margeson) writes:
>Hi netlandians,
>All of the check sums were as specified.
>The question? Does this program really work, or have I been duped?
if this helps.... The copy I took off the net ... according to instructions
WORKS PERFECTLY! ... I ran the GraphicsDemo program ..... a little slow but
nice. ( but then its LISP! :-) )

	The checksums I calculated were Not the ones that were stated!

but as I as I say, it downloaded and runs, no bugs found yet.

	I'm on a 3B2 SysVr2, so checksum may calculate differently, don't
know what machine the author is on.

			Ken Latham, AT&T-IS (via AGS Inc.), Orlando , FL
			uucp: ihnp4!bsdpkh!latham

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