MICRO_EMACS for PC-AT (Re Posting... This one works..i hope)

Curt Jutzi jutz at pogo.UUCP
Sun Mar 16 07:46:00 AEST 1986

	Well People.... This one works I hope.  I spent some time
	making sure that KERMIT didn't screw up the files on the
	There are a couple of warnings with the microsoft C compiler.
	that are relative to an assignment or a compare and it barks
	about differant levels of indirection.  Don't worry about it.

	If this one does not work just post that fact to the net.

   <<<<<<<<< I WILL NOT SUPPORT THIS CODE   ..... OK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


<____________________  CUT HERE ________________________________________>

 * This file is the general header file for all parts of the MicroEMACS
 * display editor. It contains definitions used by everyone, and it contains
 * the stuff you have to edit to create a version of the editor for a specific
 * operating system and terminal.

#define AMIGA   0                       /* AmigaDOS, Lattice            */
#define ST520   0                       /* ST520, TOS                   */
#define MWC86   1
#define V7      0                       /* V7 UN*X or Coherent          */
#define VMS     0                       /* VAX/VMS                      */
#define CPM     0                       /* CP/M-86                      */

#ifndef MSDOS                           /* Already defined for Lattice  */
#define MSDOS   1                      /* MS-DOS */
#ifdef MSDOS
#define CONRAW  7
#define CONDIO  6			

#define ANSI    1
#define VT52    0                       /* VT52 terminal (Zenith).      */
#define VT100   0                       /* Handle VT100 style keypad.   */
#define LK201   0                       /* Handle LK201 style keypad.   */
#define RAINBOW 0                       /* Use Rainbow fast video.      */
#define TERMCAP 0                       /* Use TERMCAP                  */

#define CVMVAS  1                       /* C-V, M-V arg. in screens.    */

#define NFILEN  80                      /* # of bytes, file name        */
#define NBUFN   16                      /* # of bytes, buffer name      */
#define NLINE   256                     /* # of bytes, line             */
#define NKBDM   256                     /* # of strokes, keyboard macro */
#define NPAT    80                      /* # of bytes, pattern          */
#define HUGE    1000                    /* Huge number                  */

#define AGRAVE  0x60                    /* M- prefix,   Grave (LK201)   */
#define METACH  0x1B                    /* M- prefix,   Control-[, ESC  */
#define CTMECH  0x1C                    /* C-M- prefix, Control-\       */
#define EXITCH  0x1D                    /* Exit level,  Control-]       */
#define CTRLCH  0x1E                    /* C- prefix,   Control-^       */
#define HELPCH  0x1F                    /* Help key,    Control-_       */

#define CTRL    0x0100                  /* Control flag, or'ed in       */
#define META    0x0200                  /* Meta flag, or'ed in          */
#define CTLX    0x0400                  /* ^X flag, or'ed in            */

#define FALSE   0                       /* False, no, bad, etc.         */
#define TRUE    1                       /* True, yes, good, etc.        */
#define ABORT   2                       /* Death, ^G, abort, etc.       */

#define FIOSUC  0                       /* File I/O, success.           */
#define FIOFNF  1                       /* File I/O, file not found.    */
#define FIOEOF  2                       /* File I/O, end of file.       */
#define FIOERR  3                       /* File I/O, error.             */

#define CFCPCN  0x0001                  /* Last command was C-P, C-N    */
#define CFKILL  0x0002                  /* Last command was a kill      */

 * There is a window structure allocated for every active display window. The
 * windows are kept in a big list, in top to bottom screen order, with the
 * listhead at "wheadp". Each window contains its own values of dot and mark.
 * The flag field contains some bits that are set by commands to guide
 * redisplay; although this is a bit of a compromise in terms of decoupling,
 * the full blown redisplay is just too expensive to run for every input
 * character. 
typedef struct  WINDOW {
        struct  WINDOW *w_wndp;         /* Next window                  */
        struct  BUFFER *w_bufp;         /* Buffer displayed in window   */
        struct  LINE *w_linep;          /* Top line in the window       */
        struct  LINE *w_dotp;           /* Line containing "."          */
        short   w_doto;                 /* Byte offset for "."          */
        struct  LINE *w_markp;          /* Line containing "mark"       */
        short   w_marko;                /* Byte offset for "mark"       */
        char    w_toprow;               /* Origin 0 top row of window   */
        char    w_ntrows;               /* # of rows of text in window  */
        char    w_force;                /* If NZ, forcing row.          */
        char    w_flag;                 /* Flags.                       */
}       WINDOW;

#define WFFORCE 0x01                    /* Window needs forced reframe  */
#define WFMOVE  0x02                    /* Movement from line to line   */
#define WFEDIT  0x04                    /* Editing within a line        */
#define WFHARD  0x08                    /* Better to a full display     */
#define WFMODE  0x10                    /* Update mode line.            */

 * Text is kept in buffers. A buffer header, described below, exists for every
 * buffer in the system. The buffers are kept in a big list, so that commands
 * that search for a buffer by name can find the buffer header. There is a
 * safe store for the dot and mark in the header, but this is only valid if
 * the buffer is not being displayed (that is, if "b_nwnd" is 0). The text for
 * the buffer is kept in a circularly linked list of lines, with a pointer to
 * the header line in "b_linep".
typedef struct  BUFFER {
        struct  BUFFER *b_bufp;         /* Link to next BUFFER          */
        struct  LINE *b_dotp;           /* Link to "." LINE structure   */
        short   b_doto;                 /* Offset of "." in above LINE  */
        struct  LINE *b_markp;          /* The same as the above two,   */
        short   b_marko;                /* but for the "mark"           */
        struct  LINE *b_linep;          /* Link to the header LINE      */
        char    b_nwnd;                 /* Count of windows on buffer   */
        char    b_flag;                 /* Flags                        */
        char    b_fname[NFILEN];        /* File name                    */
        char    b_bname[NBUFN];         /* Buffer name                  */
}       BUFFER;

#define BFTEMP  0x01                    /* Internal temporary buffer    */
#define BFCHG   0x02                    /* Changed since last write     */

 * The starting position of a region, and the size of the region in
 * characters, is kept in a region structure.  Used by the region commands.
typedef struct  {
        struct  LINE *r_linep;          /* Origin LINE address.         */
        short   r_offset;               /* Origin LINE offset.          */
        short   r_size;                 /* Length in characters.        */
}       REGION;

 * All text is kept in circularly linked lists of "LINE" structures. These
 * begin at the header line (which is the blank line beyond the end of the
 * buffer). This line is pointed to by the "BUFFER". Each line contains a the
 * number of bytes in the line (the "used" size), the size of the text array,
 * and the text. The end of line is not stored as a byte; it's implied. Future
 * additions will include update hints, and a list of marks into the line.
typedef struct  LINE {
        struct  LINE *l_fp;             /* Link to the next line        */
        struct  LINE *l_bp;             /* Link to the previous line    */
        short   l_size;                 /* Allocated size               */
        short   l_used;                 /* Used size                    */
        char    l_text[1];              /* A bunch of characters.       */
}       LINE;

#define lforw(lp)       ((lp)->l_fp)
#define lback(lp)       ((lp)->l_bp)
#define lgetc(lp, n)    ((lp)->l_text[(n)]&0xFF)
#define lputc(lp, n, c) ((lp)->l_text[(n)]=(c))
#define llength(lp)     ((lp)->l_used)

 * The editor communicates with the display using a high level interface. A
 * "TERM" structure holds useful variables, and indirect pointers to routines
 * that do useful operations. The low level get and put routines are here too.
 * This lets a terminal, in addition to having non standard commands, have
 * funny get and put character code too. The calls might get changed to
 * "termp->t_field" style in the future, to make it possible to run more than
 * one terminal type.
typedef struct  {
        short   t_nrow;                 /* Number of rows.              */
        short   t_ncol;                 /* Number of columns.           */
        int     (*t_open)();            /* Open terminal at the start.  */
        int     (*t_close)();           /* Close terminal at end.       */
        int     (*t_getchar)();         /* Get character from keyboard. */
        int     (*t_putchar)();         /* Put character to display.    */
        int     (*t_flush)();           /* Flush output buffers.        */
        int     (*t_move)();            /* Move the cursor, origin 0.   */
        int     (*t_eeol)();            /* Erase to end of line.        */
        int     (*t_eeop)();            /* Erase to end of page.        */
        int     (*t_beep)();            /* Beep.                        */
}       TERM;

extern  int     fillcol;                /* Fill column                  */
extern  int     currow;                 /* Cursor row                   */
extern  int     curcol;                 /* Cursor column                */
extern  int     thisflag;               /* Flags, this command          */
extern  int     lastflag;               /* Flags, last command          */
extern  int     curgoal;                /* Goal for C-P, C-N            */
extern  int     mpresf;                 /* Stuff in message line        */
extern  int     sgarbf;                 /* State of screen unknown      */
extern  WINDOW  *curwp;                 /* Current window               */
extern  BUFFER  *curbp;                 /* Current buffer               */
extern  WINDOW  *wheadp;                /* Head of list of windows      */
extern  BUFFER  *bheadp;                /* Head of list of buffers      */
extern  BUFFER  *blistp;                /* Buffer for C-X C-B           */
extern  short   kbdm[];                 /* Holds kayboard macro data    */
extern  short   *kbdmip;                /* Input pointer for above      */
extern  short   *kbdmop;                /* Output pointer for above     */
extern  char    pat[];                  /* Search pattern               */
extern  TERM    term;                   /*(Terminal information.        */

extern  BUFFER  *bfind();               /* Lookup a buffer by name      */
extern  WINDOW  *wpopup();              /* Pop up window creation       */
extern  LINE    *lalloc();              /* Allocate a line              */

 * The routines in this file provide support for ANSI style terminals
 * over a serial line. The serial I/O services are provided by routines in
 * "termio.c". It compiles into nothing if not an ANSI device.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     ANSI

#define NROW    25                      /* Screen size.                 */
#define NCOL    80                      /* Edit if you want to.         */
#define BEL     0x07                    /* BEL character.               */
#define ESC     0x1B                    /* ESC character.               */

extern  int     ttopen();               /* Forward references.          */
extern  int     ttgetc();
extern  int     ttputc();
extern  int     ttflush();
extern  int     ttclose();
extern  int     ansimove();
extern  int     ansieeol();
extern  int     ansieeop();
extern  int     ansibeep();
extern  int     ansiopen();

 * Standard terminal interface dispatch table. Most of the fields point into
 * "termio" code.
TERM    term    = {

ansimove(row, col)




register int    n;
        register int    q;

        q = n/10;
        if (q != 0)
        ttputc((n%10) + '0');


#if     V7
        register char *cp;
        char *getenv();

        if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) {
                puts("Shell variable TERM not defined!");
        if (strcmp(cp, "vt100") != 0) {
                puts("Terminal type not 'vt100'!");
 * The routines in this file move the cursor around on the screen. They
 * compute a new value for the cursor, then adjust ".". The display code
 * always updates the cursor location, so only moves between lines, or
 * functions that adjust the top line in the window and invalidate the
 * framing, are hard.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Move the cursor to the
 * beginning of the current line.
 * Trivial.
gotobol(f, n)
        curwp->w_doto  = 0;
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor backwards by "n" characters. If "n" is less than zero call
 * "forwchar" to actually do the move. Otherwise compute the new cursor
 * location. Error if you try and move out of the buffer. Set the flag if the
 * line pointer for dot changes.
backchar(f, n)
register int    n;
        register LINE   *lp;

        if (n < 0)
                return (forwchar(f, -n));
        while (n--) {
                if (curwp->w_doto == 0) {
                        if ((lp=lback(curwp->w_dotp)) == curbp->b_linep)
                                return (FALSE);
                        curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
                        curwp->w_doto  = llength(lp);
                        curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
                } else
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor to the end of the current line. Trivial. No errors.
gotoeol(f, n)
        curwp->w_doto  = llength(curwp->w_dotp);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forwwards by "n" characters. If "n" is less than zero call
 * "backchar" to actually do the move. Otherwise compute the new cursor
 * location, and move ".". Error if you try and move off the end of the
 * buffer. Set the flag if the line pointer for dot changes.
forwchar(f, n)
register int    n;
        if (n < 0)
                return (backchar(f, -n));
        while (n--) {
                if (curwp->w_doto == llength(curwp->w_dotp)) {
                        if (curwp->w_dotp == curbp->b_linep)
                                return (FALSE);
                        curwp->w_dotp  = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
                        curwp->w_doto  = 0;
                        curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
                } else
        return (TRUE);

 * Goto the beginning of the buffer. Massive adjustment of dot. This is
 * considered to be hard motion; it really isn't if the original value of dot
 * is the same as the new value of dot. Normally bound to "M-<".
gotobob(f, n)
        curwp->w_dotp  = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
        curwp->w_doto  = 0;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Move to the end of the buffer. Dot is always put at the end of the file
 * (ZJ). The standard screen code does most of the hard parts of update.
 * Bound to "M->".
gotoeob(f, n)
        curwp->w_dotp  = curbp->b_linep;
        curwp->w_doto  = 0;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Move forward by full lines. If the number of lines to move is less than
 * zero, call the backward line function to actually do it. The last command
 * controls how the goal column is set. Bound to "C-N". No errors are
 * possible.
forwline(f, n)
        register LINE   *dlp;

        if (n < 0)
                return (backline(f, -n));
        if ((lastflag&CFCPCN) == 0)             /* Reset goal if last   */
                curgoal = curcol;               /* not C-P or C-N       */
        thisflag |= CFCPCN;
        dlp = curwp->w_dotp;
        while (n-- && dlp!=curbp->b_linep)
                dlp = lforw(dlp);
        curwp->w_dotp  = dlp;
        curwp->w_doto  = getgoal(dlp);  /* modified cej was 'elp' */
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
        return (TRUE);

 * This function is like "forwline", but goes backwards. The scheme is exactly
 * the same. Check for arguments that are less than zero and call your
 * alternate. Figure out the new line and call "movedot" to perform the
 * motion. No errors are possible. Bound to "C-P".
backline(f, n)
        register LINE   *dlp;

        if (n < 0)
                return (forwline(f, -n));
        if ((lastflag&CFCPCN) == 0)             /* Reset goal if the    */
                curgoal = curcol;               /* last isn't C-P, C-N  */
        thisflag |= CFCPCN;
        dlp = curwp->w_dotp;
        while (n-- && lback(dlp)!=curbp->b_linep)
                dlp = lback(dlp);
        curwp->w_dotp  = dlp;
        curwp->w_doto  = getgoal(dlp);
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
        return (TRUE);

 * This routine, given a pointer to a LINE, and the current cursor goal
 * column, return the best choice for the offset. The offset is returned.
 * Used by "C-N" and "C-P".
register LINE   *dlp;
        register int    c;
        register int    col;
        register int    newcol;
        register int    dbo;

        col = 0;
        dbo = 0;
        while (dbo != llength(dlp)) {
                c = lgetc(dlp, dbo);
                newcol = col;
                if (c == '\t')
                        newcol |= 0x07;
                else if (c<0x20 || c==0x7F)
                if (newcol > curgoal)
                col = newcol;
        return (dbo);

 * Scroll forward by a specified number of lines, or by a full page if no
 * argument. Bound to "C-V". The "2" in the arithmetic on the window size is
 * the overlap; this value is the default overlap value in ITS EMACS. Because
 * this zaps the top line in the display window, we have to do a hard update.
forwpage(f, n)
register int    n;
        register LINE   *lp;

        if (f == FALSE) {
                n = curwp->w_ntrows - 2;        /* Default scroll.      */
                if (n <= 0)                     /* Forget the overlap   */
                        n = 1;                  /* if tiny window.      */
        } else if (n < 0)
                return (backpage(f, -n));
#if     CVMVAS
        else                                    /* Convert from pages   */
                n *= curwp->w_ntrows;           /* to lines.            */
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        while (n-- && lp!=curbp->b_linep)
                lp = lforw(lp);
        curwp->w_linep = lp;
        curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
        curwp->w_doto  = 0;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * This command is like "forwpage", but it goes backwards. The "2", like
 * above, is the overlap between the two windows. The value is from the ITS
 * EMACS manual. Bound to "M-V". We do a hard update for exactly the same
 * reason.
backpage(f, n)
register int    n;
        register LINE   *lp;

        if (f == FALSE) {
                n = curwp->w_ntrows - 2;        /* Default scroll.      */
                if (n <= 0)                     /* Don't blow up if the */
                        n = 1;                  /* window is tiny.      */
        } else if (n < 0)
                return (forwpage(f, -n));
#if     CVMVAS
        else                                    /* Convert from pages   */
                n *= curwp->w_ntrows;           /* to lines.            */
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        while (n-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
                lp = lback(lp);
        curwp->w_linep = lp;
        curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
        curwp->w_doto  = 0;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Set the mark in the current window to the value of "." in the window. No
 * errors are possible. Bound to "M-.".
setmark(f, n)
        curwp->w_markp = curwp->w_dotp;
        curwp->w_marko = curwp->w_doto;
        mlwrite("[Mark set]");
        return (TRUE);

 * Swap the values of "." and "mark" in the current window. This is pretty
 * easy, bacause all of the hard work gets done by the standard routine
 * that moves the mark about. The only possible error is "no mark". Bound to
 * "C-X C-X".
swapmark(f, n)
        register LINE   *odotp;
        register int    odoto;

        if (curwp->w_markp == NULL) {
                mlwrite("No mark in this window");
                return (FALSE);
        odotp = curwp->w_dotp;
        odoto = curwp->w_doto;
        curwp->w_dotp  = curwp->w_markp;
        curwp->w_doto  = curwp->w_marko;
        curwp->w_markp = odotp;
        curwp->w_marko = odoto;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
        return (TRUE);

 * The routines in this file read and write ASCII files from the disk. All of
 * the knowledge about files are here. A better message writing scheme should
 * be used.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

FILE    *ffp;                           /* File pointer, all functions. */

 * Open a file for reading.
char    *fn;
        if ((ffp=fopen(fn, "r")) == NULL)
                return (FIOFNF);
        return (FIOSUC);

 * Open a file for writing. Return TRUE if all is well, and FALSE on error
 * (cannot create).
char    *fn;
#if     VMS
        register int    fd;

        if ((fd=creat(fn, 0666, "rfm=var", "rat=cr")) < 0
        || (ffp=fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) {
        if ((ffp=fopen(fn, "w")) == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Cannot open file for writing");
                return (FIOERR);
        return (FIOSUC);

 * Close a file. Should look at the status in all systems.
#if     V7
        if (fclose(ffp) != FALSE) {
                mlwrite("Error closing file");
        return (FIOSUC);

 * Write a line to the already opened file. The "buf" points to the buffer,
 * and the "nbuf" is its length, less the free newline. Return the status.
 * Check only at the newline.
ffputline(buf, nbuf)
char    buf[];
        register int    i;

        for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i)
                fputc(buf[i]&0xFF, ffp);

        fputc('\n', ffp);

        if (ferror(ffp)) {
                mlwrite("Write I/O error");
                return (FIOERR);

        return (FIOSUC);

 * Read a line from a file, and store the bytes in the supplied buffer. The
 * "nbuf" is the length of the buffer. Complain about long lines and lines
 * at the end of the file that don't have a newline present. Check for I/O
 * errors too. Return status.
ffgetline(buf, nbuf)
register char   buf[];
        register int    c;
        register int    i;

        i = 0;

        while ((c = fgetc(ffp)) != EOF && c != '\n') {
                if (i >= nbuf-1) {
                        mlwrite("File has long line");
                        return (FIOERR);
                buf[i++] = c;

        if (c == EOF) {
                if (ferror(ffp)) {
                        mlwrite("File read error");
                        return (FIOERR);

                if (i != 0) {
                        mlwrite("File has funny line at EOF");
                        return (FIOERR);
                return (FIOEOF);

        buf[i] = 0;
        return (FIOSUC);
 * The functions in this file are a general set of line management utilities.
 * They are the only routines that touch the text. They also touch the buffer
 * and window structures, to make sure that the necessary updating gets done.
 * There are routines in this file that handle the kill buffer too. It isn't
 * here for any good reason.
 * Note that this code only updates the dot and mark values in the window list.
 * Since all the code acts on the current window, the buffer that we are
 * editing must be being displayed, which means that "b_nwnd" is non zero,
 * which means that the dot and mark values in the buffer headers are nonsense.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#define NBLOCK  16                      /* Line block chunk size        */
#define KBLOCK  256                     /* Kill buffer block size       */

char    *kbufp  = NULL;                 /* Kill buffer data             */
int     kused   = 0;                    /* # of bytes used in KB        */
int     ksize   = 0;                    /* # of bytes allocated in KB   */

 * This routine allocates a block of memory large enough to hold a LINE
 * containing "used" characters. The block is always rounded up a bit. Return
 * a pointer to the new block, or NULL if there isn't any memory left. Print a
 * message in the message line if no space.
LINE    *
register int    used;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    size;

        size = (used+NBLOCK-1) & ~(NBLOCK-1);
        if (size == 0)                          /* Assume that an empty */
                size = NBLOCK;                  /* line is for type-in. */
        if ((lp = (LINE *) malloc(sizeof(LINE)+size)) == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Cannot allocate %d bytes", size);
                return (NULL);
        lp->l_size = size;
        lp->l_used = used;
        return (lp);

 * Delete line "lp". Fix all of the links that might point at it (they are
 * moved to offset 0 of the next line. Unlink the line from whatever buffer it
 * might be in. Release the memory. The buffers are updated too; the magic
 * conditions described in the above comments don't hold here.
register LINE   *lp;
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        wp = wheadp;
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_linep == lp)
                        wp->w_linep = lp->l_fp;
                if (wp->w_dotp  == lp) {
                        wp->w_dotp  = lp->l_fp;
                        wp->w_doto  = 0;
                if (wp->w_markp == lp) {
                        wp->w_markp = lp->l_fp;
                        wp->w_marko = 0;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        bp = bheadp;
        while (bp != NULL) {
                if (bp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                        if (bp->b_dotp  == lp) {
                                bp->b_dotp = lp->l_fp;
                                bp->b_doto = 0;
                        if (bp->b_markp == lp) {
                                bp->b_markp = lp->l_fp;
                                bp->b_marko = 0;
                bp = bp->b_bufp;
        lp->l_bp->l_fp = lp->l_fp;
        lp->l_fp->l_bp = lp->l_bp;
        free((char *) lp);

 * This routine gets called when a character is changed in place in the current
 * buffer. It updates all of the required flags in the buffer and window
 * system. The flag used is passed as an argument; if the buffer is being
 * displayed in more than 1 window we change EDIT t HARD. Set MODE if the
 * mode line needs to be updated (the "*" has to be set).
register int    flag;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        if (curbp->b_nwnd != 1)                 /* Ensure hard.         */
                flag = WFHARD;
        if ((curbp->b_flag&BFCHG) == 0) {       /* First change, so     */
                flag |= WFMODE;                 /* update mode lines.   */
                curbp->b_flag |= BFCHG;
        wp = wheadp;
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
                        wp->w_flag |= flag;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;

 * Insert "n" copies of the character "c" at the current location of dot. In
 * the easy case all that happens is the text is stored in the line. In the
 * hard case, the line has to be reallocated. When the window list is updated,
 * take special care; I screwed it up once. You always update dot in the
 * current window. You update mark, and a dot in another window, if it is
 * greater than the place where you did the insert. Return TRUE if all is
 * well, and FALSE on errors.
linsert(n, c)
        register char   *cp1;
        register char   *cp2;
        register LINE   *lp1;
        register LINE   *lp2;
        register LINE   *lp3;
        register int    doto;
        register int    i;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        lp1 = curwp->w_dotp;                    /* Current line         */
        if (lp1 == curbp->b_linep) {            /* At the end: special  */
                if (curwp->w_doto != 0) {
                        mlwrite("bug: linsert");
                        return (FALSE);
                if ((lp2=lalloc(n)) == NULL)    /* Allocate new line    */
                        return (FALSE);
                lp3 = lp1->l_bp;                /* Previous line        */
                lp3->l_fp = lp2;                /* Link in              */
                lp2->l_fp = lp1;
                lp1->l_bp = lp2;
                lp2->l_bp = lp3;
                for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
                        lp2->l_text[i] = c;
                curwp->w_dotp = lp2;
                curwp->w_doto = n;
                return (TRUE);
        doto = curwp->w_doto;                   /* Save for later.      */
        if (lp1->l_used+n > lp1->l_size) {      /* Hard: reallocate     */
                if ((lp2=lalloc(lp1->l_used+n)) == NULL)
                        return (FALSE);
                cp1 = &lp1->l_text[0];
                cp2 = &lp2->l_text[0];
                while (cp1 != &lp1->l_text[doto])
                        *cp2++ = *cp1++;
                cp2 += n;
                while (cp1 != &lp1->l_text[lp1->l_used])
                        *cp2++ = *cp1++;
                lp1->l_bp->l_fp = lp2;
                lp2->l_fp = lp1->l_fp;
                lp1->l_fp->l_bp = lp2;
                lp2->l_bp = lp1->l_bp;
                free((char *) lp1);
        } else {                                /* Easy: in place       */
                lp2 = lp1;                      /* Pretend new line     */
                lp2->l_used += n;
                cp2 = &lp1->l_text[lp1->l_used];
                cp1 = cp2-n;
                while (cp1 != &lp1->l_text[doto])
                        *--cp2 = *--cp1;
        for (i=0; i<n; ++i)                     /* Add the characters   */
                lp2->l_text[doto+i] = c;
        wp = wheadp;                            /* Update windows       */
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_linep == lp1)
                        wp->w_linep = lp2;
                if (wp->w_dotp == lp1) {
                        wp->w_dotp = lp2;
                        if (wp==curwp || wp->w_doto>doto)
                                wp->w_doto += n;
                if (wp->w_markp == lp1) {
                        wp->w_markp = lp2;
                        if (wp->w_marko > doto)
                                wp->w_marko += n;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (TRUE);

 * Insert a newline into the buffer at the current location of dot in the
 * current window. The funny ass-backwards way it does things is not a botch;
 * it just makes the last line in the file not a special case. Return TRUE if
 * everything works out and FALSE on error (memory allocation failure). The
 * update of dot and mark is a bit easier then in the above case, because the
 * split forces more updating.
        register char   *cp1;
        register char   *cp2;
        register LINE   *lp1;
        register LINE   *lp2;
        register int    doto;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        lp1  = curwp->w_dotp;                   /* Get the address and  */
        doto = curwp->w_doto;                   /* offset of "."        */
        if ((lp2=lalloc(doto)) == NULL)         /* New first half line  */
                return (FALSE);
        cp1 = &lp1->l_text[0];                  /* Shuffle text around  */
        cp2 = &lp2->l_text[0];
        while (cp1 != &lp1->l_text[doto])
                *cp2++ = *cp1++;
        cp2 = &lp1->l_text[0];
        while (cp1 != &lp1->l_text[lp1->l_used])
                *cp2++ = *cp1++;
        lp1->l_used -= doto;
        lp2->l_bp = lp1->l_bp;
        lp1->l_bp = lp2;
        lp2->l_bp->l_fp = lp2;
        lp2->l_fp = lp1;
        wp = wheadp;                            /* Windows              */
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_linep == lp1)
                        wp->w_linep = lp2;
                if (wp->w_dotp == lp1) {
                        if (wp->w_doto < doto)
                                wp->w_dotp = lp2;
                                wp->w_doto -= doto;
                if (wp->w_markp == lp1) {
                        if (wp->w_marko < doto)
                                wp->w_markp = lp2;
                                wp->w_marko -= doto;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (TRUE);

 * This function deletes "n" bytes, starting at dot. It understands how do deal
 * with end of lines, etc. It returns TRUE if all of the characters were
 * deleted, and FALSE if they were not (because dot ran into the end of the
 * buffer. The "kflag" is TRUE if the text should be put in the kill buffer.
ldelete(n, kflag)
        register char   *cp1;
        register char   *cp2;
        register LINE   *dotp;
        register int    doto;
        register int    chunk;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        while (n != 0) {
                dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
                doto = curwp->w_doto;
                if (dotp == curbp->b_linep)     /* Hit end of buffer.   */
                        return (FALSE);
                chunk = dotp->l_used-doto;      /* Size of chunk.       */
                if (chunk > n)
                        chunk = n;
                if (chunk == 0) {               /* End of line, merge.  */
                        if (ldelnewline() == FALSE
                        || (kflag!=FALSE && kinsert('\n')==FALSE))
                                return (FALSE);
                cp1 = &dotp->l_text[doto];      /* Scrunch text.        */
                cp2 = cp1 + chunk;
                if (kflag != FALSE) {           /* Kill?                */
                        while (cp1 != cp2) {
                                if (kinsert(*cp1) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
                        cp1 = &dotp->l_text[doto];
                while (cp2 != &dotp->l_text[dotp->l_used])
                        *cp1++ = *cp2++;
                dotp->l_used -= chunk;
                wp = wheadp;                    /* Fix windows          */
                while (wp != NULL) {
                        if (wp->w_dotp==dotp && wp->w_doto>=doto) {
                                wp->w_doto -= chunk;
                                if (wp->w_doto < doto)
                                        wp->w_doto = doto;
                        if (wp->w_markp==dotp && wp->w_marko>=doto) {
                                wp->w_marko -= chunk;
                                if (wp->w_marko < doto)
                                        wp->w_marko = doto;
                        wp = wp->w_wndp;
                n -= chunk;
        return (TRUE);

 * Delete a newline. Join the current line with the next line. If the next line
 * is the magic header line always return TRUE; merging the last line with the
 * header line can be thought of as always being a successful operation, even
 * if nothing is done, and this makes the kill buffer work "right". Easy cases
 * can be done by shuffling data around. Hard cases require that lines be moved
 * about in memory. Return FALSE on error and TRUE if all looks ok. Called by
 * "ldelete" only.
        register char   *cp1;
        register char   *cp2;
        register LINE   *lp1;
        register LINE   *lp2;
        register LINE   *lp3;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        lp1 = curwp->w_dotp;
        lp2 = lp1->l_fp;
        if (lp2 == curbp->b_linep) {            /* At the buffer end.   */
                if (lp1->l_used == 0)           /* Blank line.          */
                return (TRUE);
        if (lp2->l_used <= lp1->l_size-lp1->l_used) {
                cp1 = &lp1->l_text[lp1->l_used];
                cp2 = &lp2->l_text[0];
                while (cp2 != &lp2->l_text[lp2->l_used])
                        *cp1++ = *cp2++;
                wp = wheadp;
                while (wp != NULL) {
                        if (wp->w_linep == lp2)
                                wp->w_linep = lp1;
                        if (wp->w_dotp == lp2) {
                                wp->w_dotp  = lp1;
                                wp->w_doto += lp1->l_used;
                        if (wp->w_markp == lp2) {
                                wp->w_markp  = lp1;
                                wp->w_marko += lp1->l_used;
                        wp = wp->w_wndp;
                lp1->l_used += lp2->l_used;
                lp1->l_fp = lp2->l_fp;
                lp2->l_fp->l_bp = lp1;
                free((char *) lp2);
                return (TRUE);
        if ((lp3=lalloc(lp1->l_used+lp2->l_used)) == NULL)
                return (FALSE);
        cp1 = &lp1->l_text[0];
        cp2 = &lp3->l_text[0];
        while (cp1 != &lp1->l_text[lp1->l_used])
                *cp2++ = *cp1++;
        cp1 = &lp2->l_text[0];
        while (cp1 != &lp2->l_text[lp2->l_used])
                *cp2++ = *cp1++;
        lp1->l_bp->l_fp = lp3;
        lp3->l_fp = lp2->l_fp;
        lp2->l_fp->l_bp = lp3;
        lp3->l_bp = lp1->l_bp;
        wp = wheadp;
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_linep==lp1 || wp->w_linep==lp2)
                        wp->w_linep = lp3;
                if (wp->w_dotp == lp1)
                        wp->w_dotp  = lp3;
                else if (wp->w_dotp == lp2) {
                        wp->w_dotp  = lp3;
                        wp->w_doto += lp1->l_used;
                if (wp->w_markp == lp1)
                        wp->w_markp  = lp3;
                else if (wp->w_markp == lp2) {
                        wp->w_markp  = lp3;
                        wp->w_marko += lp1->l_used;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        free((char *) lp1);
        free((char *) lp2);
        return (TRUE);

 * Delete all of the text saved in the kill buffer. Called by commands when a
 * new kill context is being created. The kill buffer array is released, just
 * in case the buffer has grown to immense size. No errors.
        if (kbufp != NULL) {
                free((char *) kbufp);
                kbufp = NULL;
                kused = 0;
                ksize = 0;

 * Insert a character to the kill buffer, enlarging the buffer if there isn't
 * any room. Always grow the buffer in chunks, on the assumption that if you
 * put something in the kill buffer you are going to put more stuff there too
 * later. Return TRUE if all is well, and FALSE on errors.
        register char   *nbufp;
        register int    i;

        if (kused == ksize) {
                if ((nbufp=malloc(ksize+KBLOCK)) == NULL)
                        return (FALSE);
                for (i=0; i<ksize; ++i)
                        nbufp[i] = kbufp[i];
                if (kbufp != NULL)
                        free((char *) kbufp);
                kbufp  = nbufp;
                ksize += KBLOCK;
        kbufp[kused++] = c;
        return (TRUE);

 * This function gets characters from the kill buffer. If the character index
 * "n" is off the end, it returns "-1". This lets the caller just scan along
 * until it gets a "-1" back.
        if (n >= kused)
                return (-1);
                return (kbufp[n] & 0xFF);

 * The routines in this file
 * deal with the region, that magic space
 * between "." and mark. Some functions are
 * commands. Some functions are just for
 * internal use.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Kill the region. Ask "getregion"
 * to figure out the bounds of the region.
 * Move "." to the start, and kill the characters.
 * Bound to "C-W".
killregion(f, n)
        register int    s;
        REGION          region;

        if ((s=getregion(&region)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)             /* This is a kill type  */
                kdelete();                      /* command, so do magic */
        thisflag |= CFKILL;                     /* kill buffer stuff.   */
        curwp->w_dotp = region.r_linep;
        curwp->w_doto = region.r_offset;
        return (ldelete(region.r_size, TRUE));

 * Copy all of the characters in the
 * region to the kill buffer. Don't move dot
 * at all. This is a bit like a kill region followed
 * by a yank. Bound to "M-W".
copyregion(f, n)
        register LINE   *linep;
        register int    loffs;
        register int    s;
        REGION          region;

        if ((s=getregion(&region)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)             /* Kill type command.   */
        thisflag |= CFKILL;
        linep = region.r_linep;                 /* Current line.        */
        loffs = region.r_offset;                /* Current offset.      */
        while (region.r_size--) {
                if (loffs == llength(linep)) {  /* End of line.         */
                        if ((s=kinsert('\n')) != TRUE)
                                return (s);
                        linep = lforw(linep);
                        loffs = 0;
                } else {                        /* Middle of line.      */
                        if ((s=kinsert(lgetc(linep, loffs))) != TRUE)
                                return (s);
        return (TRUE);

 * Lower case region. Zap all of the upper
 * case characters in the region to lower case. Use
 * the region code to set the limits. Scan the buffer,
 * doing the changes. Call "lchange" to ensure that
 * redisplay is done in all buffers. Bound to 
 * "C-X C-L".
lowerregion(f, n)
        register LINE   *linep;
        register int    loffs;
        register int    c;
        register int    s;
        REGION          region;

        if ((s=getregion(&region)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        linep = region.r_linep;
        loffs = region.r_offset;
        while (region.r_size--) {
                if (loffs == llength(linep)) {
                        linep = lforw(linep);
                        loffs = 0;
                } else {
                        c = lgetc(linep, loffs);
                        if (c>='A' && c<='Z')
                                lputc(linep, loffs, c+'a'-'A');
        return (TRUE);

 * Upper case region. Zap all of the lower
 * case characters in the region to upper case. Use
 * the region code to set the limits. Scan the buffer,
 * doing the changes. Call "lchange" to ensure that
 * redisplay is done in all buffers. Bound to 
 * "C-X C-L".
upperregion(f, n)
        register LINE   *linep;
        register int    loffs;
        register int    c;
        register int    s;
        REGION          region;

        if ((s=getregion(&region)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        linep = region.r_linep;
        loffs = region.r_offset;
        while (region.r_size--) {
                if (loffs == llength(linep)) {
                        linep = lforw(linep);
                        loffs = 0;
                } else {
                        c = lgetc(linep, loffs);
                        if (c>='a' && c<='z')
                                lputc(linep, loffs, c-'a'+'A');
        return (TRUE);

 * This routine figures out the
 * bounds of the region in the current window, and
 * fills in the fields of the "REGION" structure pointed
 * to by "rp". Because the dot and mark are usually very
 * close together, we scan outward from dot looking for
 * mark. This should save time. Return a standard code.
 * Callers of this routine should be prepared to get
 * an "ABORT" status; we might make this have the
 * conform thing later.
register REGION *rp;
        register LINE   *flp;
        register LINE   *blp;
        register int    fsize;
        register int    bsize;

        if (curwp->w_markp == NULL) {
                mlwrite("No mark set in this window");
                return (FALSE);
        if (curwp->w_dotp == curwp->w_markp) {
                rp->r_linep = curwp->w_dotp;
                if (curwp->w_doto < curwp->w_marko) {
                        rp->r_offset = curwp->w_doto;
                        rp->r_size = curwp->w_marko-curwp->w_doto;
                } else {
                        rp->r_offset = curwp->w_marko;
                        rp->r_size = curwp->w_doto-curwp->w_marko;
                return (TRUE);
        blp = curwp->w_dotp;
        bsize = curwp->w_doto;
        flp = curwp->w_dotp;
        fsize = llength(flp)-curwp->w_doto+1;
        while (flp!=curbp->b_linep || lback(blp)!=curbp->b_linep) {
                if (flp != curbp->b_linep) {
                        flp = lforw(flp);
                        if (flp == curwp->w_markp) {
                                rp->r_linep = curwp->w_dotp;
                                rp->r_offset = curwp->w_doto;
                                rp->r_size = fsize+curwp->w_marko;
                                return (TRUE);
                        fsize += llength(flp)+1;
                if (lback(blp) != curbp->b_linep) {
                        blp = lback(blp);
                        bsize += llength(blp)+1;
                        if (blp == curwp->w_markp) {
                                rp->r_linep = blp;
                                rp->r_offset = curwp->w_marko;
                                rp->r_size = bsize - curwp->w_marko;
                                return (TRUE);
        mlwrite("Bug: lost mark");
        return (FALSE);
 * The routines in this file are called to create a subjob running a command
 * interpreter. This code is a big fat nothing on CP/M-86. You lose.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     AMIGA
#define  NEW   1006

#if     VMS
#define EFN     0                               /* Event flag.          */

#include        <ssdef.h>                       /* Random headers.      */
#include        <stsdef.h>
#include        <descrip.h>
#include        <iodef.h>

extern  int     oldmode[];                      /* In "termio.c"        */
extern  int     newmode[];                      /* In "termio.c"        */
extern  short   iochan;                         /* In "termio.c"        */

#if     MSDOS
#include        <dos.h>

#if     V7
#include        <signal.h>

 * Create a subjob with a copy of the command intrepreter in it. When the
 * command interpreter exits, mark the screen as garbage so that you do a full
 * repaint. Bound to "C-C". The message at the start in VMS puts out a newline.
 * Under some (unknown) condition, you don't get one free when DCL starts up.
spawncli(f, n)
#if     AMIGA
        long newcli;

        newcli = Open("CON:1/1/639/199/MicroEmacs Subprocess", NEW);
        mlwrite("[Starting new CLI]");
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        Execute("", newcli, 0);

#if     V7
        register char *cp;
        char    *getenv();
#if     VMS
        movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);             /* In last line.        */
        mlputs("[Starting DCL]\r\n");
        (*term.t_flush)();                      /* Ignore "ttcol".      */
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        return (sys(NULL));                     /* NULL => DCL.         */
#if     CPM
        mlwrite("Not in CP/M-86");
#if     MSDOS
        movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);             /* Seek to last line.   */
        sys("\\command.com", "");               /* Run CLI.             */
        sgarbf = TRUE;
#if     V7
        movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);             /* Seek to last line.   */
        ttclose();                              /* stty to old settings */
        if ((cp = getenv("SHELL")) != NULL && *cp != '\0')
                system("exec /bin/sh");
        sgarbf = TRUE;

 * Run a one-liner in a subjob. When the command returns, wait for a single
 * character to be typed, then mark the screen as garbage so a full repaint is
 * done. Bound to "C-X !".
spawn(f, n)
        register int    s;
        char            line[NLINE];
#if     AMIGA
        long newcli;

        newcli = Open("CON:1/1/639/199/MicroEmacs Subprocess", NEW);
        if ((s=mlreply("CLI command: ", line, NLINE)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        while ((*term.t_getchar)() != '\r')     /* Pause.               */
        sgarbf = TRUE;
#if     VMS
        if ((s=mlreply("DCL command: ", line, NLINE)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        (*term.t_putchar)('\n');                /* Already have '\r'    */
        s = sys(line);                          /* Run the command.     */
        mlputs("\r\n\n[End]");                  /* Pause.               */
        while ((*term.t_getchar)() != '\r')
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        return (s);
#if     CPM
        mlwrite("Not in CP/M-86");
        return (FALSE);
#if     MSDOS
        if ((s=mlreply("MS-DOS command: ", line, NLINE)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        while ((*term.t_getchar)() != '\r')     /* Pause.               */
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        return (TRUE);
#if     V7
        if ((s=mlreply("! ", line, NLINE)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        (*term.t_putchar)('\n');                /* Already have '\r'    */
        ttclose();                              /* stty to old modes    */
        mlputs("[End]");                        /* Pause.               */
        while ((s = (*term.t_getchar)()) != '\r' && s != ' ')
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        return (TRUE);

#if     VMS
 * Run a command. The "cmd" is a pointer to a command string, or NULL if you
 * want to run a copy of DCL in the subjob (this is how the standard routine
 * LIB$SPAWN works. You have to do wierd stuff with the terminal on the way in
 * and the way out, because DCL does not want the channel to be in raw mode.
register char   *cmd;
        struct  dsc$descriptor  cdsc;
        struct  dsc$descriptor  *cdscp;
        long    status;
        long    substatus;
        long    iosb[2];

        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                          oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
                return (FALSE);
        cdscp = NULL;                           /* Assume DCL.          */
        if (cmd != NULL) {                      /* Build descriptor.    */
                cdsc.dsc$a_pointer = cmd;
                cdsc.dsc$w_length  = strlen(cmd);
                cdsc.dsc$b_dtype   = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
                cdsc.dsc$b_class   = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
                cdscp = &cdsc;
        status = LIB$SPAWN(cdscp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &substatus, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
                substatus = status;
        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                          newmode, sizeof(newmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
                return (FALSE);
        if ((substatus&STS$M_SUCCESS) == 0)     /* Command failed.      */
                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

#if     MSDOS
 * This routine, once again by Bob McNamara, is a C translation of the "system"
 * routine in the MWC-86 run time library. It differs from the "system" routine
 * in that it does not unconditionally append the string ".exe" to the end of
 * the command name. We needed to do this because we want to be able to spawn
 * off "command.com". We really do not understand what it does, but if you don't
 * do it exactly "malloc" starts doing very very strange things.
sys(cmd, tail)
char    *cmd;
char    *tail;
#if MWC_86
        register unsigned n;
        extern   char     *__end;

        n = __end + 15;
        n >>= 4;
        n = ((n + dsreg() + 16) & 0xFFF0) + 16;
        return(execall(cmd, tail, n));

        return forklp(cmd, tail, NULL);
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ed.h"


#define NROW    24
#define NCOL    80
#define BEL     0x07
#define ESC     0x1B

extern int      ttopen();
extern int      ttgetc();
extern int      ttputc();
extern int      ttflush();
extern int      ttclose();
extern int      tcapmove();
extern int      tcapeeol();
extern int      tcapeeop();
extern int      tcapbeep();
extern int      tcapopen();
extern int      tput();
extern char     *tgoto();

#define TCAPSLEN 315

char tcapbuf[TCAPSLEN];
char    PC,

TERM term = {


        char *getenv();
        char *t, *p, *tgetstr();
        char tcbuf[1024];
        char *tv_stype;
        char err_str[72];

        if ((tv_stype = getenv("TERM")) == NULL)
                puts("Environment variable TERM not defined!");

        if((tgetent(tcbuf, tv_stype)) != 1)
                sprintf(err_str, "Unknown terminal type %s!", tv_stype);

        p = tcapbuf;
        t = tgetstr("pc", &p);
                PC = *t;

        CD = tgetstr("cd", &p);
        CM = tgetstr("cm", &p);
        CE = tgetstr("ce", &p);
        UP = tgetstr("up", &p);

        if(CD == NULL || CM == NULL || CE == NULL || UP == NULL)
                puts("Incomplete termcap entry\n");

        if (p >= &tcapbuf[TCAPSLEN])
                puts("Terminal description too big!\n");
tcapmove(row, col)
register int row, col;
        putpad(tgoto(CM, col, row));




char    *str;
        tputs(str, 1, ttputc);

putnpad(str, n)
char    *str;
        tputs(str, n, ttputc);
#endif TERMCAP
 * Buffer management.
 * Some of the functions are internal,
 * and some are actually attached to user
 * keys. Like everyone else, they set hints
 * for the display system.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Attach a buffer to a window. The
 * values of dot and mark come from the buffer
 * if the use count is 0. Otherwise, they come
 * from some other window.

usebuffer(f, n)
        register int    s;
        char            bufn[NBUFN];

        if ((s=mlreply("Use buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
                return (s);


 * Attach a buffer to a window. The
 * values of dot and mark come from the buffer
 * if the use count is 0. Otherwise, they come
 * from some other window.


  char	bufn[];

        register BUFFER *bp;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        if ((bp=bfind(bufn, TRUE, 0)) == NULL)
                return (FALSE);

        if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) {             /* Last use.            */
                curbp->b_dotp  = curwp->w_dotp;
                curbp->b_doto  = curwp->w_doto;
                curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
                curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
        curbp = bp;                             /* Switch.              */
        curwp->w_bufp  = bp;
        curwp->w_linep = bp->b_linep;           /* For macros, ignored. */
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFFORCE|WFHARD; /* Quite nasty.         */
        if (bp->b_nwnd++ == 0) {                /* First use.           */
                curwp->w_dotp  = bp->b_dotp;
                curwp->w_doto  = bp->b_doto;
                curwp->w_markp = bp->b_markp;
                curwp->w_marko = bp->b_marko;
                return (TRUE);
        wp = wheadp;                            /* Look for old.        */
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp!=curwp && wp->w_bufp==bp) {
                        curwp->w_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                        curwp->w_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                        curwp->w_markp = wp->w_markp;
                        curwp->w_marko = wp->w_marko;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (TRUE);

 * Dispose of a buffer, by name.
 * Ask for the name. Look it up (don't get too
 * upset if it isn't there at all!). Get quite upset
 * if the buffer is being displayed. Clear the buffer (ask
 * if the buffer has been changed). Then free the header
 * line and the buffer header. Bound to "C-X K".
killbuffer(f, n)
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register BUFFER *bp1;
        register BUFFER *bp2;
        register int    s;
        char            bufn[NBUFN];

        if ((s=mlreply("Kill buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        if ((bp=bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) /* Easy if unknown.     */
                return (TRUE);
        if (bp->b_nwnd != 0) {                  /* Error if on screen.  */
                mlwrite("Buffer is being displayed");
                return (FALSE);
        if ((s=bclear(bp)) != TRUE)             /* Blow text away.      */
                return (s);
        free((char *) bp->b_linep);             /* Release header line. */
        bp1 = NULL;                             /* Find the header.     */
        bp2 = bheadp;
        while (bp2 != bp) {
                bp1 = bp2;
                bp2 = bp2->b_bufp;
        bp2 = bp2->b_bufp;                      /* Next one in chain.   */
        if (bp1 == NULL)                        /* Unlink it.           */
                bheadp = bp2;
                bp1->b_bufp = bp2;
        free((char *) bp);                      /* Release buffer block */
        return (TRUE);

 * List all of the active
 * buffers. First update the special
 * buffer that holds the list. Next make
 * sure at least 1 window is displaying the
 * buffer list, splitting the screen if this
 * is what it takes. Lastly, repaint all of
 * the windows that are displaying the
 * list. Bound to "C-X C-B".
listbuffers(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register int    s;

        if ((s=makelist()) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        if (blistp->b_nwnd == 0) {              /* Not on screen yet.   */
                if ((wp=wpopup()) == NULL)
                        return (FALSE);
                bp = wp->w_bufp;
                if (--bp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                        bp->b_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                        bp->b_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                        bp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
                        bp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;
                wp->w_bufp  = blistp;
        wp = wheadp;
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_bufp == blistp) {
                        wp->w_linep = lforw(blistp->b_linep);
                        wp->w_dotp  = lforw(blistp->b_linep);
                        wp->w_doto  = 0;
                        wp->w_markp = NULL;
                        wp->w_marko = 0;
                        wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (TRUE);

 * This routine rebuilds the
 * text in the special secret buffer
 * that holds the buffer list. It is called
 * by the list buffers command. Return TRUE
 * if everything works. Return FALSE if there
 * is an error (if there is no memory).
        register char   *cp1;
        register char   *cp2;
        register int    c;
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    nbytes;
        register int    s;
        register int    type;
        char            b[6+1];
        char            line[128];

        blistp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;               /* Don't complain!      */
        if ((s=bclear(blistp)) != TRUE)         /* Blow old text away   */
                return (s);
        strcpy(blistp->b_fname, "");
        if (addline("C   Size Buffer           File") == FALSE
        ||  addline("-   ---- ------           ----") == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        bp = bheadp;                            /* For all buffers      */
        while (bp != NULL) {
                if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP) != 0) { /* Skip magic ones.     */
                        bp = bp->b_bufp;
                cp1 = &line[0];                 /* Start at left edge   */
                if ((bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0)    /* "*" if changed       */
                        *cp1++ = '*';
                        *cp1++ = ' ';
                *cp1++ = ' ';                   /* Gap.                 */
                nbytes = 0;                     /* Count bytes in buf.  */
                lp = lforw(bp->b_linep);
                while (lp != bp->b_linep) {
                        nbytes += llength(lp)+1;
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                itoa(b, 6, nbytes);             /* 6 digit buffer size. */
                cp2 = &b[0];
                while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
                        *cp1++ = c;
                *cp1++ = ' ';                   /* Gap.                 */
                cp2 = &bp->b_bname[0];          /* Buffer name          */
                while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
                        *cp1++ = c;
                cp2 = &bp->b_fname[0];          /* File name            */
                if (*cp2 != 0) {
                        while (cp1 < &line[1+1+6+1+NBUFN+1])
                                *cp1++ = ' ';           
                        while ((c = *cp2++) != 0) {
                                if (cp1 < &line[128-1])
                                        *cp1++ = c;
                *cp1 = 0;                       /* Add to the buffer.   */
                if (addline(line) == FALSE)
                        return (FALSE);
                bp = bp->b_bufp;
        return (TRUE);                          /* All done             */

itoa(buf, width, num)
register char   buf[];
register int    width;
register int    num;
        buf[width] = 0;                         /* End of string.       */
        while (num >= 10) {                     /* Conditional digits.  */
                buf[--width] = (num%10) + '0';
                num /= 10;
        buf[--width] = num + '0';               /* Always 1 digit.      */
        while (width != 0)                      /* Pad with blanks.     */
                buf[--width] = ' ';

 * The argument "text" points to
 * a string. Append this line to the
 * buffer list buffer. Handcraft the EOL
 * on the end. Return TRUE if it worked and
 * FALSE if you ran out of room.
char    *text;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;
        register int    ntext;

        ntext = strlen(text);
        if ((lp=lalloc(ntext)) == NULL)
                return (FALSE);
        for (i=0; i<ntext; ++i)
                lputc(lp, i, text[i]);
        blistp->b_linep->l_bp->l_fp = lp;       /* Hook onto the end    */
        lp->l_bp = blistp->b_linep->l_bp;
        blistp->b_linep->l_bp = lp;
        lp->l_fp = blistp->b_linep;
        if (blistp->b_dotp == blistp->b_linep)  /* If "." is at the end */
                blistp->b_dotp = lp;            /* move it to new line  */
        return (TRUE);

 * Look through the list of
 * buffers. Return TRUE if there
 * are any changed buffers. Buffers
 * that hold magic internal stuff are
 * not considered; who cares if the
 * list of buffer names is hacked.
 * Return FALSE if no buffers
 * have been changed.
        register BUFFER *bp;

        bp = bheadp;
        while (bp != NULL) {
                if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP)==0 && (bp->b_flag&BFCHG)!=0)
                        return (TRUE);
                bp = bp->b_bufp;
        return (FALSE);

 * Find a buffer, by name. Return a pointer
 * to the BUFFER structure associated with it. If
 * the named buffer is found, but is a TEMP buffer (like
 * the buffer list) conplain. If the buffer is not found
 * and the "cflag" is TRUE, create it. The "bflag" is
 * the settings for the flags in in buffer.
bfind(bname, cflag, bflag)
register char   *bname;
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register LINE   *lp;

        bp = bheadp;
        while (bp != NULL) {
                if (strcmp(bname, bp->b_bname) == 0) {
                        if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP) != 0) {
                                mlwrite("Cannot select builtin buffer");
                                return (NULL);
                        return (bp);
                bp = bp->b_bufp;
        if (cflag != FALSE) {
                if ((bp=(BUFFER *)malloc(sizeof(BUFFER))) == NULL)
                        return (NULL);
                if ((lp=lalloc(0)) == NULL) {
                        free((char *) bp);
                        return (NULL);
                bp->b_bufp  = bheadp;
                bheadp = bp;
                bp->b_dotp  = lp;
                bp->b_doto  = 0;
                bp->b_markp = NULL;
                bp->b_marko = 0;
                bp->b_flag  = bflag;
                bp->b_nwnd  = 0;
                bp->b_linep = lp;
                strcpy(bp->b_fname, "");
                strcpy(bp->b_bname, bname);
                lp->l_fp = lp;
                lp->l_bp = lp;
        return (bp);

 * This routine blows away all of the text
 * in a buffer. If the buffer is marked as changed
 * then we ask if it is ok to blow it away; this is
 * to save the user the grief of losing text. The
 * window chain is nearly always wrong if this gets
 * called; the caller must arrange for the updates
 * that are required. Return TRUE if everything
 * looks good.
register BUFFER *bp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    s;
        if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP) == 0            /* Not scratch buffer.  */
        && (bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0              /* Something changed    */
        && (s=mlyesno("Discard changes")) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        bp->b_flag  &= ~BFCHG;                  /* Not changed          */
        while ((lp=lforw(bp->b_linep)) != bp->b_linep)
        bp->b_dotp  = bp->b_linep;              /* Fix "."              */
        bp->b_doto  = 0;
        bp->b_markp = NULL;                     /* Invalidate "mark"    */
        bp->b_marko = 0;
        return (TRUE);

/* This routine takes a line of text and a buffer pointer
 * and places the line of text into the buffer and appends
 * a CR-LF to the end of the text string


  char *text;
  BUFFER *bp;

  register int	ntext;
  register LINE *lp;
  register int  i;

        ntext = strlen(text);
        if ((lp=lalloc(ntext)) == NULL)
                return (FALSE);

        for (i=0; i<ntext; ++i)
	  if (text[i] == '\n')
		lputc(lp, i, text[i]);

        bp->b_linep->l_bp->l_fp = lp;       	/* Hook onto the end    */
        lp->l_bp = bp->b_linep->l_bp;
        bp->b_linep->l_bp = lp;
        lp->l_fp = bp->b_linep;
        if (bp->b_dotp == bp->b_linep)  	/* If "." is at the end */
                bp->b_dotp = lp;            	/* move it to new line  */
        return (TRUE);
 * The routines in this file
 * provide support for VT52 style terminals
 * over a serial line. The serial I/O services are
 * provided by routines in "termio.c". It compiles
 * into nothing if not a VT52 style device. The
 * bell on the VT52 is terrible, so the "beep"
 * routine is conditionalized on defining BEL.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     VT52

#define NROW    24                      /* Screen size.                 */
#define NCOL    80                      /* Edit if you want to.         */
#define BIAS    0x20                    /* Origin 0 coordinate bias.    */
#define ESC     0x1B                    /* ESC character.               */
#define BEL     0x07                    /* ascii bell character         */

extern  int     ttopen();               /* Forward references.          */
extern  int     ttgetc();
extern  int     ttputc();
extern  int     ttflush();
extern  int     ttclose();
extern  int     vt52move();
extern  int     vt52eeol();
extern  int     vt52eeop();
extern  int     vt52beep();
extern  int     vt52open();

 * Dispatch table. All the
 * hard fields just point into the
 * terminal I/O code.
TERM    term    = {

vt52move(row, col)



#ifdef  BEL


#if     V7
        register char *cp;
        char *getenv();

        if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) {
                puts("Shell variable TERM not defined!");
        if (strcmp(cp, "vt52") != 0 && strcmp(cp, "z19") != 0) {
                puts("Terminal type not 'vt52'or 'z19' !");
 * The routines in this file implement commands that work word at a time.
 * There are all sorts of word mode commands. If I do any sentence and/or
 * paragraph mode commands, they are likely to be put in this file.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

/* Word wrap on n-spaces. Back-over whatever precedes the point on the current
 * line and stop on the first word-break or the beginning of the line. If we
 * reach the beginning of the line, jump back to the end of the word and start
 * a new line.  Otherwise, break the line at the word-break, eat it, and jump
 * back to the end of the word.
 *      NOTE:  This function may leaving trailing blanks.
 * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on errors.
int n;
        register int cnt, oldp;
        oldp = curwp->w_dotp;
        cnt = -1;
        do {                            
                if (! backchar(NULL, 1))
        while (! inword());
        if (! backword(NULL, 1))
        if (oldp == (int) (curwp->w_dotp && curwp->w_doto)) {
                if (! backdel(NULL, 1))
                if (! newline(NULL, 1))
        return(forwword(NULL, 1) && forwchar(NULL, cnt));
 * Move the cursor backward by "n" words. All of the details of motion are
 * performed by the "backchar" and "forwchar" routines. Error if you try to
 * move beyond the buffers.
backword(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (forwword(f, -n));
        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (forwchar(FALSE, 1));

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. All of the motion
 * is done by "forwchar". Error if you try and move beyond the buffer's end.
forwword(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (backword(f, -n));
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. As you move,
 * convert any characters to upper case. Error if you try and move beyond the
 * end of the buffer. Bound to "M-U".
upperword(f, n)
        register int    c;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                        if (c>='a' && c<='z') {
                                c -= 'a'-'A';
                                lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. As you move
 * convert characters to lower case. Error if you try and move over the end of
 * the buffer. Bound to "M-L".
lowerword(f, n)
        register int    c;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                        if (c>='A' && c<='Z') {
                                c += 'a'-'A';
                                lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. As you move
 * convert the first character of the word to upper case, and subsequent
 * characters to lower case. Error if you try and move past the end of the
 * buffer. Bound to "M-C".
capword(f, n)
        register int    c;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                if (inword() != FALSE) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                        if (c>='a' && c<='z') {
                                c -= 'a'-'A';
                                lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                        while (inword() != FALSE) {
                                c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                                if (c>='A' && c<='Z') {
                                        c += 'a'-'A';
                                        lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                                if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Kill forward by "n" words. Remember the location of dot. Move forward by
 * the right number of words. Put dot back where it was and issue the kill
 * command for the right number of characters. Bound to "M-D".
delfword(f, n)
        register int    size;
        register LINE   *dotp;
        register int    doto;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
        doto = curwp->w_doto;
        size = 0;
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        curwp->w_dotp = dotp;
        curwp->w_doto = doto;
        return (ldelete(size, TRUE));

 * Kill backwards by "n" words. Move backwards by the desired number of words,
 * counting the characters. When dot is finally moved to its resting place,
 * fire off the kill command. Bound to "M-Rubout" and to "M-Backspace".
delbword(f, n)
        register int    size;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        size = 0;
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        return (ldelete(size, TRUE));

 * Return TRUE if the character at dot is a character that is considered to be
 * part of a word. The word character list is hard coded. Should be setable.
        register int    c;

        if (curwp->w_doto == llength(curwp->w_dotp))
                return (FALSE);
        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
        if (c>='a' && c<='z')
                return (TRUE);
        if (c>='A' && c<='Z')
                return (TRUE);
        if (c>='0' && c<='9')
                return (TRUE);
        if (c=='$' || c=='_')                   /* For identifiers      */
                return (TRUE);
        return (FALSE);
 * The functions in this file handle redisplay. There are two halves, the
 * ones that update the virtual display screen, and the ones that make the
  * physical display screen the same as the virtual display screen. These
 * functions use hints that are left in the windows by the commands.
 * ?    Steve Wilhite, 1-Dec-85
 *      - massive cleanup on code.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#define WFDEBUG 0                       /* Window flag debug. */

typedef struct  VIDEO {
        short   v_flag;                 /* Flags */
        char    v_text[1];              /* Screen data. */
}       VIDEO;

#define VFCHG   0x0001                  /* Changed. */

int     sgarbf  = TRUE;                 /* TRUE if screen is garbage */
int     mpresf  = FALSE;                /* TRUE if message in last line */
int     vtrow   = 0;                    /* Row location of SW cursor */
int     vtcol   = 0;                    /* Column location of SW cursor */
int     ttrow   = HUGE;                 /* Row location of HW cursor */
int     ttcol   = HUGE;                 /* Column location of HW cursor */

VIDEO   **vscreen;                      /* Virtual screen. */
VIDEO   **pscreen;                      /* Physical screen. */

 * Initialize the data structures used by the display code. The edge vectors
 * used to access the screens are set up. The operating system's terminal I/O
 * channel is set up. All the other things get initialized at compile time.
 * The original window has "WFCHG" set, so that it will get completely
 * redrawn on the first call to "update".
    register int i;
    register VIDEO *vp;

    vscreen = (VIDEO **) malloc(term.t_nrow*sizeof(VIDEO *));

    if (vscreen == NULL)

    pscreen = (VIDEO **) malloc(term.t_nrow*sizeof(VIDEO *));

    if (pscreen == NULL)

    for (i = 0; i < term.t_nrow; ++i)
        vp = (VIDEO *) malloc(sizeof(VIDEO)+term.t_ncol);

        if (vp == NULL)

        vscreen[i] = vp;
        vp = (VIDEO *) malloc(sizeof(VIDEO)+term.t_ncol);

        if (vp == NULL)

        pscreen[i] = vp;

 * Clean up the virtual terminal system, in anticipation for a return to the
 * operating system. Move down to the last line and clear it out (the next
 * system prompt will be written in the line). Shut down the channel to the
 * terminal.
    movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);

 * Set the virtual cursor to the specified row and column on the virtual
 * screen. There is no checking for nonsense values; this might be a good
 * idea during the early stages.
vtmove(row, col)
    vtrow = row;
    vtcol = col;

 * Write a character to the virtual screen. The virtual row and column are
 * updated. If the line is too long put a "$" in the last column. This routine
 * only puts printing characters into the virtual terminal buffers. Only
 * column overflow is checked.
    int c;
    register VIDEO      *vp;

    vp = vscreen[vtrow];

    if (vtcol >= term.t_ncol)
        vp->v_text[term.t_ncol - 1] = '$';
    else if (c == '\t')
            vtputc(' ');
        while ((vtcol&0x07) != 0);
    else if (c < 0x20 || c == 0x7F)
        vtputc(c ^ 0x40);
        vp->v_text[vtcol++] = c;                

 * Write a character to the virtual screen. The virtual row and column are
 * updated. If the line is too long put a "$" in the last column. This routine
 * only puts printing characters into the virtual terminal buffers. Only
 * column overflow is checked.  If 'c' is a ctl char it is put directly into
 * the buffer as is.  Tabs are sent as tabs also.
    int c;
    register VIDEO      *vp;

    vp = vscreen[vtrow];

    if (vtcol >= term.t_ncol)
        vp->v_text[term.t_ncol - 1] = '$';
    else if (c == '\t')
            vtputc(' ');
        while ((vtcol&0x07) != 0);
        vp->v_text[vtcol++] = c;                

 * Erase from the end of the software cursor to the end of the line on which
 * the software cursor is located.
    register VIDEO      *vp;

    vp = vscreen[vtrow];
    while (vtcol < term.t_ncol)
        vp->v_text[vtcol++] = ' ';

 * Make sure that the display is right. This is a three part process. First,
 * scan through all of the windows looking for dirty ones. Check the framing,
 * and refresh the screen. Second, make sure that "currow" and "curcol" are
 * correct for the current window. Third, make the virtual and physical
 * screens the same.
    register LINE *lp;
    register WINDOW *wp;
    register VIDEO *vp1;
    register VIDEO *vp2;
    register int i;
    register int j;
    register int c;

    wp = wheadp;

    while (wp != NULL)
        /* Look at any window with update flags set on. */

        if (wp->w_flag != 0)
            /* If not force reframe, check the framing. */

            if ((wp->w_flag & WFFORCE) == 0)
                lp = wp->w_linep;

                for (i = 0; i < wp->w_ntrows; ++i)
                    if (lp == wp->w_dotp)
                        goto out;

                    if (lp == wp->w_bufp->b_linep)

                    lp = lforw(lp);

            /* Not acceptable, better compute a new value for the line at the
             * top of the window. Then set the "WFHARD" flag to force full
             * redraw.
            i = wp->w_force;

            if (i > 0)

                if (i >= wp->w_ntrows)
                  i = wp->w_ntrows-1;
            else if (i < 0)
                i += wp->w_ntrows;

                if (i < 0)
                    i = 0;
                i = wp->w_ntrows/2;

            lp = wp->w_dotp;

            while (i != 0 && lback(lp) != wp->w_bufp->b_linep)
                lp = lback(lp);

            wp->w_linep = lp;
            wp->w_flag |= WFHARD;       /* Force full. */

            /* Try to use reduced update. Mode line update has its own special
             * flag. The fast update is used if the only thing to do is within
             * the line editing.
            lp = wp->w_linep;
            i = wp->w_toprow;

            if ((wp->w_flag & ~WFMODE) == WFEDIT)
                while (lp != wp->w_dotp)
                    lp = lforw(lp);

                vscreen[i]->v_flag |= VFCHG;
                vtmove(i, 0);

                for (j = 0; j < llength(lp); ++j)
                    vtputc(lgetc(lp, j)); 

	     if ((wp->w_flag & (WFEDIT | WFHARD)) != 0)
                while (i < wp->w_toprow+wp->w_ntrows)
                    vscreen[i]->v_flag |= VFCHG;
                    vtmove(i, 0);

                    if (lp != wp->w_bufp->b_linep)
                        for (j = 0; j < llength(lp); ++j)
                            vtputc(lgetc(lp, j));

                        lp = lforw(lp);

            if ((wp->w_flag&WFMODE) != 0)

            wp->w_flag  = 0;
            wp->w_force = 0;

        wp->w_flag =  0;
        wp->w_force = 0;

        wp = wp->w_wndp;

    /* Always recompute the row and column number of the hardware cursor. This
     * is the only update for simple moves.
    lp = curwp->w_linep;
    currow = curwp->w_toprow;

    while (lp != curwp->w_dotp)
        lp = lforw(lp);

    curcol = 0;
    i = 0;

    while (i < curwp->w_doto)
        c = lgetc(lp, i++);

        if (c == '\t')
            curcol |= 0x07;
        else if (c < 0x20 || c == 0x7F)


    if (curcol >= term.t_ncol)          /* Long line. */
        curcol = term.t_ncol-1;

    /* Special hacking if the screen is garbage. Clear the hardware screen,
     * and update your copy to agree with it. Set all the virtual screen
     * change bits, to force a full update.
    if (sgarbf != FALSE)
        for (i = 0; i < term.t_nrow; ++i)
            vscreen[i]->v_flag |= VFCHG;
            vp1 = pscreen[i];
            for (j = 0; j < term.t_ncol; ++j)
                vp1->v_text[j] = ' ';

        movecursor(0, 0);               /* Erase the screen. */
        sgarbf = FALSE;                 /* Erase-page clears */
        mpresf = FALSE;                 /* the message area. */

    /* Make sure that the physical and virtual displays agree. Unlike before,
     * the "updateline" code is only called with a line that has been updated
     * for sure.
    for (i = 0; i < term.t_nrow; ++i)
        vp1 = vscreen[i];

        if ((vp1->v_flag&VFCHG) != 0)
            vp1->v_flag &= ~VFCHG;
            vp2 = pscreen[i];
            updateline(i, &vp1->v_text[0], &vp2->v_text[0]);

    /* Finally, update the hardware cursor and flush out buffers. */

    movecursor(currow, curcol);

 * Update a single line. This does not know how to use insert or delete
 * character sequences; we are using VT52 functionality. Update the physical
 * row and column variables. It does try an exploit erase to end of line. The
 * RAINBOW version of this routine uses fast video.
updateline(row, vline, pline)
    char vline[];
    char pline[];
    register char *cp1;
    register char *cp2;
    register int nch;

    cp1 = &vline[0];                    /* Use fast video. */
    cp2 = &pline[0];
    putline(row+1, 1, cp1);
    nch = term.t_ncol;

        *cp2 = *cp1;
    while (--nch);
    register char *cp1;
    register char *cp2;
    register char *cp3;
    register char *cp4;
    register char *cp5;
    register int nbflag;

    cp1 = &vline[0];                    /* Compute left match.  */
    cp2 = &pline[0];

    while (cp1!=&vline[term.t_ncol] && cp1[0]==cp2[0])

    /* This can still happen, even though we only call this routine on changed
     * lines. A hard update is always done when a line splits, a massive
     * change is done, or a buffer is displayed twice. This optimizes out most
     * of the excess updating. A lot of computes are used, but these tend to
     * be hard operations that do a lot of update, so I don't really care.
    if (cp1 == &vline[term.t_ncol])             /* All equal. */

    nbflag = FALSE;
    cp3 = &vline[term.t_ncol];          /* Compute right match. */
    cp4 = &pline[term.t_ncol];

    while (cp3[-1] == cp4[-1])
        if (cp3[0] != ' ')              /* Note if any nonblank */
            nbflag = TRUE;              /* in right match. */

    cp5 = cp3;

    if (nbflag == FALSE)                /* Erase to EOL ? */
        while (cp5!=cp1 && cp5[-1]==' ')

        if (cp3-cp5 <= 3)               /* Use only if erase is */
            cp5 = cp3;                  /* fewer characters. */

    movecursor(row, cp1-&vline[0]);     /* Go to start of line. */

    while (cp1 != cp5)                  /* Ordinary. */
        *cp2++ = *cp1++;

    if (cp5 != cp3)                     /* Erase. */
        while (cp1 != cp3)
            *cp2++ = *cp1++;

 * Redisplay the mode line for the window pointed to by the "wp". This is the
 * only routine that has any idea of how the modeline is formatted. You can
 * change the modeline format by hacking at this routine. Called by "update"
 * any time there is a dirty window.
    WINDOW *wp;
    register char *cp;
    register int c;
    register int n;
    register BUFFER *bp;

    n = wp->w_toprow+wp->w_ntrows;              /* Location. */
    vscreen[n]->v_flag |= VFCHG;                /* Redraw next time. */
    vtmove(n, 0);                               /* Seek to right line. */
#ifdef ANSI
    bp = wp->w_bufp;

    if ((bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0)                /* "*" if changed. */

    n  = 2;
    cp = " MicroEMACS -- ";                     /* Buffer name. */

    while ((c = *cp++) != 0)

    cp = &bp->b_bname[0];

    while ((c = *cp++) != 0)

    vtputc(' ');

    if (bp->b_fname[0] != 0)            /* File name. */
        cp = "-- File: ";

        while ((c = *cp++) != 0)

        cp = &bp->b_fname[0];

        while ((c = *cp++) != 0)

        vtputc(' ');

    vtputc((wp->w_flag&WFMODE)!=0  ? 'M' : '-');
    vtputc((wp->w_flag&WFHARD)!=0  ? 'H' : '-');
    vtputc((wp->w_flag&WFEDIT)!=0  ? 'E' : '-');
    vtputc((wp->w_flag&WFMOVE)!=0  ? 'V' : '-');
    vtputc((wp->w_flag&WFFORCE)!=0 ? 'F' : '-');
    n += 6;

#ifndef ANSI
    while (n < term.t_ncol)             /* Pad to full width. */
#ifdef ANSI
    while (n < term.t_ncol-11)             /* Pad to full width. */

 * Send a command to the terminal to move the hardware cursor to row "row"
 * and column "col". The row and column arguments are origin 0. Optimize out
 * random calls. Update "ttrow" and "ttcol".
movecursor(row, col)
    if (row!=ttrow || col!=ttcol)
        ttrow = row;
        ttcol = col;
        (*term.t_move)(row, col);

 * Erase the message line. This is a special routine because the message line
 * is not considered to be part of the virtual screen. It always works
 * immediately; the terminal buffer is flushed via a call to the flusher.
    movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);
    mpresf = FALSE;

 * Ask a yes or no question in the message line. Return either TRUE, FALSE, or
 * ABORT. The ABORT status is returned if the user bumps out of the question
 * with a ^G. Used any time a confirmation is required.
    char *prompt;
    register int s;
    char buf[64];

    for (;;)
        strcpy(buf, prompt);
        strcat(buf, " [y/n]? ");
        s = mlreply(buf, buf, sizeof(buf));

        if (s == ABORT)
            return (ABORT);

        if (s != FALSE)
            if (buf[0]=='y' || buf[0]=='Y')
                return (TRUE);

            if (buf[0]=='n' || buf[0]=='N')
                return (FALSE);

 * Write a prompt into the message line, then read back a response. Keep
 * track of the physical position of the cursor. If we are in a keyboard
 * macro throw the prompt away, and return the remembered response. This
 * lets macros run at full speed. The reply is always terminated by a carriage
 * return. Handle erase, kill, and abort keys.
mlreply(prompt, buf, nbuf)
    char *prompt;
    char *buf;
    register int cpos;
    register int i;
    register int c;

    cpos = 0;

    if (kbdmop != NULL)
        while ((c = *kbdmop++) != '\0')
            buf[cpos++] = c;

        buf[cpos] = 0;

        if (buf[0] == 0)
            return (FALSE);

        return (TRUE);


    for (;;)
        c = (*term.t_getchar)();

        switch (c)
            case 0x0D:                  /* Return, end of line */
                buf[cpos++] = 0;

                if (kbdmip != NULL)
                    if (kbdmip+cpos > &kbdm[NKBDM-3])
                        ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
                        return (ABORT);

                    for (i=0; i<cpos; ++i)
                        *kbdmip++ = buf[i];

                ttcol = 0;

                if (buf[0] == 0)
                    return (FALSE);

                return (TRUE);

            case 0x07:                  /* Bell, abort */
                ttcol += 2;
                ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
                return (ABORT);

            case 0x7F:                  /* Rubout, erase */
            case 0x08:                  /* Backspace, erase */
                if (cpos != 0)
                    (*term.t_putchar)(' ');

                    if (buf[--cpos] < 0x20)
                        (*term.t_putchar)(' ');



            case 0x15:                  /* C-U, kill */
                while (cpos != 0)
                    (*term.t_putchar)(' ');

                    if (buf[--cpos] < 0x20)
                        (*term.t_putchar)(' ');


                if (cpos < nbuf-1)
                    buf[cpos++] = c;

                    if (c < ' ')
                        c ^= 0x40;


 * Write a message into the message line. Keep track of the physical cursor
 * position. A small class of printf like format items is handled. Assumes the
 * stack grows down; this assumption is made by the "++" in the argument scan
 * loop. Set the "message line" flag TRUE.
mlwrite(fmt, arg)
    char *fmt;
    register int c;
    register char *ap;

    movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);
    ap = (char *) &arg;
    while ((c = *fmt++) != 0) {
        if (c != '%') {
            c = *fmt++;
            switch (c) {
                case 'd':
                    mlputi(*(int *)ap, 10);
                    ap += sizeof(int);

                case 'o':
                    mlputi(*(int *)ap,  8);
                    ap += sizeof(int);

                case 'x':
                    mlputi(*(int *)ap, 16);
                    ap += sizeof(int);

                case 'D':
                    mlputli(*(long *)ap, 10);
                    ap += sizeof(long);

                case 's':
                    mlputs(*(char **)ap);
                    ap += sizeof(char *);

    mpresf = TRUE;

 * Write out a string. Update the physical cursor position. This assumes that
 * the characters in the string all have width "1"; if this is not the case
 * things will get screwed up a little.
    char *s;
    register int c;

    while ((c = *s++) != 0)

 * Write out an integer, in the specified radix. Update the physical cursor
 * position. This will not handle any negative numbers; maybe it should.
mlputi(i, r)
    register int q;
    static char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";

    if (i < 0)
        i = -i;

    q = i/r;

    if (q != 0)
        mlputi(q, r);


 * do the same except as a long integer.
mlputli(l, r)
    long l;
    register long q;

    if (l < 0)
        l = -l;

    q = l/r;

    if (q != 0)
        mlputli(q, r);



putline(row, col, buf)
    int row, col;
    char buf[];
    int n;

    n = strlen(buf);
    if (col + n - 1 > term.t_ncol)
        n = term.t_ncol - col + 1;
    Put_Data(row, col, n, buf);
 * The routines in this file
 * handle the reading and writing of
 * disk files. All of details about the
 * reading and writing of the disk are
 * in "fileio.c".
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Read a file into the current
 * buffer. This is really easy; all you do it
 * find the name of the file, and call the standard
 * "read a file into the current buffer" code.
 * Bound to "C-X C-R".
fileread(f, n)
        register int    s;
        char            fname[NFILEN];

        if ((s=mlreply("Read file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        return (readin(fname));

 * Select a file for editing.
 * Look around to see if you can find the
 * fine in another buffer; if you can find it
 * just switch to the buffer. If you cannot find
 * the file, create a new buffer, read in the
 * text, and switch to the new buffer.
 * Bound to C-X C-V.
filevisit(f, n)
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;
        register int    s;
        char            bname[NBUFN];
        char            fname[NFILEN];

        if ((s=mlreply("Visit file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        for (bp=bheadp; bp!=NULL; bp=bp->b_bufp) {
                if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP)==0 && strcmp(bp->b_fname, fname)==0) {
                        if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                                curbp->b_dotp  = curwp->w_dotp;
                                curbp->b_doto  = curwp->w_doto;
                                curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
                                curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
                        curbp = bp;
                        curwp->w_bufp  = bp;
                        if (bp->b_nwnd++ == 0) {
                                curwp->w_dotp  = bp->b_dotp;
                                curwp->w_doto  = bp->b_doto;
                                curwp->w_markp = bp->b_markp;
                                curwp->w_marko = bp->b_marko;
                        } else {
                                wp = wheadp;
                                while (wp != NULL) {
                                        if (wp!=curwp && wp->w_bufp==bp) {
                                                curwp->w_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                                                curwp->w_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                                                curwp->w_markp = wp->w_markp;
                                                curwp->w_marko = wp->w_marko;
                                        wp = wp->w_wndp;
                        lp = curwp->w_dotp;
                        i = curwp->w_ntrows/2;
                        while (i-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
                                lp = lback(lp);
                        curwp->w_linep = lp;
                        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
                        mlwrite("[Old buffer]");
                        return (TRUE);
        makename(bname, fname);                 /* New buffer name.     */
        while ((bp=bfind(bname, FALSE, 0)) != NULL) {
                s = mlreply("Buffer name: ", bname, NBUFN);
                if (s == ABORT)                 /* ^G to just quit      */
                        return (s);
                if (s == FALSE) {               /* CR to clobber it     */
                        makename(bname, fname);
        if (bp==NULL && (bp=bfind(bname, TRUE, 0))==NULL) {
                mlwrite("Cannot create buffer");
                return (FALSE);
					/* added by Curt Jutzi 		     */
	if (nextwind(NULL,NULL)==FALSE) /* if two windows open go to other   */
		splitwind(NULL,NULL);   /* and display new buffer their else */
					/* split window and display in other */
        if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) {             /* Undisplay.           */
                curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
                curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto;
                curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
                curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
        curbp = bp;                             /* Switch to it.        */
        curwp->w_bufp = bp;
        return (readin(fname));                 /* Read it in.          */


 * Read file "fname" into the current
 * buffer, blowing away any text found there. Called
 * by both the read and visit commands. Return the final
 * status of the read. Also called by the mainline,
 * to read in a file specified on the command line as
 * an argument.
char    fname[];
        register LINE   *lp1;
        register LINE   *lp2;
        register int    i;
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register int    s;
        register int    nbytes;
        register int    nline;
        char            line[NLINE];

        bp = curbp;                             /* Cheap.               */
        if ((s=bclear(bp)) != TRUE)             /* Might be old.        */
                return (s);
        bp->b_flag &= ~(BFTEMP|BFCHG);
        strcpy(bp->b_fname, fname);
        if ((s=ffropen(fname)) == FIOERR)       /* Hard file open.      */
                goto out;
        if (s == FIOFNF) {                      /* File not found.      */
                mlwrite("[New file]");
                goto out;
        mlwrite("[Reading file]");
        nline = 0;
        while ((s=ffgetline(line, NLINE)) == FIOSUC) {
                nbytes = strlen(line);
                if ((lp1=lalloc(nbytes)) == NULL) {
                        s = FIOERR;             /* Keep message on the  */
                        break;                  /* display.             */
                lp2 = lback(curbp->b_linep);
                lp2->l_fp = lp1;
                lp1->l_fp = curbp->b_linep;
                lp1->l_bp = lp2;
                curbp->b_linep->l_bp = lp1;
                for (i=0; i<nbytes; ++i)
                        lputc(lp1, i, line[i]);
        ffclose();                              /* Ignore errors.       */
        if (s == FIOEOF) {                      /* Don't zap message!   */
                if (nline == 1)
                        mlwrite("[Read 1 line]");
                        mlwrite("[Read %d lines]", nline);
        for (wp=wheadp; wp!=NULL; wp=wp->w_wndp) {
                if (wp->w_bufp == curbp) {
                        wp->w_linep = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
                        wp->w_dotp  = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
                        wp->w_doto  = 0;
                        wp->w_markp = NULL;
                        wp->w_marko = 0;
                        wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        if (s == FIOERR)                        /* False if error.      */
                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Take a file name, and from it
 * fabricate a buffer name. This routine knows
 * about the syntax of file names on the target system.
 * I suppose that this information could be put in
 * a better place than a line of code.
makename(bname, fname)
char    bname[];
char    fname[];
        register char   *cp1;
        register char   *cp2;

        cp1 = &fname[0];
        while (*cp1 != 0)

#if     AMIGA
        while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!='/')
#if     VMS
        while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!=']')
#if     CPM
        while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':')
#if     MSDOS
        while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!='\\')
#if     V7
        while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!='/')
        cp2 = &bname[0];
        while (cp2!=&bname[NBUFN-1] && *cp1!=0 && *cp1!=';')
                *cp2++ = *cp1++;
        *cp2 = 0;

 * Ask for a file name, and write the
 * contents of the current buffer to that file.
 * Update the remembered file name and clear the
 * buffer changed flag. This handling of file names
 * is different from the earlier versions, and
 * is more compatable with Gosling EMACS than
 * with ITS EMACS. Bound to "C-X C-W".
filewrite(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register int    s;
        char            fname[NFILEN];

        if ((s=mlreply("Write file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        if ((s=writeout(fname)) == TRUE) {
                strcpy(curbp->b_fname, fname);
                curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
                wp = wheadp;                    /* Update mode lines.   */
                while (wp != NULL) {
                        if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
                                wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
                        wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (s);

 * Save the contents of the current
 * buffer in its associatd file. No nothing
 * if nothing has changed (this may be a bug, not a
 * feature). Error if there is no remembered file
 * name for the buffer. Bound to "C-X C-S". May
 * get called by "C-Z".
filesave(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register int    s;

        if ((curbp->b_flag&BFCHG) == 0)         /* Return, no changes.  */
                return (TRUE);
        if (curbp->b_fname[0] == 0) {           /* Must have a name.    */
                mlwrite("No file name");
                return (FALSE);
        if ((s=writeout(curbp->b_fname)) == TRUE) {
                curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
                wp = wheadp;                    /* Update mode lines.   */
                while (wp != NULL) {
                        if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
                                wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
                        wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (s);

 * This function performs the details of file
 * writing. Uses the file management routines in the
 * "fileio.c" package. The number of lines written is
 * displayed. Sadly, it looks inside a LINE; provide
 * a macro for this. Most of the grief is error
 * checking of some sort.
char    *fn;
        register int    s;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    nline;

        if ((s=ffwopen(fn)) != FIOSUC)          /* Open writes message. */
                return (FALSE);
        lp = lforw(curbp->b_linep);             /* First line.          */
        nline = 0;                              /* Number of lines.     */
        while (lp != curbp->b_linep) {
                if ((s=ffputline(&lp->l_text[0], llength(lp))) != FIOSUC)
                lp = lforw(lp);
        if (s == FIOSUC) {                      /* No write error.      */
                s = ffclose();
                if (s == FIOSUC) {              /* No close error.      */
                        if (nline == 1)
                                mlwrite("[Wrote 1 line]");
                                mlwrite("[Wrote %d lines]", nline);
        } else                                  /* Ignore close error   */
                ffclose();                      /* if a write error.    */
        if (s != FIOSUC)                        /* Some sort of error.  */
                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * The command allows the user
 * to modify the file name associated with
 * the current buffer. It is like the "f" command
 * in UNIX "ed". The operation is simple; just zap
 * the name in the BUFFER structure, and mark the windows
 * as needing an update. You can type a blank line at the
 * prompt if you wish.
filename(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register int    s;
        char            fname[NFILEN];

        if ((s=mlreply("Name: ", fname, NFILEN)) == ABORT)
                return (s);
        if (s == FALSE)
                strcpy(curbp->b_fname, "");
                strcpy(curbp->b_fname, fname);
        wp = wheadp;                            /* Update mode lines.   */
        while (wp != NULL) {
                if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
                        wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (TRUE);
 * This file contains the command processing functions for a number of random
 * commands. There is no functional grouping here, for sure.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

int     tabsize;                        /* Tab size (0: use real tabs)  */

 * Set fill column to n. 
setfillcol(f, n)
        fillcol = n;

 * Display the current position of the cursor, in origin 1 X-Y coordinates,
 * the character that is under the cursor (in octal), and the fraction of the
 * text that is before the cursor. The displayed column is not the current
 * column, but the column that would be used on an infinite width display.
 * Normally this is bound to "C-X =".
showcpos(f, n)
        register LINE   *clp;
        register long   nch;
        register int    cbo;
        register long   nbc;
        register int    cac;
        register int    ratio;
        register int    col;
        register int    i;
        register int    c;

        clp = lforw(curbp->b_linep);            /* Grovel the data.     */
        cbo = 0;
        nch = 0;
        for (;;) {
                if (clp==curwp->w_dotp && cbo==curwp->w_doto) {
                        nbc = nch;
                        if (cbo == llength(clp))
                                cac = '\n';
                                cac = lgetc(clp, cbo);
                if (cbo == llength(clp)) {
                        if (clp == curbp->b_linep)
                        clp = lforw(clp);
                        cbo = 0;
                } else
        col = getccol(FALSE);                   /* Get real column.     */
        ratio = 0;                              /* Ratio before dot.    */
        if (nch != 0)
                ratio = (100L*nbc) / nch;
        mlwrite("X=%d Y=%d CH=0x%x .=%D (%d%% of %D)",
                col+1, currow+1, cac, nbc, ratio, nch);
        return (TRUE);

 * Return current column.  Stop at first non-blank given TRUE argument.
int bflg;
        register int c, i, col;
        col = 0;
        for (i=0; i<curwp->w_doto; ++i) {
                c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, i);
                if (c!=' ' && c!='\t' && bflg)
                if (c == '\t')
                        col |= 0x07;
                else if (c<0x20 || c==0x7F)

 * Twiddle the two characters on either side of dot. If dot is at the end of
 * the line twiddle the two characters before it. Return with an error if dot
 * is at the beginning of line; it seems to be a bit pointless to make this
 * work. This fixes up a very common typo with a single stroke. Normally bound
 * to "C-T". This always works within a line, so "WFEDIT" is good enough.
twiddle(f, n)
        register LINE   *dotp;
        register int    doto;
        register int    cl;
        register int    cr;

        dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
        doto = curwp->w_doto;
        if (doto==llength(dotp) && --doto<0)
                return (FALSE);
        cr = lgetc(dotp, doto);
        if (--doto < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        cl = lgetc(dotp, doto);
        lputc(dotp, doto+0, cr);
        lputc(dotp, doto+1, cl);
        return (TRUE);

 * Quote the next character, and insert it into the buffer. All the characters
 * are taken literally, with the exception of the newline, which always has
 * its line splitting meaning. The character is always read, even if it is
 * inserted 0 times, for regularity. Bound to "M-Q" (for me) and "C-Q" (for
 * Rich, and only on terminals that don't need XON-XOFF).
quote(f, n)
        register int    s;
        register int    c;

        c = (*term.t_getchar)();
        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        if (n == 0)
                return (TRUE);
        if (c == '\n') {
                do {
                        s = lnewline();
                } while (s==TRUE && --n);
                return (s);
        return (linsert(n, c));

 * Set tab size if given non-default argument (n <> 1).  Otherwise, insert a
 * tab into file.  If given argument, n, of zero, change to true tabs.
 * If n > 1, simulate tab stop every n-characters using spaces. This has to be
 * done in this slightly funny way because the tab (in ASCII) has been turned
 * into "C-I" (in 10 bit code) already. Bound to "C-I".
tab(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        if (n == 0 || n > 1) {
                tabsize = n;
        if (! tabsize)
                return(linsert(1, '\t'));
        return(linsert(tabsize - (getccol(FALSE) % tabsize), ' '));

 * Open up some blank space. The basic plan is to insert a bunch of newlines,
 * and then back up over them. Everything is done by the subcommand
 * procerssors. They even handle the looping. Normally this is bound to "C-O".
openline(f, n)
        register int    i;
        register int    s;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        if (n == 0)
                return (TRUE);
        i = n;                                  /* Insert newlines.     */
        do {
                s = lnewline();
        } while (s==TRUE && --i);
        if (s == TRUE)                          /* Then back up overtop */
                s = backchar(f, n);             /* of them all.         */
        return (s);

 * Insert a newline. Bound to "C-M". If you are at the end of the line and the
 * next line is a blank line, just move into the blank line. This makes "C-O"
 * and "C-X C-O" work nicely, and reduces the ammount of screen update that
 * has to be done. This would not be as critical if screen update were a lot
 * more efficient.
newline(f, n)
        int nicol;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    s;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                lp = curwp->w_dotp;
                if (llength(lp) == curwp->w_doto
                && lp != curbp->b_linep
                && llength(lforw(lp)) == 0) {
                        if ((s=forwchar(FALSE, 1)) != TRUE)
                                return (s);
                } else if ((s=lnewline()) != TRUE)
                        return (s);
        return (TRUE);

 * Delete blank lines around dot. What this command does depends if dot is
 * sitting on a blank line. If dot is sitting on a blank line, this command
 * deletes all the blank lines above and below the current line. If it is
 * sitting on a non blank line then it deletes all of the blank lines after
 * the line. Normally this command is bound to "C-X C-O". Any argument is
 * ignored.
deblank(f, n)
        register LINE   *lp1;
        register LINE   *lp2;
        register int    nld;

        lp1 = curwp->w_dotp;
        while (llength(lp1)==0 && (lp2=lback(lp1))!=curbp->b_linep)
                lp1 = lp2;
        lp2 = lp1;
        nld = 0;
        while ((lp2=lforw(lp2))!=curbp->b_linep && llength(lp2)==0)
        if (nld == 0)
                return (TRUE);
        curwp->w_dotp = lforw(lp1);
        curwp->w_doto = 0;
        return (ldelete(nld));

 * Insert a newline, then enough tabs and spaces to duplicate the indentation
 * of the previous line. Assumes tabs are every eight characters. Quite simple.
 * Figure out the indentation of the current line. Insert a newline by calling
 * the standard routine. Insert the indentation by inserting the right number
 * of tabs and spaces. Return TRUE if all ok. Return FALSE if one of the
 * subcomands failed. Normally bound to "C-J".
indent(f, n)
        register int    nicol;
        register int    c;
        register int    i;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                nicol = 0;
                for (i=0; i<llength(curwp->w_dotp); ++i) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, i);
                        if (c!=' ' && c!='\t')
                        if (c == '\t')
                                nicol |= 0x07;
                if (lnewline() == FALSE
                || ((i=nicol/8)!=0 && linsert(i, '\t')==FALSE)
                || ((i=nicol%8)!=0 && linsert(i,  ' ')==FALSE))
                        return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Delete forward. This is real easy, because the basic delete routine does
 * all of the work. Watches for negative arguments, and does the right thing.
 * If any argument is present, it kills rather than deletes, to prevent loss
 * of text if typed with a big argument. Normally bound to "C-D".
forwdel(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (backdel(f, -n));
        if (f != FALSE) {                       /* Really a kill.       */
                if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)
                thisflag |= CFKILL;
        return (ldelete(n, f));

 * Delete backwards. This is quite easy too, because it's all done with other
 * functions. Just move the cursor back, and delete forwards. Like delete
 * forward, this actually does a kill if presented with an argument. Bound to
 * both "RUBOUT" and "C-H".
backdel(f, n)
        register int    s;

        if (n < 0)
                return (forwdel(f, -n));
        if (f != FALSE) {                       /* Really a kill.       */
                if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)
                thisflag |= CFKILL;
        if ((s=backchar(f, n)) == TRUE)
                s = ldelete(n, f);
        return (s);

 * Kill text. If called without an argument, it kills from dot to the end of
 * the line, unless it is at the end of the line, when it kills the newline.
 * If called with an argument of 0, it kills from the start of the line to dot.
 * If called with a positive argument, it kills from dot forward over that
 * number of newlines. If called with a negative argument it kills backwards
 * that number of newlines. Normally bound to "C-K".
kill(f, n)
        register int    chunk;
        register LINE   *nextp;

        if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)             /* Clear kill buffer if */
                kdelete();                      /* last wasn't a kill.  */
        thisflag |= CFKILL;
        if (f == FALSE) {
                chunk = llength(curwp->w_dotp)-curwp->w_doto;
                if (chunk == 0)
                        chunk = 1;
        } else if (n == 0) {
                chunk = curwp->w_doto;
                curwp->w_doto = 0;
        } else if (n > 0) {
                chunk = llength(curwp->w_dotp)-curwp->w_doto+1;
                nextp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
                while (--n) {
                        if (nextp == curbp->b_linep)
                                return (FALSE);
                        chunk += llength(nextp)+1;
                        nextp = lforw(nextp);
        } else {
                mlwrite("neg kill");
                return (FALSE);
        return (ldelete(chunk, TRUE));

 * Yank text back from the kill buffer. This is really easy. All of the work
 * is done by the standard insert routines. All you do is run the loop, and
 * check for errors. Bound to "C-Y". The blank lines are inserted with a call
 * to "newline" instead of a call to "lnewline" so that the magic stuff that
 * happens when you type a carriage return also happens when a carriage return
 * is yanked back from the kill buffer.
yank(f, n)
        register int    c;
        register int    i;
        extern   int    kused;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                i = 0;
                while ((c=kremove(i)) >= 0) {
                        if (c == '\n') {
                                if (newline(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
                        } else {
                                if (linsert(1, c) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * The functions in this file implement commands that search in the forward
 * and backward directions. There are no special characters in the search
 * strings. Probably should have a regular expression search, or something
 * like that.
 * ?    Steve Wilhite, 1-Dec-85
 *      - massive cleanup on code.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Search forward. Get a search string from the user, and search, beginning at
 * ".", for the string. If found, reset the "." to be just after the match
 * string, and [perhaps] repaint the display. Bound to "C-S".
forwsearch(f, n)
    register LINE *clp;
    register int cbo;
    register LINE*tlp;
    register int tbo;
    register int c;
    register char *pp;
    register int s;

    if ((s = readpattern("Search")) != TRUE)
        return (s);

    clp = curwp->w_dotp;
    cbo = curwp->w_doto;

    while (clp != curbp->b_linep)
        if (cbo == llength(clp))
            clp = lforw(clp);
            cbo = 0;
            c = '\n';
            c = lgetc(clp, cbo++);

        if (eq(c, pat[0]) != FALSE)
            tlp = clp;
            tbo = cbo;
            pp  = &pat[1];

            while (*pp != 0)
                if (tlp == curbp->b_linep)
                    goto fail;

                if (tbo == llength(tlp))
                    tlp = lforw(tlp);
                    tbo = 0;
                    c = '\n';
                    c = lgetc(tlp, tbo++);

                if (eq(c, *pp++) == FALSE)
                    goto fail;

            curwp->w_dotp  = tlp;
            curwp->w_doto  = tbo;
            curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
            return (TRUE);

    mlwrite("Not found");
    return (FALSE);

 * Reverse search. Get a search string from the user, and search, starting at
 * "." and proceeding toward the front of the buffer. If found "." is left
 * pointing at the first character of the pattern [the last character that was
 j matched]. Bound to "C-R".
backsearch(f, n)
    register LINE *clp;
    register int cbo;
    register LINE *tlp;
    register int tbo;
    register int c;
    register char *epp;
    register char *pp;
    register int s;

    if ((s = readpattern("Reverse search")) != TRUE)
        return (s);

    for (epp = &pat[0]; epp[1] != 0; ++epp)

    clp = curwp->w_dotp;
    cbo = curwp->w_doto;

    for (;;)
        if (cbo == 0)
            clp = lback(clp);

            if (clp == curbp->b_linep)
                mlwrite("Not found");
                return (FALSE);

            cbo = llength(clp)+1;

        if (--cbo == llength(clp))
            c = '\n';
            c = lgetc(clp, cbo);

        if (eq(c, *epp) != FALSE)
            tlp = clp;
            tbo = cbo;
            pp  = epp;

            while (pp != &pat[0])
                if (tbo == 0)
                    tlp = lback(tlp);
                    if (tlp == curbp->b_linep)
                        goto fail;

                    tbo = llength(tlp)+1;

                if (--tbo == llength(tlp))
                    c = '\n';
                    c = lgetc(tlp, tbo);

                if (eq(c, *--pp) == FALSE)
                    goto fail;

            curwp->w_dotp  = tlp;
            curwp->w_doto  = tbo;
            curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
            return (TRUE);

 * Compare two characters. The "bc" comes from the buffer. It has it's case
 * folded out. The "pc" is from the pattern.
eq(bc, pc)
    int bc;
    int pc;
    if (bc>='a' && bc<='z')
        bc -= 0x20;

    if (pc>='a' && pc<='z')
        pc -= 0x20;
    if (bc == pc)
        return (TRUE);

    return (FALSE);

 * Read a pattern. Stash it in the external variable "pat". The "pat" is not
 * updated if the user types in an empty line. If the user typed an empty line,
 * and there is no old pattern, it is an error. Display the old pattern, in the
 * style of Jeff Lomicka. There is some do-it-yourself control expansion.
    char *prompt;
    register char *cp1;
    register char *cp2;
    register int c;
    register int s;
    char tpat[NPAT+20];

    cp1 = &tpat[0];                     /* Copy prompt */
    cp2 = prompt;

    while ((c = *cp2++) != '\0')
        *cp1++ = c;

    if (pat[0] != '\0')                 /* Old pattern */
        *cp1++ = ' ';
        *cp1++ = '[';
        cp2 = &pat[0];

        while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
            if (cp1 < &tpat[NPAT+20-6]) /* "??]: \0" */
                if (c<0x20 || c==0x7F) {
                    *cp1++ = '^';
                    c ^= 0x40;
                else if (c == '%')      /* Map "%" to */
                    *cp1++ = c;         /* "%%". */

                *cp1++ = c;

        *cp1++ = ']';

    *cp1++ = ':';                       /* Finish prompt */
    *cp1++ = ' ';
    *cp1++ = '\0';
    s = mlreply(tpat, tpat, NPAT);      /* Read pattern */

    if (s == TRUE)                      /* Specified */
        strcpy(pat, tpat);
    else if (s == FALSE && pat[0] != 0)         /* CR, but old one */
        s = TRUE;

    return (s);

 * Window management. Some of the functions are internal, and some are
 * attached to keys that the user actually types.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Reposition dot in the current window to line "n". If the argument is
 * positive, it is that line. If it is negative it is that line from the
 * bottom. If it is 0 the window is centered (this is what the standard
 * redisplay code does). With no argument it defaults to 1. Bound to M-!.
 * Because of the default, it works like in Gosling.
reposition(f, n)
    curwp->w_force = n;
    curwp->w_flag |= WFFORCE;
    return (TRUE);

 * Refresh the screen. With no argument, it just does the refresh. With an
 * argument it recenters "." in the current window. Bound to "C-L".
refresh(f, n)
    if (f == FALSE)
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        curwp->w_force = 0;             /* Center dot. */
        curwp->w_flag |= WFFORCE;

    return (TRUE);

 * The command make the next window (next => down the screen) the current
 * window. There are no real errors, although the command does nothing if
 * there is only 1 window on the screen. Bound to "C-X C-N".
nextwind(f, n)
    register WINDOW *wp;

    if ((wp = curwp->w_wndp) == NULL) {
        wp = wheadp;

    curwp = wp;
    curbp = wp->w_bufp;
    if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL) 		/* cej if no other windows */
 	return (FALSE);				/* return false 	   */
   	return (TRUE);

 * This command makes the previous window (previous => up the screen) the
 * current window. There arn't any errors, although the command does not do a
 * lot if there is 1 window.
prevwind(f, n)
    register WINDOW *wp1;
    register WINDOW *wp2;

    wp1 = wheadp;
    wp2 = curwp;

    if (wp1 == wp2)
        wp2 = NULL;

    while (wp1->w_wndp != wp2)
        wp1 = wp1->w_wndp;

    curwp = wp1;
    curbp = wp1->w_bufp;
    return (TRUE);

 * This command moves the current window down by "arg" lines. Recompute the
 * top line in the window. The move up and move down code is almost completely
 * the same; most of the work has to do with reframing the window, and picking
 * a new dot. We share the code by having "move down" just be an interface to
 * "move up". Magic. Bound to "C-X C-N".
mvdnwind(f, n)
    int n;
    return (mvupwind(f, -n));

 * Move the current window up by "arg" lines. Recompute the new top line of
 * the window. Look to see if "." is still on the screen. If it is, you win.
 * If it isn't, then move "." to center it in the new framing of the window
 * (this command does not really move "."; it moves the frame). Bound to
 * "C-X C-P".
mvupwind(f, n)
    int n;
    register LINE *lp;
    register int i;

    lp = curwp->w_linep;

    if (n < 0)
        while (n++ && lp!=curbp->b_linep)
            lp = lforw(lp);
        while (n-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
            lp = lback(lp);

    curwp->w_linep = lp;
    curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;            /* Mode line is OK. */

    for (i = 0; i < curwp->w_ntrows; ++i)
        if (lp == curwp->w_dotp)
            return (TRUE);
        if (lp == curbp->b_linep)
        lp = lforw(lp);

    lp = curwp->w_linep;
    i  = curwp->w_ntrows/2;

    while (i-- && lp != curbp->b_linep)
        lp = lforw(lp);

    curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
    curwp->w_doto  = 0;
    return (TRUE);

 * This command makes the current window the only window on the screen. Bound
 * to "C-X 1". Try to set the framing so that "." does not have to move on the
 * display. Some care has to be taken to keep the values of dot and mark in
 * the buffer structures right if the distruction of a window makes a buffer
 * become undisplayed.
onlywind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;

        while (wheadp != curwp) {
                wp = wheadp;
                wheadp = wp->w_wndp;
                if (--wp->w_bufp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                        wp->w_bufp->b_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;
                free((char *) wp);
        while (curwp->w_wndp != NULL) {
                wp = curwp->w_wndp;
                curwp->w_wndp = wp->w_wndp;
                if (--wp->w_bufp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                        wp->w_bufp->b_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;
                free((char *) wp);
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        i  = curwp->w_toprow;
        while (i!=0 && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep) {
                lp = lback(lp);
        curwp->w_toprow = 0;
        curwp->w_ntrows = term.t_nrow-1;
        curwp->w_linep  = lp;
        curwp->w_flag  |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Split the current window. A window smaller than 3 lines cannot be split.
 * The only other error that is possible is a "malloc" failure allocating the
 * structure for the new window. Bound to "C-X 2".
splitwind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    ntru;
        register int    ntrl;
        register int    ntrd;
        register WINDOW *wp1;
        register WINDOW *wp2;

        if (curwp->w_ntrows < 3) {
                mlwrite("Cannot split a %d line window", curwp->w_ntrows);
                return (FALSE);
        if ((wp = (WINDOW *) malloc(sizeof(WINDOW))) == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Cannot allocate WINDOW block");
                return (FALSE);
        ++curbp->b_nwnd;                        /* Displayed twice.     */
        wp->w_bufp  = curbp;
        wp->w_dotp  = curwp->w_dotp;
        wp->w_doto  = curwp->w_doto;
        wp->w_markp = curwp->w_markp;
        wp->w_marko = curwp->w_marko;
        wp->w_flag  = 0;
        wp->w_force = 0;
        ntru = (curwp->w_ntrows-1) / 2;         /* Upper size           */
        ntrl = (curwp->w_ntrows-1) - ntru;      /* Lower size           */
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        ntrd = 0;
        while (lp != curwp->w_dotp) {
                lp = lforw(lp);
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        if (ntrd <= ntru) {                     /* Old is upper window. */
                if (ntrd == ntru)               /* Hit mode line.       */
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                curwp->w_ntrows = ntru;
                wp->w_wndp = curwp->w_wndp;
                curwp->w_wndp = wp;
                wp->w_toprow = curwp->w_toprow+ntru+1;
                wp->w_ntrows = ntrl;
        } else {                                /* Old is lower window  */
                wp1 = NULL;
                wp2 = wheadp;
                while (wp2 != curwp) {
                        wp1 = wp2;
                        wp2 = wp2->w_wndp;
                if (wp1 == NULL)
                        wheadp = wp;
                        wp1->w_wndp = wp;
                wp->w_wndp   = curwp;
                wp->w_toprow = curwp->w_toprow;
                wp->w_ntrows = ntru;
                ++ntru;                         /* Mode line.           */
                curwp->w_toprow += ntru;
                curwp->w_ntrows  = ntrl;
                while (ntru--)
                        lp = lforw(lp);
        curwp->w_linep = lp;                    /* Adjust the top lines */
        wp->w_linep = lp;                       /* if necessary.        */
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Enlarge the current window. Find the window that loses space. Make sure it
 * is big enough. If so, hack the window descriptions, and ask redisplay to do
 * all the hard work. You don't just set "force reframe" because dot would
 * move. Bound to "C-X Z".
enlargewind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *adjwp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;

        if (n < 0)
                return (shrinkwind(f, -n));
        if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Only one window");
                return (FALSE);
        if ((adjwp=curwp->w_wndp) == NULL) {
                adjwp = wheadp;
                while (adjwp->w_wndp != curwp)
                        adjwp = adjwp->w_wndp;
        if (adjwp->w_ntrows <= n) {
                mlwrite("Impossible change");
                return (FALSE);
        if (curwp->w_wndp == adjwp) {           /* Shrink below.        */
                lp = adjwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lp!=adjwp->w_bufp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                adjwp->w_linep  = lp;
                adjwp->w_toprow += n;
        } else {                                /* Shrink above.        */
                lp = curwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lback(lp);
                curwp->w_linep  = lp;
                curwp->w_toprow -= n;
        curwp->w_ntrows += n;
        adjwp->w_ntrows -= n;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        adjwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Shrink the current window. Find the window that gains space. Hack at the
 * window descriptions. Ask the redisplay to do all the hard work. Bound to
 * "C-X C-Z".
shrinkwind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *adjwp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;

        if (n < 0)
                return (enlargewind(f, -n));
        if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Only one window");
                return (FALSE);
        if ((adjwp=curwp->w_wndp) == NULL) {
                adjwp = wheadp;
                while (adjwp->w_wndp != curwp)
                        adjwp = adjwp->w_wndp;
        if (curwp->w_ntrows <= n) {
                mlwrite("Impossible change");
                return (FALSE);
        if (curwp->w_wndp == adjwp) {           /* Grow below.          */
                lp = adjwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lback(lp)!=adjwp->w_bufp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lback(lp);
                adjwp->w_linep  = lp;
                adjwp->w_toprow -= n;
        } else {                                /* Grow above.          */
                lp = curwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lp!=curbp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                curwp->w_linep  = lp;
                curwp->w_toprow += n;
        curwp->w_ntrows -= n;
        adjwp->w_ntrows += n;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        adjwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Pick a window for a pop-up. Split the screen if there is only one window.
 * Pick the uppermost window that isn't the current window. An LRU algorithm
 * might be better. Return a pointer, or NULL on error.
        register WINDOW *wp;

        if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL              /* Only 1 window        */
        && splitwind(FALSE, 0) == FALSE)        /* and it won't split   */
                return (NULL);
        wp = wheadp;                            /* Find window to use   */
        while (wp!=NULL && wp==curwp)
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (wp);

 * This program is in public domain; written by Dave G. Conroy.
 * This file contains the main driving routine, and some keyboard processing
 * code, for the MicroEMACS screen editor.
 * 1.0  Steve Wilhite, 30-Nov-85
 *      - Removed the old LK201 and VT100 logic. Added code to support the
 *        DEC Rainbow keyboard (which is a LK201 layout) using the the Level
 *        1 Console In ROM INT. See "rainbow.h" for the function key definitions.
 * 2.0  George Jones, 12-Dec-85
 *      - Ported to Amiga.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     VMS
#include        <ssdef.h>
#define GOOD    (SS$_NORMAL)

#ifndef GOOD
#define GOOD    0

int     currow;                         /* Working cursor row           */
int     curcol;                         /* Working cursor column        */
int     fillcol;                        /* Current fill column          */
int     thisflag;                       /* Flags, this command          */
int     lastflag;                       /* Flags, last command          */
int     curgoal;                        /* Goal column                  */
BUFFER  *curbp;                         /* Current buffer               */
WINDOW  *curwp;                         /* Current window               */
BUFFER  *bheadp;                        /* BUFFER listhead              */
WINDOW  *wheadp;                        /* WINDOW listhead              */
BUFFER  *blistp;                        /* Buffer list BUFFER           */
short   kbdm[NKBDM] = {CTLX|')'};       /* Macro                        */
short   *kbdmip;                        /* Input  for above             */
short   *kbdmop;                        /* Output for above             */
char    pat[NPAT];                      /* Pattern                      */

typedef struct  {
        short   k_code;                 /* Key code                     */
        int     (*k_fp)();              /* Routine to handle it         */
}       KEYTAB;

extern  int     ctrlg();                /* Abort out of things          */
extern  int     quit();                 /* Quit                         */
extern  int     ctlxlp();               /* Begin macro                  */
extern  int     ctlxrp();               /* End macro                    */
extern  int     ctlxe();                /* Execute macro                */
extern  int     fileread();             /* Get a file, read only        */
extern  int     filevisit();            /* Get a file, read write       */
extern  int     filewrite();            /* Write a file                 */
extern  int     filesave();             /* Save current file            */
extern  int     filename();             /* Adjust file name             */
extern  int     getccol();              /* Get current column           */
extern  int     gotobol();              /* Move to start of line        */
extern  int     forwchar();             /* Move forward by characters   */
extern  int     gotoeol();              /* Move to end of line          */
extern  int     backchar();             /* Move backward by characters  */
extern  int     forwline();             /* Move forward by lines        */
extern  int     backline();             /* Move backward by lines       */
extern  int     forwpage();             /* Move forward by pages        */
extern  int     backpage();             /* Move backward by pages       */
extern  int     gotobob();              /* Move to start of buffer      */
extern  int     gotoeob();              /* Move to end of buffer        */
extern  int     setfillcol();           /* Set fill column.             */
extern  int     setmark();              /* Set mark                     */
extern  int     swapmark();             /* Swap "." and mark            */
extern  int     forwsearch();           /* Search forward               */
extern  int     backsearch();           /* Search backwards             */
extern  int     showcpos();             /* Show the cursor position     */
extern  int     nextwind();             /* Move to the next window      */
extern  int     prevwind();             /* Move to the previous window  */
extern  int     onlywind();             /* Make current window only one */
extern  int     splitwind();            /* Split current window         */
extern  int     mvdnwind();             /* Move window down             */
extern  int     mvupwind();             /* Move window up               */
extern  int     enlargewind();          /* Enlarge display window.      */
extern  int     shrinkwind();           /* Shrink window.               */
extern  int     listbuffers();          /* Display list of buffers      */
extern  int     usebuffer();            /* Switch a window to a buffer  */
extern  int     killbuffer();           /* Make a buffer go away.       */
extern  int     reposition();           /* Reposition window            */
extern  int     refresh();              /* Refresh the screen           */
extern  int     twiddle();              /* Twiddle characters           */
extern  int     tab();                  /* Insert tab                   */
extern  int     newline();              /* Insert CR-LF                 */
extern  int     indent();               /* Insert CR-LF, then indent    */
extern  int     openline();             /* Open up a blank line         */
extern  int     deblank();              /* Delete blank lines           */
extern  int     quote();                /* Insert literal               */
extern  int     backword();             /* Backup by words              */
extern  int     forwword();             /* Advance by words             */
extern  int     forwdel();              /* Forward delete               */
extern  int     backdel();              /* Backward delete              */
extern  int     kill();                 /* Kill forward                 */
extern  int     yank();                 /* Yank back from killbuffer.   */
extern  int     upperword();            /* Upper case word.             */
extern  int     lowerword();            /* Lower case word.             */
extern  int     upperregion();          /* Upper case region.           */
extern  int     lowerregion();          /* Lower case region.           */
extern  int     capword();              /* Initial capitalize word.     */
extern  int     delfword();             /* Delete forward word.         */
extern  int     delbword();             /* Delete backward word.        */
extern  int     killregion();           /* Kill region.                 */
extern  int     copyregion();           /* Copy region to kill buffer.  */
extern  int     spawncli();             /* Run CLI in a subjob.         */
extern  int     spawn();                /* Run a command in a subjob.   */
extern  int     quickexit();            /* low keystroke style exit.    */
extern  int	metacmds();		/* meta commands addec c.jutzi  */

 * Command table.
 * This table  is *roughly* in ASCII order, left to right across the
 * characters of the command. This expains the funny location of the
 * control-X commands.
KEYTAB  keytab[] = {
        CTRL|'@',               setmark,
        CTRL|'A',               gotobol,
        CTRL|'B',               backchar,
        CTRL|'C',               spawncli,      /* Run CLI in subjob.   */
        CTRL|'D',               forwdel,
        CTRL|'E',               gotoeol,
        CTRL|'F',               forwchar,
        CTRL|'G',               ctrlg,
        CTRL|'H',               backdel,
        CTRL|'I',               tab,
        CTRL|'J',               indent,
        CTRL|'K',               kill,
        CTRL|'L',               refresh,
        CTRL|'M',               newline,
        CTRL|'N',               forwline,
        CTRL|'O',               openline,
        CTRL|'P',               backline,
        CTRL|'Q',               quote,         /* Often unreachable    */
        CTRL|'R',               backsearch,
        CTRL|'S',               forwsearch,    /* Often unreachable    */
        CTRL|'T',               twiddle,
        CTRL|'V',               forwpage,
        CTRL|'W',               killregion,
        CTRL|'Y',               yank,
        CTRL|'Z',               quickexit,     /* quick save and exit  */
        CTLX|CTRL|'B',          listbuffers,
        CTLX|CTRL|'C',          quit,          /* Hard quit.           */
        CTLX|CTRL|'F',          filename,
        CTLX|CTRL|'L',          lowerregion,
        CTLX|CTRL|'O',          deblank,
        CTLX|CTRL|'N',          mvdnwind,
        CTLX|CTRL|'P',          mvupwind,
        CTLX|CTRL|'R',          fileread,
        CTLX|CTRL|'S',          filesave,      /* Often unreachable    */
        CTLX|CTRL|'U',          upperregion,
        CTLX|CTRL|'V',          filevisit,
        CTLX|CTRL|'W',          filewrite,
        CTLX|CTRL|'X',          swapmark,
        CTLX|CTRL|'Z',          shrinkwind,
        CTLX|'!',               spawn,         /* Run 1 command.       */
        CTLX|'=',               showcpos,
        CTLX|'(',               ctlxlp,
        CTLX|')',               ctlxrp,
        CTLX|'1',               onlywind,
        CTLX|'2',               splitwind,
        CTLX|'B',               usebuffer,
        CTLX|'E',               ctlxe,
        CTLX|'F',               setfillcol,
        CTLX|'K',               killbuffer,
        CTLX|'N',               nextwind,
        CTLX|'P',               prevwind,
        CTLX|'Z',               enlargewind,
        META|CTRL|'H',          delbword,
        META|'!',               reposition,
        META|'.',               setmark,
        META|'>',               gotoeob,
        META|'<',               gotobob,
        META|'B',               backword,
        META|'C',               capword,
        META|'D',               delfword,
        META|'F',               forwword,
        META|'L',               lowerword,
        META|'U',               upperword,
        META|'V',               backpage,
        META|'W',               copyregion,
	META|'X',		metacmds,
        META|0x7F,              delbword,
        0x7F,                   backdel

#define NKEYTAB (sizeof(keytab)/sizeof(keytab[0]))


#include "rainbow.h"

 * Mapping table from the LK201 function keys to the internal EMACS character.

short lk_map[][2] = {
        Up_Key,                         CTRL+'P',
        Down_Key,                       CTRL+'N',
        Left_Key,                       CTRL+'B',
        Right_Key,                      CTRL+'F',
        Shift+Left_Key,                 META+'B',
        Shift+Right_Key,                META+'F',
        Control+Left_Key,               CTRL+'A',
        Control+Right_Key,              CTRL+'E',
        Prev_Scr_Key,                   META+'V',
        Next_Scr_Key,                   CTRL+'V',
        Shift+Up_Key,                   META+'<',
        Shift+Down_Key,                 META+'>',
        Cancel_Key,                     CTRL+'G',
        Find_Key,                       CTRL+'S',
        Shift+Find_Key,                 CTRL+'R',
        Insert_Key,                     CTRL+'Y',
        Options_Key,                    CTRL+'D',
        Shift+Options_Key,              META+'D',
        Remove_Key,                     CTRL+'W',
        Shift+Remove_Key,               META+'W',
        Select_Key,                     CTRL+'@',
        Shift+Select_Key,               CTLX+CTRL+'X',
        Interrupt_Key,                  CTRL+'U',
        Keypad_PF2,                     META+'L',
        Keypad_PF3,                     META+'C',
        Keypad_PF4,                     META+'U',
        Shift+Keypad_PF2,               CTLX+CTRL+'L',
        Shift+Keypad_PF4,               CTLX+CTRL+'U',
        Keypad_1,                       CTLX+'1',
        Keypad_2,                       CTLX+'2',
        Do_Key,                         CTLX+'E',
        Keypad_4,                       CTLX+CTRL+'B',
        Keypad_5,                       CTLX+'B',
        Keypad_6,                       CTLX+'K',
        Resume_Key,                     META+'!',
        Control+Next_Scr_Key,           CTLX+'N',
        Control+Prev_Scr_Key,           CTLX+'P',
        Control+Up_Key,                 CTLX+CTRL+'P',
        Control+Down_Key,               CTLX+CTRL+'N',
        Help_Key,                       CTLX+'=',
        Shift+Do_Key,                   CTLX+'(',
        Control+Do_Key,                 CTLX+')',
        Keypad_0,                       CTLX+'Z',
        Shift+Keypad_0,                 CTLX+CTRL+'Z',
        Main_Scr_Key,                   CTRL+'C',
        Keypad_Enter,                   CTLX+'!',
        Exit_Key,                       CTLX+CTRL+'C',
        Shift+Exit_Key,                 CTRL+'Z'

#define lk_map_size     (sizeof(lk_map)/2)


main(argc, argv)
char    *argv[];
        register int    c;
        register int    f;
        register int    n;
        register int    mflag;
        char            bname[NBUFN];

        strcpy(bname, "main");                  /* Work out the name of */
        if (argc > 1)                           /* the default buffer.  */
                makename(bname, argv[1]);
        edinit(bname);                          /* Buffers, windows.    */
        vtinit();                               /* Displays.            */
        if (argc > 1) {
                update();                       /* You have to update   */
                readin(argv[1]);                /* in case "[New file]" */
        lastflag = 0;                           /* Fake last flags.     */
        update();                               /* Fix up the screen    */
        c = getkey();
        if (mpresf != FALSE) {
                if (c == ' ')                   /* ITS EMACS does this  */
                        goto loop;
        f = FALSE;
        n = 1;
        if (c == (CTRL|'U')) {                  /* ^U, start argument   */
                f = TRUE;
                n = 4;                          /* with argument of 4 */
                mflag = 0;                      /* that can be discarded. */
                mlwrite("Arg: 4");
                while ((c=getkey()) >='0' && c<='9' || c==(CTRL|'U') || c=='-'){
                        if (c == (CTRL|'U'))
                                n = n*4;
                         * If dash, and start of argument string, set arg.
                         * to -1.  Otherwise, insert it.
                        else if (c == '-') {
                                if (mflag)
                                n = 0;
                                mflag = -1;
                         * If first digit entered, replace previous argument
                         * with digit and set sign.  Otherwise, append to arg.
                        else {
                                if (!mflag) {
                                        n = 0;
                                        mflag = 1;
                                n = 10*n + c - '0';
                        mlwrite("Arg: %d", (mflag >=0) ? n : (n ? -n : -1));
                 * Make arguments preceded by a minus sign negative and change
                 * the special argument "^U -" to an effective "^U -1".
                if (mflag == -1) {
                        if (n == 0)
                        n = -n;
        if (c == (CTRL|'X')){                    /* ^X is a prefix       */
                c = CTLX | getctl();
        if (kbdmip != NULL) {                   /* Save macro strokes.  */
                if (c!=(CTLX|')') && kbdmip>&kbdm[NKBDM-6]) {
                        ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
                        goto loop;
                if (f != FALSE) {
                        *kbdmip++ = (CTRL|'U');
                        *kbdmip++ = n;
                *kbdmip++ = c;
        execute(c, f, n);                       /* Do it.               */
        goto loop;

 * Initialize all of the buffers and windows. The buffer name is passed down
 * as an argument, because the main routine may have been told to read in a
 * file by default, and we want the buffer name to be right.
char    bname[];
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register WINDOW *wp;

        bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, 0);             /* First buffer         */
        blistp = bfind("[List]", TRUE, BFTEMP); /* Buffer list buffer   */
        wp = (WINDOW *) malloc(sizeof(WINDOW)); /* First window         */
        if (bp==NULL || wp==NULL || blistp==NULL)
        curbp  = bp;                            /* Make this current    */
        wheadp = wp;
        curwp  = wp;
        wp->w_wndp  = NULL;                     /* Initialize window    */
        wp->w_bufp  = bp;
        bp->b_nwnd  = 1;                        /* Displayed.           */
        wp->w_linep = bp->b_linep;
        wp->w_dotp  = bp->b_linep;
        wp->w_doto  = 0;
        wp->w_markp = NULL;
        wp->w_marko = 0;
        wp->w_toprow = 0;
        wp->w_ntrows = term.t_nrow-1;           /* "-1" for mode line.  */
        wp->w_force = 0;
        wp->w_flag  = WFMODE|WFHARD;            /* Full.                */

 * This is the general command execution routine. It handles the fake binding
 * of all the keys to "self-insert". It also clears out the "thisflag" word,
 * and arranges to move it to the "lastflag", so that the next command can
 * look at it. Return the status of command.
execute(c, f, n)
        register KEYTAB *ktp;
        register int    status;

        ktp = &keytab[0];                       /* Look in key table.   */
        while (ktp < &keytab[NKEYTAB]) {
                if (ktp->k_code == c) {
                        thisflag = 0;
                        status   = (*ktp->k_fp)(f, n);
                        lastflag = thisflag;
                        return (status);

         * If a space was typed, fill column is defined, the argument is non-
         * negative, and we are now past fill column, perform word wrap.
        if (c == ' ' && fillcol > 0 && n>=0 && getccol(FALSE) > fillcol)

        if ((c>=0x20 && c<=0x7E)                /* Self inserting.      */
        ||  (c>=0xA0 && c<=0xFE)) {
                if (n <= 0) {                   /* Fenceposts.          */
                        lastflag = 0;
                        return (n<0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
                thisflag = 0;                   /* For the future.      */
                status   = linsert(n, c);
                lastflag = thisflag;
                return (status);
        lastflag = 0;                           /* Fake last flags.     */
        return (FALSE);

 * Read in a key.
 * Do the standard keyboard preprocessing. Convert the keys to the internal
 * character set.
        register int    c;

        c = (*term.t_getchar)();


        if (c & Function_Key)
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < lk_map_size; i++)
                        if (c == lk_map[i][0])
                                return lk_map[i][1];
        else if (c == Shift + 015) return CTRL | 'J';
        else if (c == Shift + 0x7F) return META | 0x7F;
        if (c == METACH) {                      /* Apply M- prefix      */
                c = getctl();
                return (META | c);

        if (c>=0x00 && c<=0x1F)                 /* C0 control -> C-     */
                c = CTRL | (c+'@');
        return (c);

 * Get a key.
 * Apply control modifications to the read key.
        register int    c;

        c = (*term.t_getchar)();
        if (c>='a' && c<='z')                   /* Force to upper       */
                c -= 0x20;
        if (c>=0x00 && c<=0x1F)                 /* C0 control -> C-     */
                c = CTRL | (c+'@');
        return (c);

 * Fancy quit command, as implemented by Norm. If the current buffer has
 * changed do a write current buffer and exit emacs, otherwise simply exit.
quickexit(f, n)
        if ((curbp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0          /* Changed.             */
        && (curbp->b_flag&BFTEMP) == 0)         /* Real.                */
                filesave(f, n);
        quit(f, n);                             /* conditionally quit   */

 * Quit command. If an argument, always quit. Otherwise confirm if a buffer
 * has been changed and not written out. Normally bound to "C-X C-C".
quit(f, n)
        register int    s;

        if (f != FALSE                          /* Argument forces it.  */
        || anycb() == FALSE                     /* All buffers clean.   */
        || (s=mlyesno("Quit")) == TRUE) {       /* User says it's OK.   */
        return (s);

 * Begin a keyboard macro.
 * Error if not at the top level in keyboard processing. Set up variables and
 * return.
ctlxlp(f, n)
        if (kbdmip!=NULL || kbdmop!=NULL) {
                mlwrite("Not now");
                return (FALSE);
        mlwrite("[Start macro]");
        kbdmip = &kbdm[0];
        return (TRUE);

 * End keyboard macro. Check for the same limit conditions as the above
 * routine. Set up the variables and return to the caller.
ctlxrp(f, n)
        if (kbdmip == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Not now");
                return (FALSE);
        mlwrite("[End macro]");
        kbdmip = NULL;
        return (TRUE);

 * Execute a macro.
 * The command argument is the number of times to loop. Quit as soon as a
 * command gets an error. Return TRUE if all ok, else FALSE.
ctlxe(f, n)
        register int    c;
        register int    af;
        register int    an;
        register int    s;

        if (kbdmip!=NULL || kbdmop!=NULL) {
                mlwrite("Not now");
                return (FALSE);
        if (n <= 0) 
                return (TRUE);
        do {
                kbdmop = &kbdm[0];
                do {
                        af = FALSE;
                        an = 1;
                        if ((c = *kbdmop++) == (CTRL|'U')) {
                                af = TRUE;
                                an = *kbdmop++;
                                c  = *kbdmop++;
                        s = TRUE;
                } while (c!=(CTLX|')') && (s=execute(c, af, an))==TRUE);
                kbdmop = NULL;
        } while (s==TRUE && --n);
        return (s);

 * Abort.
 * Beep the beeper. Kill off any keyboard macro, etc., that is in progress.
 * Sometimes called as a routine, to do general aborting of stuff.
ctrlg(f, n)
        if (kbdmip != NULL) {
                kbdm[0] = (CTLX|')');
                kbdmip  = NULL;
        return (ABORT);


#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#define 	NMETA_CMDS  52

int	replace_string();		/* replace string global	*/
int 	query_replace();		/* query replace 		*/

extern  BUFFER *bfind();		/* buffer find			*/

extern  int	forwsearch();		/* forward search		*/
extern  int 	backsearch();		/* backward search		*/
extern  int     ctlxlp();               /* Begin macro                  */
extern  int     ctlxrp();               /* End macro                    */
extern  int     ctlxe();                /* Execute macro                */
extern  int     fileread();             /* Get a file, read only        */
extern  int     filevisit();            /* Get a file, read write       */
extern  int     filewrite();            /* Write a file                 */
extern  int     filesave();             /* Save current file            */
extern  int     quit();                 /* Quit                         */
extern  int     gotobol();              /* Move to start of line        */
extern  int     forwchar();             /* Move forward by characters   */
extern  int     gotoeol();              /* Move to end of line          */
extern  int     backchar();             /* Move backward by characters  */
extern  int     forwline();             /* Move forward by lines        */
extern  int     backline();             /* Move backward by lines       */
extern  int     forwpage();             /* Move forward by pages        */
extern  int     backpage();             /* Move backward by pages       */
extern  int     gotobob();              /* Move to start of buffer      */
extern  int     gotoeob();              /* Move to end of buffer        */
extern  int     setmark();              /* Set mark                     */
extern  int     swapmark();             /* Swap "." and mark            */
extern  int     nextwind();             /* Move to the next window      */
extern  int     prevwind();             /* Move to the previous window  */
extern  int     onlywind();             /* Make current window only one */
extern  int     splitwind();            /* Split current window         */
extern  int     mvdnwind();             /* Move window down             */
extern  int     mvupwind();             /* Move window up               */
extern  int     enlargewind();          /* Enlarge display window.      */
extern  int     shrinkwind();           /* Shrink window.               */
extern  int     listbuffers();          /* Display list of buffers      */
extern  int     usebuffer();            /* Switch a window to a buffer  */
extern  int     killbuffer();           /* Make a buffer go away.       */
extern  int     reposition();           /* Reposition window            */
extern  int     refresh();              /* Refresh the screen           */
extern  int     deblank();              /* Delete blank lines           */
extern  int     quote();                /* Insert literal               */
extern  int     backword();             /* Backup by words              */
extern  int     forwword();             /* Advance by words             */
extern  int     forwdel();              /* Forward delete               */
extern  int     backdel();              /* Backward delete              */
extern  int     kill();                 /* Kill forward                 */
extern  int     yank();                 /* Yank back from killbuffer.   */
extern  int     upperword();            /* Upper case word.             */
extern  int     lowerword();            /* Lower case word.             */
extern  int     upperregion();          /* Upper case region.           */
extern  int     lowerregion();          /* Lower case region.           */
extern  int     capword();              /* Initial capitalize word.     */
extern  int     delfword();             /* Delete forward word.         */
extern  int     delbword();             /* Delete backward word.        */
extern  int     killregion();           /* Kill region.                 */
extern  int     copyregion();           /* Copy region to kill buffer.  */

struct  Meta_Disc  {
		     char *meta_str;
		     int  (*meta_fctn)();
		   } Meta_Commands[NMETA_CMDS]   = {  
			{ "replace-string",replace_string },
			{ "query-replace",query_replace },
			{ "forward-search",forwsearch },
			{ "backward-search",backsearch },
			{ "begin-macro",ctlxlp },
			{ "end-macro",ctlxrp },
			{ "execute-macro",ctlxe },
			{ "read-file",fileread },
			{ "visit-file",filevisit },
			{ "write-file",filewrite },
			{ "save-file",filesave },
			{ "begin-of-line",gotobol },
			{ "end-of-line",gotoeol },
			{ "top-of-buffer",gotobob },
			{ "bottom-of-buffer",gotoeob },
			{ "set-mark",setmark },
			{ "swap-mark",swapmark },
			{ "next-window",nextwind },
			{ "previous-window",prevwind },
			{ "only-window",onlywind },
			{ "split-window",splitwind },
			{ "move-window-down",mvdnwind },  
			{ "move-window-up",mvupwind },    
			{ "enlarge-window",enlargewind }, 
			{ "shrink-window",shrinkwind },   
			{ "list-buffers",listbuffers },
			{ "use-buffer",usebuffer },
			{ "kill-buffer",killbuffer },
			{ "reposition-window",reposition },
			{ "refresh-screen",refresh },
			{ "delete-blank-lines",deblank },
			{ "insert-literial",quote }, 	  
			{ "backward-word",backword },	  
			{ "forward-word",forwword },      
			{ "kill-to-end-of-line",kill },
			{ "yank-from-killbuffer",yank },  
			{ "case-word-upper",upperword },
			{ "case-word-lower",lowerword },
			{ "case-region-upper",upperregion },
			{ "case-region-lower",lowerregion },
			{ "case-word-capitalize",capword },
			{ "delete-next-word",delfword },
			{ "delete-previous-word",delbword },
			{ "kill-region",killregion },
			{ "copy-region",copyregion },
			{ "quit",quit },
			{ "backward-character",backchar },
			{ "forward-character",forwchar },
			{ "forward-line",forwline },
			{ "backward-line",backline },
			{ "forward-page",forwpage },
			{ "backward-page",backpage }
/* test routine */

metacmds() {

  register int  s;
  char buff[64];

  s = mlreply("Meta-X: ",buff,sizeof(buff));

  if (s == ABORT)

  if ((s = findpos(buff)) < 0) {
	mlwrite("Meta-X command does not exist");
  else {

/*	Find Position()
 * 	This procedure matches the string typed in at the command line 
 * 	with one of the functions in the META-X list.  If none is found
 *	then it returns with a -1, else it returns with the index into
 *	the Meta_Commands (list).


  char *buff;
  register int i;

  for (i=0;i<NMETA_CMDS;i++){
	if (strcmp(Meta_Commands[i].meta_str,buff)==0)

 *	Replace String ()
 * 	This routine reads in an old and new string and does a global
 *	replacement of all those occurances.  Most of this routine is
 *	a copy of the Search command ('forwardsearch');

replace_string() {
    register LINE *clp;
    register int cbo;
    register LINE *tlp;
    register int tbo;
    register int c;
    register char *pp;
    register int s;
    register int repl_cnt;
    register char old_str[64];
    register char new_str[64];
    repl_cnt = 0;
    s = mlreply("Old String: ",old_str,sizeof(old_str));

    if ((s == ABORT) || (s != TRUE))
        return (s);

    if ((s = mlreply("New String: ",new_str,sizeof(new_str))) == ABORT)
        return (s);

    clp = curwp->w_dotp;
    cbo = curwp->w_doto;

    while (clp != curbp->b_linep)
        if (cbo == llength(clp))
            clp = lforw(clp);
            cbo = 0;
            c = '\n';
            c = lgetc(clp, cbo++);

        if (eq(c, old_str[0]) != FALSE)
            tlp = clp;
            tbo = cbo;
            pp  = &old_str[1];

            while (*pp != 0)
                if (tlp == curbp->b_linep)
                    goto fail;

                if (tbo == llength(tlp))
                    tlp = lforw(tlp);
                    tbo = 0;
                    c = '\n';
                    c = lgetc(tlp, tbo++);

                if (eq(c, *pp++) == FALSE)
                    goto fail;

            curwp->w_dotp  = tlp;
            curwp->w_doto  = tbo;
            curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;

    mlwrite(" %d Strings Replaced ",repl_cnt);
    return (FALSE);

/*	Query Replace()
 * 	This routine reads in an old and new string and does a query
 *	replacement of all those occurances.  Most of this routine is
 *	a copy of the Search command ('forwardsearch');

query_replace() {
    register LINE *clp;
    register int cbo;
    register LINE *tlp;
    register int tbo;
    register int c;
    register int ch;
    register char *pp;
    register int s;
    register int repl_cnt;
    register char old_str[64];
    register char new_str[64];
    repl_cnt = 0;
    s = mlreply("Old String: ",old_str,sizeof(old_str));

    if ((s == ABORT) || (s != TRUE))
        return (s);

    if ((s = mlreply("New String: ",new_str,sizeof(new_str))) == ABORT)
        return (s);

    mlwrite("<ESC>,n,N : <SP>,y,Y : ^G");

    clp = curwp->w_dotp;
    cbo = curwp->w_doto;

    while (clp != curbp->b_linep) {

        if (cbo == llength(clp)) {
            clp = lforw(clp);
            cbo = 0;
            c = '\n';

        } /* if */
            c = lgetc(clp, cbo++);

        if (eq(c, old_str[0]) != FALSE) { 
            tlp = clp;
            tbo = cbo;
            pp  = &old_str[1];

            while (*pp != 0) {
                if (tlp == curbp->b_linep)
                    goto fail;

                if (tbo == llength(tlp)) {
                    tlp = lforw(tlp);
                    tbo = 0;
                    c = '\n';
                } /* if */
                    c = lgetc(tlp, tbo++);

                if (eq(c, *pp++) == FALSE)
                    goto fail;

            } /* while */

            curwp->w_dotp  = tlp;
            curwp->w_doto  = tbo;
            curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
            ch = (*term.t_getchar)();

	    switch (ch) {	    
		case  0x07 : {
	        	        ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
				goto fail;
		case 0x020 :
		case 0x079 : 
		case 0x059 :  {
	        case 0x01b :
		case 0x06e :
		case 0x04E :  {
		default	   :  {
		                ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
				mlwrite(" TRY AGAIN! <ESC>,n,N : <SP>,y,Y : ^G");
				goto tryagain;

		} /* switch */
 	} /* if */
    } /* while */

    mlwrite(" %d Strings Replaced ",repl_cnt);
    return (FALSE);

 *  This routine is called by the Replace String and the Query Replace
 *  routines.
 *  This routine takes the current cursor location, deletes the old
 *  string and replaces it with the new string


  int	old_length;
  char	*new_str;

  register int i;
  register int len;

  len = strlen(new_str);
  for (i=0;i<len;i++) {

 *	This routine displays the help buffer.  If one does not exist
 *	then the one is created.  The buffer is flushed and the strings
 *	from the Meta-x data structure are written into the buffer.

createhelpbuffer() {

  register BUFFER *bp;
  register int	  i;

  bp = bfind("HELP",TRUE,0);

  if (nextwind(NULL,NULL)==FALSE)

  if (bclear(bp) != TRUE)

  for (i=0;i<NMETA_CMDS;i++) 
	if (addbufftext(Meta_Commands[i].meta_str,bp) != TRUE)


 * The functions in this file negotiate with the operating system for
 * characters, and write characters in a barely buffered fashion on the display.
 * All operating systems.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     AMIGA
#define NEW 1006
#define LEN 1

static long terminal;

#if     VMS
#include        <stsdef.h>
#include        <ssdef.h>
#include        <descrip.h>
#include        <iodef.h>
#include        <ttdef.h>

#define NIBUF   128                     /* Input  buffer size           */
#define NOBUF   1024                    /* MM says bug buffers win!     */
#define EFN     0                       /* Event flag                   */

char    obuf[NOBUF];                    /* Output buffer                */
int     nobuf;                          /* # of bytes in above          */
char    ibuf[NIBUF];                    /* Input buffer                 */
int     nibuf;                          /* # of bytes in above          */
int     ibufi;                          /* Read index                   */
int     oldmode[2];                     /* Old TTY mode bits            */
int     newmode[2];                     /* New TTY mode bits            */
short   iochan;                         /* TTY I/O channel              */

#if     CPM
#include        <bdos.h>

#if     MSDOS
#undef  LATTICE
#include        <dos.h>

#include "rainbow.h"

#if V7
#include        <sgtty.h>               /* for stty/gtty functions */
struct  sgttyb  ostate;                 /* saved tty state */
struct  sgttyb  nstate;                 /* values for editor mode */

 * This function is called once to set up the terminal device streams.
 * On VMS, it translates SYS$INPUT until it finds the terminal, then assigns
 * a channel to it and sets it raw. On CPM it is a no-op.
#if     AMIGA
        terminal = Open("RAW:1/1/639/199/MicroEmacs", NEW);
#if     VMS
        struct  dsc$descriptor  idsc;
        struct  dsc$descriptor  odsc;
        char    oname[40];
        int     iosb[2];
        int     status;

        odsc.dsc$a_pointer = "SYS$INPUT";
        odsc.dsc$w_length  = strlen(odsc.dsc$a_pointer);
        odsc.dsc$b_dtype   = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
        odsc.dsc$b_class   = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
        idsc.dsc$b_dtype   = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
        idsc.dsc$b_class   = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
        do {
                idsc.dsc$a_pointer = odsc.dsc$a_pointer;
                idsc.dsc$w_length  = odsc.dsc$w_length;
                odsc.dsc$a_pointer = &oname[0];
                odsc.dsc$w_length  = sizeof(oname);
                status = LIB$SYS_TRNLOG(&idsc, &odsc.dsc$w_length, &odsc);
                if (status!=SS$_NORMAL && status!=SS$_NOTRAN)
                if (oname[0] == 0x1B) {
                        odsc.dsc$a_pointer += 4;
                        odsc.dsc$w_length  -= 4;
        } while (status == SS$_NORMAL);
        status = SYS$ASSIGN(&odsc, &iochan, 0, 0);
        if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SENSEMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                          oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
        newmode[0] = oldmode[0];
        newmode[1] = oldmode[1] | TT$M_PASSALL | TT$M_NOECHO;
        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                          newmode, sizeof(newmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
#if     CPM
#if     MSDOS
#if     V7
        gtty(1, &ostate);                       /* save old state */
        gtty(1, &nstate);                       /* get base of new state */
        nstate.sg_flags |= RAW;
        nstate.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO|CRMOD);       /* no echo for now... */
        stty(1, &nstate);                       /* set mode */

 * This function gets called just before we go back home to the command
 * interpreter. On VMS it puts the terminal back in a reasonable state.
 * Another no-operation on CPM.
#if     AMIGA
#if     VMS
        int     status;
        int     iosb[1];

        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
                 oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (status!=SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)!=SS$_NORMAL)
        status = SYS$DASSGN(iochan);
        if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
#if     CPM
#if     MSDOS
#if     V7
        stty(1, &ostate);

 * Write a character to the display. On VMS, terminal output is buffered, and
 * we just put the characters in the big array, after checking for overflow.
 * On CPM terminal I/O unbuffered, so we just write the byte out. Ditto on
 * MS-DOS (use the very very raw console output routine).
#if     AMIGA
        char c;
#if     AMIGA
        Write(terminal, &c, LEN);
#if     VMS
        if (nobuf >= NOBUF)
        obuf[nobuf++] = c;

#if     CPM
        bios(BCONOUT, c, 0);

#if     MSDOS & MWC86
        bdos(CONDIO, c, 0);

        Put_Char(c);                    /* fast video */

#if     V7
        fputc(c, stdout);

 * Flush terminal buffer. Does real work where the terminal output is buffered
 * up. A no-operation on systems where byte at a time terminal I/O is done.
#if     AMIGA
#if     VMS
        int     status;
        int     iosb[2];

        status = SS$_NORMAL;
        if (nobuf != 0) {
                status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_WRITELBLK|IO$M_NOFORMAT,
                         iosb, 0, 0, obuf, nobuf, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                if (status == SS$_NORMAL)
                        status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
                nobuf = 0;
        return (status);
#if     CPM
#if     MSDOS
#if     V7

 * Read a character from the terminal, performing no editing and doing no echo
 * at all. More complex in VMS that almost anyplace else, which figures. Very
 * simple on CPM, because the system can do exactly what you want.
#if     AMIGA
        char ch;

        Read(terminal, &ch, LEN);
        return (int) ch;
#if     VMS
        int     status;
        int     iosb[2];
        int     term[2];

        while (ibufi >= nibuf) {
                ibufi = 0;
                term[0] = 0;
                term[1] = 0;
                status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK|IO$M_TIMED,
                         iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, NIBUF, 0, term, 0, 0);
                if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
                status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
                if (status!=SS$_NORMAL && status!=SS$_TIMEOUT)
                nibuf = (iosb[0]>>16) + (iosb[1]>>16);
                if (nibuf == 0) {
                        status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK,
                                 iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, 1, 0, term, 0, 0);
                        if (status != SS$_NORMAL
                        || (status = (iosb[0]&0xFFFF)) != SS$_NORMAL)
                        nibuf = (iosb[0]>>16) + (iosb[1]>>16);
        return (ibuf[ibufi++] & 0xFF);          /* Allow multinational  */

#if     CPM
        return (biosb(BCONIN, 0, 0));

        int Ch;

        while ((Ch = Read_Keyboard()) < 0);

        if ((Ch & Function_Key) == 0)
                if (!((Ch & 0xFF) == 015 || (Ch & 0xFF) == 0177))
                        Ch &= 0xFF;

        return Ch;

#if     MSDOS & MWC86
        return (bdos(CONRAW, 0, 0)&0x07F);

#if     V7

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