Using identifiers with more than 7 chars. #$%@

derrell derrell at lipman.UUCP
Fri Mar 7 17:44:25 AEST 1986

John P. Nelson writes:
>                       I have a program that was posted to the net some
> time ago called "shortc" which takes all conflicting long identifiers in
> a set of source files, and outputs #defines to differentiate them (which
> you can either insert into each source file, or into a header included
> by each file).
> ... 
> Is there enough interest to have this program re-posted to the net?

YES!  Please re-post this for us poor souls with seven char limits!


   "The pioneers of a warless world are those young men, and women,
    who refuse military service."
				      -- Albert Einstein

   Derrell Lipman
   Lipman Enterprises -- Windowing for Unix on standard ASCII terminals


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