shar request

Jay jay at isis.UUCP
Wed Mar 12 07:33:30 AEST 1986

In article <1242 at mit-eddie.MIT.EDU> jbs at mit-eddie.UUCP (Jeff Siegal) writes:
>In article <371 at isis.UUCP> jay at isis.UUCP (Jay) writes:
>>In article <1600 at brl-smoke.ARPA> sscalsk at NSWC-WO.ARPA writes:
>>>[...] please [...] post [...] a copy of the 'shar' creation
>>Ditto.  POST them [...].
>Jeff Siegal - MIT EECS
I got this 'mail' from: Vincent P. Broman <gould9!noscvax!broman at pyramid.UUCP>
on shar creation.  Due to the requests for posting, here is 'broman''s reply:

>: Create a shell script that can be run to extract a bunch of files.
>echo ": This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh."
>echo ": The rest of this file will extract:"
>echo ":" "$*"
>for file
>    echo "echo x $file"
>    echo "sed 's/^X//' > $file << 'xEOF'"
>    sed 's/^/X/' < $file
>    echo "xEOF"
>vincent broman, code 632, naval ocean systems center, san diego, ca 92152, usa
>phone: +1 619 225 2365    starship: 32d 42m 22s n/ 117d 14m 13s w
>arpa: broman at     uucp: {sdcsvax,gould9,bonnie,hp-sdd}!noscvax!broman

Jay Batson

Disclaimer:  I disclaim all disclaimers.

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