shar request

Frederick M. Avolio avolio at decuac.UUCP
Wed Mar 12 08:45:11 AEST 1986

>>>>>> [...] please [...] post [...] a copy of the 'shar' creation
>>>>>> program.
>>>>> Ditto.  POST them [...].
>>>> Agreed.
>>> Me too
>> Oh yes do!
>Can I have it too?

Oh for crying out loud, enough already. (uhhh...  I added a few
'enclosures' for ... affect?) Look, every month or so a list of archived
sources from mod.sources is posted to mod.sources (and net.sources, I
believe).  Check it out, and see how to get the big, fancy shar (it is
very nice).  For now, use this:

for i
	echo "echo x - $i"
	echo "sed 's/^X//' >$i <<'*-*-END-of-$i-*-*'"
	sed 's/^/X/' $i
	echo "*-*-END-of-$i-*-*"
echo exit
Fred @ DEC Ultrix Applications Center
UUCP: {decvax,seismo,cbosgd}!decuac!avolio       INET: avolio at decuac.DEC.COM

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