Micro Emacs

jrv at siemens.UUCP jrv at siemens.UUCP
Thu Mar 20 23:58:00 AEST 1986

Will the real MicroEMACS please stand up!

It seems like there are at least two versions of a MicroEMACS which
are traversing the net. One has come from jutz at pogo and there is a
recent posting in net.micro.pc about one from lawrence at duncan. You
may need a score card tell the EMACS apart.

Based on a previous posting by stiber at ucla-cs I think his problem is
with MicroEMACS from jutz at pogo. I have tried to compile this in large
model for MS-DOS. When run the machine goes belly up - shut the power
off to get it back. The problem is most likely with assigning pointers
to integer variables. Works fine in small model; not so good in large
data space. A couple of files I have modified to eliminate compile
warnings but things still don't work. I think this is another case of
being bitten by the segments!

Jim Vallino
Siemens Research and Technology Lab.
Princeton, NJ

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