Micro Emacs

stiber at ucla-cs.UUCP stiber at ucla-cs.UUCP
Wed Mar 19 09:29:26 AEST 1986

Well, I thought I had it licked, but...

After successful linking & compilation, I tried to edit
a file (approx 30K).  I got a "stack overflow" error.
I then tried rerunning emacs with successively larger
stack sizes.  Sizes that cause that message to go away
cause another, "Unable to read xx bytes" (xx = 16 or 64, usually),
to appear.

Has anyone gotten this to compile & run properly, with
non-trivial files?  If so what's the secret?  The only
things that I can think of are using a larger memory model
(I'm using S, so it'll be fast), or a later version of the
compiler (I'm using Microsoft C, ver 2.03).  Any info would
be appreciated.  I'd hope that the person that posted it could
tell how he got it going.  Thanks!

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