nroff to Post Script

T. Scott Pyne tsp at hadron.UUCP
Sat Mar 8 03:46:38 AEST 1986

In article <12195 at ucbvax> steve at ucbvax.UUCP writes:
> Does anyone out there in net land have a 4.2BSD lpr filter to convert
> nroff/troff/ditroff to postscript? We are looking to buy a number of
> Apple Laserwriters and are hopping to take advantage of their postscript
> engines.

There is a troff-to-PostScript postprocessor on the market, from a company
called Adobe Systems.  The product is named Transcript (tm) and appears to
be what you are looking for.  I have some propaganda from the company which
claims to be troff output via a Laserwriter and it looks good.  Since Post-
script is also an Adobe trademark I think it is a safe bet that they know
what they are doing.  DISCLAIMER:  I have *not* used this software, merely
seen the blurb, dated 1/85.  Anyway, the company's address:

	Adobe Systems Inc.
	1870 Embarcadero Road, Suite 100
	Palo Alto, CA  94303
	(415) 852-0271

The propaganda I have gives a list price of $495 (binary) or $1795 (source)
per CPU, or $2950 (source) for a site license.  Transcript  is claimed to
run under 4.2BSD.

A question:  has anyone on the net actually *used* this product?  We are
also considering the Laserwriter-with-Transcript as a reasonably-priced
high-quality output device, and would appreciate any firsthand knowledge.
Thanks in advance.

						Scott Pyne

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