nroff to Post Script

keith gorlen keith at cecil.UUCP
Mon Mar 10 02:42:57 AEST 1986

>A question:  has anyone on the net actually *used* this product?  We are
>also considering the Laserwriter-with-Transcript as a reasonably-priced
>high-quality output device, and would appreciate any firsthand knowledge.

I have been using TranScript on a Masscomp running a UNIX System III
derivative for a couple of months and consider the site-wide source
license for $3000 a great bargain.  It works very nicely on ASCII files
and nroff output, but fouls up when using the Helvetica font family with
old troff.  The Times Roman family with old troff works fine however, so
that's what I use.  TranScript also runs under 4.2 and System V.

	Keith Gorlen
	Computer Systems Laboratory
	Division of Computer Research and Technology
	National Institutes of Health
	Bethesda, MD 20892
	phone:	(301) 496-5363
	uucp:	{decvax!}seismo!elsie!cecil!keith

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