nroff to Post Script

Dick Karpinski dick at ucsfcca.UUCP
Tue Mar 11 14:35:23 AEST 1986

In article <285 at hadron.UUCP> tsp at hadron.UUCP (T. Scott Pyne) writes:
>A question:  has anyone on the net actually *used* this product?  We are

We have used TranScript to generate LaserWriter input from both the
4.2 BSD troff (for the C/A/T/) and for Tektronics graphics codes.
Both work pretty darn well.  The 300 dpi resolution is impressive
in light of the low cost of the entire system.  Sure beats dot matrix
printer plots and the very expensive (but high speed) 3800 laser
printer from IBM.  When you want publication quality, however, you
need higher resolution at about $30-40k in today's market.



Dick Karpinski    Manager of Unix Services, UCSF Computer Center
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!ucsfcgl!cca.ucsf!dick   (415) 476-4529 (12-7)
BITNET: dick at ucsfcca   Compuserve: 70215,1277  Telemail: RKarpinski
USPS: U-76 UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94143

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