PC-Lisp, why doesn't it work. All the sums are okay.

Timothy D Margeson timothym at tekigm2.UUCP
Tue Mar 11 15:42:39 AEST 1986

Hi netlandians,

A quick question to all, I did as instructed to retrieve the PC-Lisp.exe file
from this group. All of the check sums were as specified. I downloaded the 
resulting binary via kermit (two times, one at 1200, another using my direct
link at work at 9600). The final DOS file bombs my computers, a Compaq Deskpro
at home and an IBM PC/AT at work.

The question? Does this program really work, or have I been duped?

Any comments or help will be appreciated. And I would like to emphesize that
I do appreciate the author's intention of freely distributing this software,
and will probably go out and buy an inexpensive Lisp compiler/interpreter if
I can't get this to work soon.

Thanks in advance...

Tim Margeson (206)253-5240
tektronix!tekigm2!timothym                   @@   'Who said that?'  
PO Box 3500  d/s C1-465
Vancouver, WA. 98665

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