Using identifiers with more than 7 chars. #$%@

Ron Flax ron at dsi1.UUCP
Tue Mar 4 10:40:50 AEST 1986

Sorry  for posting here but where else does one post to readers of this


I  wish  that the people that post sources to the net would try to keep
in mind that some of us have compilers that can't swollow  indentifiers
that are longer than seven (7) characters long.  Now I know that all of
you guys and gals in BSDLand like to make you programs look real pretty
with  all  those  nice  long  descriptive  names for your functions and
macros but some of your less fortunate  counterparts  don't  have  this
luxury and it's a real pain to go through an entire program full of

	system_call_seven (what_ever_cmd_five);
		. . .
	system_call_eight (what_ever_cmd_four);

you  get  my drift?  I realize that some programs are not going to port
to some machines, but when someone claims to the  net  that  a  program
will  be  "easy  to  port" or that "it should run on..."  they could at
least make an attempt to verify  this  fact.    Maybe  they  should  be
sentenced  to  work  on  a  machine  that  chokes  on  the    slightest
inconsistancy for a while.

[FLAME OFF now.]

Ron Flax  (ron at dsi1.UUCP)
ARPA:	dsi1!ron at
UUCP:	..!{seismo, rlgvax, prometheus}!dsi1!ron

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