Using identifiers with more than 7 chars. #$%@

Martin Stanley mts at utai.UUCP
Sun Mar 9 08:44:32 AEST 1986

>> > I cannot sympathize.  I have a program that was posted to the net some
>> > time ago called "shortc" which takes all conflicting long identifiers in
>> > a set of source files, and outputs #defines to differentiate them...
>> Most people with 7-character compilers have 7-character preprocessors
>> to match.
I have a UniPlus+ port of System Vr1 on a 68k box, and my c compiler 
recognizes only seven characters. My preprocessor, however, recognizes
16 characters.

>> > Of course, even with a bogus compiler, and a bogus preprocessor, you can
>> > still take the output of shortc and apply the changes by hand yourself!...
>> You forgot to add ":-)".  This sort of thing has to be re-done every time
>> a patch for the program comes in.  Try it some time; you'll quickly find
>> out why it's considered impractical.
>> > Is there enough interest to have this program re-posted to the net?
>> If it includes a long-identifier preprocessor, sure.  Otherwise, don't bother.

I disagree. I think shortc can be a useful program for people with
compilers and preprocessors similar to mine.

Martin Stanley
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
M5S 1A4

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