Wanted: Sun's XDR & RPC sources

Greg McGary gm at lmi-angel.UUCP
Fri May 2 12:09:28 AEST 1986

Some time ago, sources for a C/UNIX implementation of Sun's
XDR (eXternal Data Representation) and RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
protocols were posted to mod.sources.  Our organization began
getting news just a few weeks ago, so I missed the initial posting.

If it has been awhile since these went out, perhaps now is a good time
to repost.  If they have gone out recently, would someone please
mail me a copy.


-- Greg McGary        {decvax!cca,harvard,mit-eddie}!lmi-angel!gm

Now, here's how to rid the world of all known software backlogs!

    ``Well, first you become a programmer
      and develop a marvelous new implementation for something.
      Then, when the computing world really starts to take notice,
      you can jolly well tell them what to do,
      and make sure they get it all right,
      so there will never be a software crisis again!''

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