Galaxy(6) BUGFIX for Vax Unix 4.2

Bharat Mediratta '87 cc xman at spock.UUCP
Sat May 3 02:33:05 AEST 1986

[Come get me, line ea-

If you are getting a core dump after "Response..." on Galaxy, use this bugfix.

Replace lines 95 - 101 (cerca) outlined by OLD with NEW.
---------------- OLD ------------------- OLD -------------- 
    if (namefile == NULL) {
        say ("I think you have the wrong name, sir. Try \"help\".");
    while (fgets (nwcm, 200, namefile) != NULL)
        print ("%s\r", nwcm);

    (void) fclose (namefile);

------------- NEW ------------- NEW -------------- NEW ------
    if (namefile == NULL) {
        say ("I think you have the wrong name, sir. Try \"help\".");
    else {				/* -- spock!xman */
	    while (fgets (nwcm, 200, namefile) != NULL)
	        print ("%s\r", nwcm);
	    (void) fclose (namefile);

'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
			- H. Johnson

Tegan:  "Doctor, the odds against our success were..."
Doctor: "Don't tell me the odds!"
Tegan:  "...2,123,231 to 1 against."
Doctor: "What a coincidence!  That's my lucky number!"


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