c60a-2jm at tart8.UUCP c60a-2jm at tart8.UUCP
Sun Nov 23 13:39:39 AEST 1986

	As a Modula-2 enthusiast, I implore you to stop polluting the
net with this stuff.  Couldn't you at least take a mail survey to see
if there is enough interest to justify posting.  You could, after all,
set up an anonymous ftp account, or put the stuff in uucppublic, or
just mail the whole package on request.

		-- Adam
Adam J. Richter					...ucbvax!miro!richter
2504 College Avenue \				richter at miro.berkeley.edu
Berkeley, CA 94704   >= May change soon
(415)549-9672	    /

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