IMSL library

Walter Underwood wunder at hpcea.HP.COM
Wed Nov 5 10:38:53 AEST 1986

> a HUGE thank you to all that posted about the IMSL library routines
> not being public domain and therefore unobtainable without a license
> from IMSL Inc!!!

But they were all wrong!

Many of IMSL's routines, particularly LINPACK and EISPACK, were
developed with your tax dollars and are avaliable for free, via
e-mail.  Send mail to netlib at anl-mcs.ARPA (Argonne National Labs)
with the message "send index", and you'll find out how to get your
very own copy of lots and lots of FORTRAN.

You pay IMSL for library services, not code.

Walter Underwood
wunder at hplabs

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