atype.c & ctype.c -- simple text statistics

Alan Silverstein ajs at hpfcla.HP.COM
Tue Nov 4 04:40:22 AEST 1986

Re: atype, ctype

>'s been useful...

Ditto, I've been using a local variant called lc (letter count) for
several years.  It's part of my basic toolset, and it's surprising how
often I need to use this "trivial" tool.  (If anyone wants my code and
manual entry, mail me.)

The flame about the original posting is akin to saying: "Anyone can
build a screwdriver.  So don't bother giving away copies of yours."
Well, I must own 20 screwdrivers, scattered here and there, but I'll
still consider another one, especially if it's free.

Alan Silverstein, Hewlett-Packard Systems Software Operation, Fort Collins,
Colorado; {ihnp4 | hplabs}!hpfcla!ajs; 303-229-3053; (lat-long on request :-)

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