atype.c & ctype.c -- simple text statistics

Eric B. Decker cire at hpisoa1.HP.COM
Wed Nov 12 02:33:12 AEST 1986

> / hpisoa1:net.sources / swi at (S. Wilson) /  2:13 am  Oct 30, 1986 /
> In article <194 at bsiao.UUCP> uh at bsiao.UUCP (Uul Haanstra) writes:
> >> Keywords: ctype, ascii, classification
> >> 
> >> The following two short programs calculate simple text statistics,
> >> and occasionally come in handy; I'm sending these out in net.sources
> >> in the hopes of garnering useful comments on them.  They tend to
> >> be useful in debugging from time to time.
> >> 
> >This surely is a joke. I remember, my first Fortran program had to
> >count character frequencies. Then later on, my first Algol and my first
> >Pascal did the same (actually, my first Pascal program made the 
> >Pascal triangle, but that is neither here nor there).
> >But this is ridiculous, now the net is being swamped by this sort
> >of 'utilities'. Useful in debugging it says. In debugging what?
> >The compiler? The disks (I wrote 256 a's and 321 b's, and now I only get
> >255 a's)? If I want to know what's in a file, I look at it, or use
> >od, or even sed or awk if I need a filter.
> >> 
> >> A future release (in mod.sources) will include appropriate manual pages,
> >> and whatever enhancements result from comments made by readers.
> >> 
> >Please don't. 
> >
> >-- 
> >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> >Uul Haanstra, Postbank N.V. Amsterdam                ...!mcvax!bsiao!uh
> >              Pb 21009
> >	      1000 EX AMSTERDAM                         +31-20 584 3312
> >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Totaly agree with you, what a load of absolute rubbish. Manual page; INDEED!.
> JANET:  swi at                    Scott Wilson
> EMAIL:	swi at		| Post: Paisley College
> UUCP:	...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!paisley!swi|	Department of Mathematics,
> Phone:	+44 41 887 1241 Ext. 260	|	High St. Paisley.
> 					|	Scotland.
> 					|	PA1 2BE
> ----------

Oh sit on it!  If the group is moderated then there is an appropriate amount
of screening.  At least when Rich Salz is doing it.  This is fine (the
posting of the ctype whatever program) by me.

If you don't care about this particular program, then don't read it.

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