atype.c and ctype.c -- simple text statistics

Wes Morgan wes at ukecc.UUCP
Thu Nov 6 04:30:14 AEST 1986

Would all of you oh-so-superior programming minds consider these points?

    1) One of the largest groups of users of USENET is composed of
       general users, as opposed to engineers and experienced pro-

    2) Members of the above group (including myself) might not 
       share your obviously broad knowledge of such things.  While
       I grant your point concerning the simplicity of this man's
       program, I would appreciate having copies of it.  I could
       also write such a program, but I'm learning C at a university
       that does not utilize it in any courses; my only chance to 
       learn it is by studying sources and the K&R reference.  In
       my situation, I'll take all the C sources I can get my hands 

    3) Did you ever stop to think that this fellow actually tried to
       contribute something besides inane comments and put-downs?  I
       think that you, as  *obviously* experienced programmers/USENET
       users, should welcome new blood to the net.  Heaven knows I get
       tired of reading bulletins that do nothing but flame people.  The
       backbone bills are high enough without having to transport your
       obnoxious messages around the world.  If you didn't like his 
       contribution, send him PERSONAL e-mail; that's why the support
       is there!!!  The USENET world at large doesn't need to read your
       holier-than-thou personal flames.

    4) Feel free to continue this discussion via PERSONAL e-mail; I'd
       like to hear your reasonings behind these postings/attacks.

    5) My apologies for violating my own Point #3, but I've had enough.

    Wes Morgan           UUCP:       !cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!wes
                         BITNET:     CS0270A9 at UKCC       
                         CSNET:      wes at ecc.engr.uky.csnet
                         ARPANET:    wes%ecc.engr.uky.csnet at csnet-relay.ARPA

    " Disclaimer? Huh? You mean this was supposed to be *MY* opinion?"

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