areacode.c (Arkansas omitted!)

Lawrence W. McVoy mcvoy at rsch.WISC.EDU
Tue Nov 25 04:48:06 AEST 1986

In article <1316 at megaron.UUCP> wendt at megaron.UUCP writes:
>You left out Arkansas, you Philistines!  Titus is very upset!
>The area code for Arkansas is 501.

[Sorry about posting to sources, but who reads sources.d?]

Could someone take responsibility for gather all the new area codes
that come in (like the above) and reposting in a few weeks?  
Larry McVoy 	        mcvoy at, 
      		        {seismo, topaz, harvard, ihnp4, etc}!uwvax!mcvoy

"They're coming soon!  Quad-stated guru-gates!"

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