REQUEST: A database management syst

Pyramid Field Support pyramid at isis.UUCP
Mon Nov 3 14:42:41 AEST 1986

[Oh mighty bug here is your sacrifice ]

You didn't specify for what type of operating system this
request was for so i am going to assume 4.2BSD UN*X,
if this is indeed what you have , why don't you you use
the academic version of ingres from Berkely written by,
among others, Michael Stonebraker<sp> it's free (i think)
and reasonably well done. Please contact me by phone
at (303)850-9641 if you have other questions.

P.S. this should have gone to net.wanted

John Kellar

( the comments and statements made here are my own )
( and are not to be construed as belonging to ) 
( anyone else, nor are they guarenteed to be correct)

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