Need arc program

T Anderson tla at kaiser.UUCP
Mon Nov 3 09:20:38 AEST 1986

I am fairly new to Usenet so I apologize to those that have seen this
question many times, BUT many files (at least binaries) seem to be posted
in some archive form, xxxx.arc.  Where do I get a program to
unarchive them?  The one I need it to produce MS DOS executable
files.  Or is there one under UNIX I should use before downloading
to a PC?  In some old messages I saw a response to a similar request
that said such a program was available from many BBS's.  Well I have
a PC program arc 5.00 but it produces archive files with very different
form that the ones I see here (they have control characters, ... all
8 bits, where those here seem restricted to hex 20..5F).  Where can I
find one for these files?

				-- Terry L Anderson
				   AT&T Bell Laboratories

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